Nineteen year old son’s drug addiction

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    • #5689

      Where do I begin……. have suspected for a while but this weekend confirmed what I suspected , my son is out of control, has huge debts to dealers and has lost his job, spends all day in bed and is refusing any help, our family is torn apart and I am worried out of my mind and feel helpless despite taking professional advice, I suspect the only way forward is for rehab and have looked into this but without my son wanting help, what can I do????

    • #15993

      Hi Twinny,

      I feel for you having to deal with such a horrible and difficult situation. If you would like some support for yourself please contact is at The Icarus Trust. We are a charity that offers support for people in your situation. I you contact us one of our experience dand trained people would talk with you and may be able to help you find the way forward.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      Good luck

    • #15996

      Hiya.. you are right.. if your son does not want the help, im afraid you are flogging a dead horse.. is he working?

      My mum was the same as me so i know what you are going through, and i worry if my kids do the same. I guess you just have to keep making him aware, and be there for him. But hes young and still has his future ahead of him and can change it now still.

      My sons distant friends all cocaine and weed and ket all on snapchat and insta now! This young generation now can get it so easy. If he wants to stop he needs to cut all his using friends off and get some new hobbies.

    • #16005

      Thankyou for reply……. my son was working and basically had been given a job by a family friend , work record is not great but he seemed to enjoy it and even had a lift there and back but didn’t make it in last week….. it’s only 3 days! Understandably they can’t rely on him so that’s gone along with his income, things came to a head at the weekend when I found cocaine in his room, his father and I are separated but came over to confront our son and things got physical when we tried to stop him leaving the house , very upsetting for all involved, I now have a hole in the wall where my son punched it, effecting us all including my daughter who is 23 and very low with everything that is going on, things have to change as we are all at breaking point but despite my best efforts to talk to my son……. sadly very little response at the moment, will keep trying as that is all I can do……. on the plus side…… I ran for miles today!!!!!

    • #16010

      What ive learned is the more you pressure people on it or keep screaming at them. They will just use it as an excuse to get coke. But its up to you how you address the situation. I was like that when i was 16 on cannabis. Idont touch it now. But i was a nightmare for my mum and dad. Which i regret. But i grew out of it and quit hanging around with using mates.

      Have you asked him does he want to quit? You obviously cant make him to. You will get nowere. He will soon realise like i did. But id set a few ground rules for now. Like u dont want it in the house.

      Least running will help you as well to clear your mind of things. Dont give up on that lol

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