- This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 7 months ago by natasha21.
July 6, 2023 at 8:04 pm #35796baybelleParticipant
My 2 daughters are totally addicted to cocaine. I feel like I have tried everything. Sympathy. Support. Anger. Disappointment. Bribes. Disassociation. But nothing has worked. I am now on anti depressants and suffer from severe panic attacks and still work 50 hours a week trying to keep our home together. They don’t care! My husband is 70 and I am 62. When we thought we would be having a peaceful retirement,instead I am constantly getting threatening text messages for money and have drug dealers knocking on my door looking for the girls.I am so tired. I even have awful thoughts! About how much easier my life would be if they died. I cannot believe that I can even think like that. And then sometimes I think it would be better if I died!
Does anyone else feel this hopeless.
July 7, 2023 at 8:34 am #35799paw_xParticipant
Hi Baybelle,
I was going to recommend Famanon forums for you as they have lots of parents of addicts in similar situations to you who would give you good advice here. They’re a lovely bunch.
You deserve to find your own peace in all of this and I hope you do x
July 7, 2023 at 9:12 pm #35805tally2Participant
Yes I hate to admit I have those thoughts too. Been going through it with my son for over 10 years , any drug he can get his hands on. This has now caused voices in his head and his mental health is a right mess. I’m only a few years younger than you and it’s exhausting. My life has felt likes it’s over for years as he lurches from one crisis to another. I wish they could see the pain they cause the people they supposedly love. I can’t offer words of support as really don’t know what to say but know you’re not a bad person for thinking this. Others are too. Much love
July 8, 2023 at 6:27 pm #35821natasha21Participant
<p style=”text-align: left;”>Oh god how to you cope.i have a husband who’s not only a cocaine addict but can’t go a day without a drink and hes a narcissus. I’m drained, emotionally, mentally everything. I’m fed up with the lies,with the turning it on me,to the lies about money. I actually feel so lonely. I’m just worked 6 days straight and I’m working tomorrow .came home today, hes in a foul mood, I try to hold my own but god its hard.ive come home to house thats not been cleaned or washing done, so obviously I’ve had to do all that I’m knackered, but according to him I don’t work and I’m fat and idol.im a size 12, 5*3. He’s so nasty I hate him and I actually wish him dead too. For mine and the kids sanity x</p>
July 8, 2023 at 6:29 pm #35822natasha21Participant
He also is constantly with his dealer who I hate with a passion, but I keep getting told he’s a good kid and he’s not my dealer. I said he is,and he’s not a friend you are easy money to him.but yet again I’m crazy and a bunny boiler
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