Side effects of ecstacy weeks after

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    • #4995

      I took half an ecstacy pill on 15 December. The next day I experienced slight chest twinges which lasted a few days until I eventually had a panic attack on Xmas day. Went to A&E, all checks were fine, but since then I’ve been having episodes of chest pain, headaches and dizziness, often lasting 6 days at a time with around 5 days in between of feeling ‘fine’.

      I know this is due to what I took. This has happened before, it took my body 5 months to fully recover back then. After that, I abstained for 18 months, but unfortunately relapsed whilst drunk.

      Can anyone suggest a course of action immediately? I won’t be taking any drugs ever again. I feel ashamed that I took it.

      I’ve been on amitriptyline before with some success for this, but I don’t really want to go on long term medication if I can help it.


    • #10618

      I had this before when I took it – it will subside, youll need to ride it out for now. The stuff causes such long term anxiety its not worth it. I never had anxiety until I took drugs.

      • #10621

        Thanks for the reply. Yes, agreed, will need to ride it out. I’m the same as you – never experienced anxiety before taking anything. I used to use recreationally a lot during my teens and twenties without any issues. I guess it’s taken a toll on my body now. Are you on any medication now? Did you seek any medical advice / tell your GP the truth as to the cause of anxiety?

    • #10622

      I went to my GP and explained how I felt – its hard to explain the feeling i had for 4 weeks after i kept going dizzy and got chest pains from anxiety. I tried anxiety medication but it made me feel worse – i havent touched nothing in years now, its not worth it. I hope you feel better soon, go speak to your GP <3 its confidential. Drugs just arent worth the risk x

    • #10624

      Thanks – yes I also experience dizzy spells with chest pain. Best thing to do is not to touch any drugs ever again…it’s really not worth it.

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