Sniffing whilst reading forums I’m a joke

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    • #7782

      I know I should stop but just can’t! I justify it every single time. Kicked out of family home so almost like I’ve already lost everything and nothing to even try for so sad as I have children

    • #31246

      Mate I find there is always a reason to justify it… look at the reasons not to do it… the only way is up… take each hour at a time. Don’t let negativity rule you or anything else for that matter.. keep trying… fail means first attempt in learning, relapse is not a negative word, it means I took steps forward and a step back and now I’m going forward again. Anything worth doing is difficult, but that’s why it’s a lesson because of it wasn’t difficult you wouldn’t learn from it… I’m about to start my journey and am gonna do it!!! So can you… it ain’t about how fast you get there either… it’s about getting there… hour by hour… good luck matey ????

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