Hi I am other to a 23 year old who has been a user of various subs since mid teens.He is bright but failed verious uni courses due to alcohol and lack of friends and engagement on the course.He has now lost his manual job and flat due to subs abuse and lives back at home.He is attending couselling but has nolife skills whatsoever,even failing to get job seekers due to him not having enough bus fare to go to the job centre.I really despair that a once bright lad has so few life skills.He lies and is arrogant always believing he is right and tells us how hard he is trying .Two years ago he ruined our daughter’s wedding which I can never forgive him for.I feel lost all the emphasis seems to be on a carer relationship,I do not want to be his carer,i really want him to be an adult who can care for himself but this seems to be out of reach at present.Is there any hope out there.I do not want to see him sleeping rough but me and his dad have had enough,it is never ending