Son’s cocaine addiction

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by debc.
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    • #7223

      I would really appreciate some help/advice please!

      My 18 year old son has a cocaine addiction. We only found out a few days ago. It is very raw at the moment and I’m struggling with all my feelings & emotions around it.

      He has stolen & sold thousands of pounds worth of our electronics & taken cash from us & his siblings to pay for his addiction.

      We are riding a wave of emotions from anger, disgust, disappointment, heartbreak, distrust, fear, confusion and the list does on.

      We are awaiting a consultation to get him into a private rehab clinic, which is extremely expensive and as much as we want to get him the best help possible, we worry that it may be money wasted.

      He says he wants to go, he wants to get clean and wants to sort out his mental health problems, which were the main reason why he started taking drugs.

      But with all the lies and deceit we don’t know if he really wants or is ready for rehab or if he is just saying he wants to go to please us??

      If anyone has helpful advice or experiences then I would truly appreciate it.

      Thanks in advance.

    • #26684

      Hi Julieanne03,

      Welcome to the Forum, so sorry that you find yourself in this position, but Adfam is a great place to be able to share your story with others that are in a similar situation.

      If you can find the Theresa thread, you will find lots of Mums with Sons with Addiction.

      My Son is an addict, cocaine and alcohol, he’s not as bad now as he was, but he has his moments.

      My Son has been to Rehab twice, and as you say it is very expensive, but if he is willing to go I think he is young enough to perhaps turn it around. The Rehab my Son went to was very good and he learnt a lot, I think the hardest thing for them to do is come back out into the same situation, they have to change lots of things that they were doing before, and know what triggers them. He will learn these things in Rehab and has to continue to learn when he comes home.

      I wish you all the best. Please keep in touch on here, ask anything you need to know.

      Take care.


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