Spam postings

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    • #4174

      Dear all,

      We are aware of an ongoing problem with spam posts on this blog page and are working to address it.

      At the minute we do not moderate or check posts before they are listed, to ensure that families can see their stories and comments on the website straight away. However, this means that sometimes spam will be visible for a short time before we have a chance to remove it, especially over the weekend.

      We apologise for any inconvenience or annoyance this has caused and thank all posters for your patience while we try to find a long-term solution. We hope you continue to use this page as it was truly intended, to help families share, communicate and support each other.

      Best wishes

    • #8207

      Thank you Adfam !!!

    • #8208

      Thankyou, and thankyou for giving us a voice and being able to talk together and gain support from others on here !

    • #8213

      keep up the good work adfam, this site is a ray of light in the dark world of addiction, its so good just to talk to people in similar situations, Thank you adfam

    • #8236

      “eric” go away, come on adfam this is totally wrong, remove this horrid excuse for a human being, it makes me feel physically sick that these people are able to comment on our blogs, we are families going through hell and the last thing we need is these lowlife on here, I understand that it must be hard to control but please find a solution as this site has been a lifeline to me and plenty of others….. Rant over xx

    • #16470

      Now please let Danman83 back on, he gives us so much insight and advice into behaviour etc. It was invaluable. The only way we would ever be able to access this would be from going to sit in on an NA meeting that was open to visitors. Hard to find. Please reconsider. He really helped us a lot.

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