What should I do?

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    • #4078

      Here I am sat crying again because my 36yr old son has verbally abused me an manipulated me again! He has taken drugs and abused alcohol for many years. Got into trouble with the police and ended up in a mental unit where he met is wife. They have been smoking weed to excess and I have been stupid enough to give them money in the hope that they would get help. I know I have to be strong but I don’t know how or how fear to go. I just know I can’t take anymore!! I know this isn’t as bad as any stories but for me it us bad and it makes me feel like I don’t want to go on.

    • #7959

      Hi, You’re not alone and although the issues I have with my son are slightly different, We, as mothers bear similar pain and the hurt you are going through is as real and profound as any other stories we may read…it’s all about our beloved children and no matter what we do it’s never enough. Never enough means you go on forever until you become ill (like I could) If your mind tells you ‘this has to end’ then that’s what you have to do ~ again, like me ~ There’s something I have to do and it won’t be easy.
      I do believe that ‘feeding our kids’ is the thing mum’s should do BUT never to feed the habit our kids get in to. You have been a better mother than many other mother’s would have been…your boy is a full grown man and he is now responsible (like mine should be too) So, We need to go on because we have loved, cared for and nurtured. You need a rest from this. You need to go on x

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