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  • access

    Hi there,

    Just checking in on e everyone?

    Well I’m still maintaining being free from those tablets and I have reached 290 days free as I have an app on my phone now.

    I have to be honest the last weeks have been tough as I went to the doctors and they prescribed some worse tablets than co codamol for withdraw I was only on them 6 weeks but my god they were brutal.

    But I am coming out the other end, I sometimes wonder if (doctors) care? I get they are busy but drug withdraw is horrific and there is no support apart from you doing it yourself with support from people on here and family members.

    I wonder if the whole world is completely bonkers now I can’t seem to see much “light”.

    But we must carry on and yes I do feel better and the time has flown by I know it woukd be easy to hive up but I just need to “do it” for myself.

    I ended up at A&E with a unrelated problem and the Dr on duty was so stunned with what I have achieved and said you need a medal and made me feel good, yet my own GP?

    Anyway you can do it we can do it let’s DO IT



    Hi there,

    Just popped in to say whatever your doing to break away from co codamol just keep going.

    It WILL get easier I promise and I’m better now than I have EVER been for 20 odd years … I’m no longer chasing after some sort of tablet pleasure.

    I did look at another site about recovery from dreaded tablets and was interested in the term “windows & waves”.

    I’m in a window at the moment BUT even now 9 months on I know I will hit a wave, BUT I’m prepared and I’m positive about my own feelings and failings.

    I don’t ever want to come on here and gloat about where I am because it’s still a battle and co codamol is a snake like alcohol but if I can do it after 40 years I believe you guys can do it.

    But its small steps, be positive, be kind and most importantly believe in yourself.

    Access xxxx




    Hi there,

    This is Access I haven’t been on here for a while I am glad to see this forum site is helping countless people and I can see the same names.

    I am currently 9 months codeine free and whilst I am so pleased personally it’s not been the easiest.

    It can be done it’s a brutal journey but I’m now in a good place and enjoying my life and I will NEVER EVER GO BACK 100%

    Take care everyone be safe be positive



    Hi there,

    Just thought I would post again on here after reading all the recent posts about our battle with Co codamol.

    My journey has been slightly different a recovering alcoholic of 22 years and suddenly one month in 2023 deciding to finally stop my relationship with Solpedeine!!!

    So here I am sat at work 6 months later, no brass band, no medal, no pat on the back, just the realisation that I have got this far.

    To be brutally honest giving up alcohol was a walk in the park giving up Codeine has been utterly dreadful.

    This week I’m beginning to deal with the anexity which is still there in small bursts, I still got emotional about the slightest thing.

    I checked my diary and it’s interesting how easy we forget our past troubles as in October last year I was really struggling with leg pains anexity and stomach issues but today it’s just trying to get my head into gear especially when I repeat what I have planned today due to STILL having head fog.

    Yes my life is much better but its still like something is missing and I’m not sure what it is?

    Please please stick at it, please be kind to yourself and keep posting it DOES make a difference.

    access xx



    Morning guys,

    I’ve not been on here for a few days but woke up early and read the new stories about our battle with a tablet that was our best friend who now has turned out to be our worse enemy.

    I’m approaching six months and this week has been a real test without going into great detail, no I didn’t go back.

    I still go back in the diary and read days 16, 18, 46, 95 etc and it helps.

    My mind fog is still around as people say things to me and it is quote ‘in one ear out the other’.

    I have become more angry now about the seemingly dire and destructive problems co codamol causes us yet noone really cares, and unless you pay for recovery etc a forum site is our only help.

    All I can say is keep going, you will feel better daily, you will wake up and smile to yourself, you will get your life back, you will now hate the tablets and more importantly you will have made the RIGHT choice.




    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi again,</p>
    Hi Sam following on from Jaydog I tried various vitamins B12 and most of the Bs I spent a while reading up on types of vitamins primarily to give me more energy.
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I just read through your post and it mirrors exactly the brutal way you have to readjust to coming off codeine.</p>
    I won’t want to scare you but I’ve been on co codamol for 40 years and I am finally after 5 months not getting the bursts of anexity I originally had but you should start feeling better a lot sooner than I did.

    The sleep issue would annoy me as I would fall asleep as I felt fairly tired, then wake up at 1.30am feeling pretty good almost wanting to “do something” paint the hallway etc my positivity was back I’d smile to myself “I’m back” then drift back off to sleep.

    I’d probably have 3 to 4 hours sleep on and off .  .  . THEN fall asleep about 4.00am and wake up around 6.30am with my anexity crashing around in my head, it was soul destroying.

    But I kept at it, I wrote in my diary exactly how I felt and what I was going through, however tough.

    I now have a full night’s sleep and 8 out of 10 times feel really good when I first wake up as the anexity is going.

    The most important thing you can do is seek advice from here, then from your GP, tell people you trust and who will help you, don’t be afraid, don’t go back and don’t feel your alone.

    Never be ashamed or overthink your recovery just play it hour by hour until you suddenly sleep all the way through the night and open your eyes to a codeine free day it’s great, it really is.

    Take care, be strong, you can do it!!




    Hi fellow friends,

    It’s very strange because I remember when I found this site in August last year spending what seemed hours reading other people’s stories.

    Now I see the new names coming onto this site I wish them all the best and positivity because the beginning is SO dark and brutal.

    BUT you must and I mean MUST keep going however the snake that is codeine wants you back.

    I now know codeine was someone and something who I didn’t need.

    I am days away from 6 months and whilst I am proud of myself I feel for other people who are going on the same devastating journey.

    All I recommend is hydrate take vitamins write a diary to look back stay positive read the posts try to smile and most importantly tell people who will help you and trust.

    Stay safe



    Nearly a New Year and I wonder what life holds for us? I know for one thing I will not be going back to solpedeine addiction 100% perhaps you don’t believe me?

    At the moment I have a handle on the addiction side of taking solpedeine.

    This isn’t easy I admit, but believe me things are better now.

    I really hope 1 person reads this and thinks .  .  I can do this?

    Please try.

    Keep safe





    Hi Team,

    A Merry Christmas to you all AND its nearly over for another year … why? Eh?

    My grandkids are bouncing off the walls as I’m luckly enough to be in South Africa for Christmas.

    But let me explain one thing about addiction and however we try to ‘make excuses’ the bottom line is we are addicts plain and simple.

    But I stopped one addiction 20 years ago and Solpedeine addiction is by comparison far greater to beat its a real sh*t, its brutal 100% but i have been using for 40 years I expected a tough ride.

    But today I spent a day with family and friends and at no point did I have to dissapear into the bathroom to take 2 tabs and again and again.

    I didnt have to buy 150 tablets to see me through!! For the first time my addiction wasn’t with me and I realised I was actually winning, I kmow tomorrow maybe different BUT I am winning slowly and carefully.

    and you can win like me,  please try its better than you think.





    Hi people,

    Really hope you are all coping?

    This is a very long and winding road we are on .  .  .

    I’ve been on 3 Christmas meals etc and I just realised why I don’t get any enjoyment out of it, it’s not so much that I don’t drink its because I usually have 6 solpedeine before I go out and therefore it makes the evening even more enjoyable.

    This life is plain and simply tough at the moment but I’m not giving up.

    Each one of us is dealing with our own baggage but don’t give up … never give up.

    Take care all xxx

    access xxx


    For some unknown reason the whole of my reply has appeared with coding?




    <span style=”font-size: 17px;”>Hi there … each and everyone I love catching up on new stories.</span>

    <span style=”font-size: 17px;”>I still keep reading the previous posts about how people overcame or dealt with the withdraw of codeine in whatever form.</span>

    <span style=”font-size: 17px;”>I am fast getting through month 5 and being blunt it’s still a daily flip of a coin heads I’m feeling good, tails just plain – please let me get off the codeine rollercoaster.</span>

    <span style=”font-size: 17px;”>My legs still are restless at times and it feels like I’m having growing pains.</span>

    <span style=”font-size: 17px;”>My stomach is still unpredictable I relate it to playing the game buckaroo not knowing when you are going to get a reaction.</span>

    <span style=”font-size: 17px;”>I discussed my addiction to my GP and whilst my codeine intake daily wasn’t high compared to some of you guys 40 odd years has really messed me up so for gods sake try to stop taking them.</span>

    <span style=”font-size: 17px;”>You people on here are the ONLY people who know what it is like and how difficult it is, our bodies are not designed to have it flooded with a drug like codeine its obvious it is going to fcuk us up but we keep on doing it and when we stop it’s like nothing we can imagine.</span>

    <span style=”font-size: 17px;”>It’s a shame there isn’t a book we can purchase for the help of codeine withdraw.</span>

    <span style=”font-size: 17px;”>The thing I’d love to do is get all the people on this site in a room so we can talk about our journey and failures and our recovery etc what a thought eh</span>

    <span style=”font-size: 17px;”>Anyway guys stay positive stay strong we can do it</span>

    access xx


    Hi Guys,

    Especially all the newbies and the people reading the posts on this site.

    I’m not expecting a medal but I’m just nearing 4 months off Solpedeine.

    If I was being completely honest it was possibly one of the hardest few months I’ve had regards holding myself together and not going back.

    I realised a few things I could not do it on my own and I told people for extra support and so you could share, I did go to my GP and seek extra support and explained my whole anexity problem and I was given help.

    I wish I could tell you that things are absolutely brilliant and I feel 20 again but realisticly as I’ve been taken these bl**dy tablets for 40 years I now realise that isn’t going to happen, but I do feel better and more alert and happier within my soul.

    My only problem now is my guilt, my guilt because I’ve been taking these tablets for many years without thinking for 1 minute  .  . why?

    It was bad enough dealing with the alcohol guilt but this is really hurting me.

    Please please if you happen to read this post AND the people on here who have stopped taking codeine please please try to stop.

    This is a really awful existence and somehow worse than drinking in a different way.

    Like me you will come on here and scan through the stories and pick out ones that sound like your story but then you don’t see them again and you think …. have they …???

    4 months and yes it’s been tough but I have actually done it … me … when in all fairness I could have popped back to the chemist ..

    Please please try to stop however bad it feels take little steps a bit at a time don’t run before you can walk, be kind to yourself, and remember you are NOT alone.

    We are here

    access xx


    Hi there fellow people,

    Anyway an update … the only thing that has been giving me more problems after going CT on Co Codamol is the crippling anexity first thing in the mornings that prevent me from functioning correctly.

    So as you know I went to see my GP who had changed after I’d actually visited in 2016.

    Needless to say the GP was excellent and listened to my every word how nervous I was when telling them I’d been taking them for 40 odd years I did notice one eyebrow lifted.

    I think there was a mumbled wtf but it didn’t stop our conversation I told her my story … drink … tablets … addiction … hiding stuff … remorse … embarrassment  … etc etc oh dear ????

    So we decided to try something new despite me wanting to do it solo and consequently I was prescribed some tablets.

    So I took 1 tablet before bed and woke up at 7.30am OMG 7.30am,  I’m usually awake by 4.00am with my mind bouncing around with sh*t.

    So that was a very good start for day 1 which I wrote in my daily diary.

    So there you have it, I decided to change things up and seek support and whilst it’s only day 1 you might laugh I feel better for telling another person?

    So I’ll keep you posted and let’s hope those gremlins do one.

    Anyway stay safe keep going and make a difference.



    Hi people,

    I noticed that the last time somone messaged on here was 5 days ago not sure if posts aren’t appearing or it’s all gone quiet?

    I hope everyone is OK in our own little crisis and that’s what it is.

    I’ve booked to see my GP today as the last week has been pretty tough and I’m not sure why it could be my anexity kicking in because I booked to see the GP and I don’t want to hear bad news or whatever?

    What a mess eh … I just went into a chemist to pick up some ibuprofen for my wife and the guy behind the counter actually went to reach across for a box of Co Codamol which are now £10?

    I explained about what I was doing and he said the problem is huge massive and out of control.

    I hope you guys wherever you may be are coping and getting through?

    Keep smiling and keep safe


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