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    Good evening fellow recovery people.

    If your reading this thread and want to take anything from it, I was told a important peice of advice .  .  . If your way isn’t working (taking solpediene) then you need to stop.

    So after 40 years I have, BUT please don’t get to my milestone? I don’t want anyone to go through CT like this.

    I’ve spoken to other individuals and I’m still on the rollercoaster, the anexity is a bi*ch, it picks me up and throws me about especially when I wake up and my brain begins to function.

    But I know deep down its worth it because some days I feel so happy and positive and alive.

    Keep going it’s worth it



    Hi loopylou42,

    Well done admitting you have a problem means your half way there.

    I spent years telling everyone there wasn’t a real problem yet hiding tablets all around the house and now realising that when I only had a few left organising my whole day so I can pick up my new supply . . . What was that about?

    I once had to drive 35 mile round trip to another chemist? Bonkers.

    Just take one day at a time don’t push yourself don’t be hard on yourself DRINK plenty I found this one of the most important things.

    Tell someone if you can? I have a person at work who has my back.

    Realise how damaging and how chaotic your life is and take it back.

    Keep going EVERYONE ????




    Morning fellow recovery people,

    Another week, I checked to see how you guys were getting on?

    For me it’s been fairly up and down, I can’t really get into my head how much taking these tablets were causing SO much chaos without being aware.

    I think they should be banned from over the counter purchase but noone cares, before I did CT I do remember driving from Chemist to Chemist searching for Co Codamol 32s.

    If I’d thought about it honestly there were boxes and boxes of standard pain relief, why no Co Codamol?

    Because 1000s of us are addicted to it, and it goes on and on.

    I’m still struggling if I was honest but sometimes I wake up early and before the ‘world’ kicks in I feel so happy so positive so much better.

    I believe these tablets masked my problems, addiction to drink coping with my job and my marriage it was my go to crutch?

    I do now remember doing a week long training course and dropping the tablets every few hours and other colleagues mentioning the fizzy water.

    Saying all this, I’m never going back, I’m proud of myself proud if you guys are staying clean.

    Please stay positive stay safe




    <p style=”text-align: right;”>Morning all and newbie loopylou,</p>
    Another Saturday 10 weeks without the dreaded tablets.

    Interestingly after reading loopylou’s post how that a number of us who decide to withdraw from these tablets don’t tell our partners and I am currently finding out they don’t fully understand.

    I took them for years so it was obvious my recovery would be painful, but my wife seems to think I should be better by now.

    But reading all the information I believe it could last 6 months for me don’t panic if you’ve been taking for a few months.

    BUT please do not end up where I am be strong now and tell friends to ease the burden keep a daily update to prove your beating the trend.

    Stay strong stay positive

    Be kind and talk and share

    Access xx



    Hi fellow recovery people,

    Another day, another lucky dip on how I will feel? Strange even after 70 days off these dreaded tablets I don’t have one day the same.

    I can see I’m  3 days firing on all cylinders THEN it’s like something wants me to take stock “stop being positive” it’s like a clever snake.

    My lower regions are still like a washing machine on spin which I believe is all linked to anxiety? I’ve always suffered with anxiety and now I am convinced I took the bl**dy tablets to help reduce the symptoms, so now my head and body are laid bare.

    BUT I am telling you I’m not going back, these good days I have are worth it 100%.

    So Markymark, kitty, Len, Salisbury, marble, Lola, and anyone I missed and not forgetting new people reading these posts like I did and thinking …. I need to stop I need to give up.

    You can

    You can


    Hi markymark and kitty and Len & Salisbury.

    I’m just checking into explain that I personally keep a diary and write down things that helped me moving forward and things that didnt if you know what mean?

    At the start I actually wrote  7.00am feeling sh*t 10.00am feeling sh*t 1.00pm feeling better drank loads, ate fruit, took vitamins and so on . . .and I’m still writing it daily, today I marked it 8/10 where I marked my life at 3/10 about 6 weeks ago.

    I bit like this forum site where I spent hours reading through other people’s struggles with this recovery sh*t.

    It’s only an idea, but its worth a try I can actually go back to my diary and see when I started to turn the corner.

    Anyway keep it going and remember to smile  .  .  it really helps to smile.



    Hi Len & Salisbury welcome to recovery, like you guys I wondered at each stage of withdraw aka Cold Turkey going through sleepless nights, anxious days, sleep, food, pains, .. is it worth it?

    . . . Yes it is, but you must stay positive and not give in, even if you think going back is the best option.

    I had doubts from the off and just decided to go CT which isn’t recommended especially after 40 years of abuse.

    It can be done, honestly  ..  kitty & markymark proved it …. remember its a journey with ups and downs but the end game is a far better life.

    Stay strong Stay focused tell codeine to F*uk off



    Hi people,

    Just checking in to say I’m still doing my best to stay on course with avoiding these destructive tablets now into 9 weeks but funny enough not feeling proud of myself just carrying on with life, very strange.

    Bit concerned I’ve not seen anyone else on here so wondered if I’m not seeing any posts?

    I really hope you guys are OK and getting through this?

    No one really understands ???? only you



    Hi there,

    I Hope you are all holding up at this moment in time because this isn’t an easy journey but on certain days it’s worth what we’re doing 100% please keep it up.

    I just want to just say that each day is different the last 3 days I wrote in my daily diary as plain … s*it.

    BUT today I woke up early feeling really positive really good really how I want to feel, I was a bit emotional because I actually hate myself for what I’ve put myself through.

    Saying that I know we are making the right choice, all of us going through this because today has made me more determined to keep going not only for me but for you guys out there too.

    If I can prove to just 1 person that this recovery is the right one then its worth it.

    Stay strong please ????

    Access xxx



    Hi guys,

    I am just about to enter week 8 never thought I’d say that but on the flip side I wish I could get rid of my anxiety ???? it’s still really making mornings tough unless I actually do something from the minute I wake up and my head starts to kick in.

    I still get issues with my stomach but I’m guessing it’s linked to my anxiety and tension.

    I do feel so much better not planning trips to chemists and having rebound headaches.

    So as they say time is the healer.

    Access xxx


    Hi there,

    Just checking in on everybody I’m not feeling great to be honest ???? BUT not giving up just reached the 6 week mark and whilst inside I feel very positive my body is not agreeing to move forward but I am my late 60s.

    40 years of these damn tablets day in day out I keep telling myself so what did I expect?

    Don’t give up people because it is better, much much better but I can only describe as having a best friend who you loved but they’ve  been deceiving you all along, someone who made you feel good about yourself and now you realise this person needs to go completely, I can only describe it as a kind of grief. I wish I’d never met them and I now hate them and this is how I deal with it.

    It’s still a rollercoaster for me but there are more ups than downs, the nights and sleep are amazing I dream so vivid.

    Please please stay strong each of us is in a battle and we must win it.



    Hi Lola and Kittycat and MarkyMark and summerwinds and blackwarrior and anyone else.

    I’m into the sixth week and when you read this I am saying it with trepidation because yedterday and todsy I felt like this was the beginning of something ‘better’ and dare I say it ‘special’ for all my pain and waking up and reading posts about stomach aches and anxiety and will this end and when? Remembering how bad i felt after day 18 etc and most importantly getting positive feedback from MarkyMark and Kittycat thank you SO much you carried me I really think you did xx

    The reason is …. today I woke up to the alarm no pains a little bit of anexity but nothing I could tell myself to leave me alone.

    Should I write this, I am actually thinking to myself, but please understand this is for the newbies the people who come onto this site to gain hope or gain knowledge it can be done it’s a tough and horrible journey you need to message and talk and BELIEVE …. I believed not only in you guys but myself and I am in a far better place.

    I know you are thinking slow down, I get it, but JUST having these 2 days has been so special and so encouraging for me to carry on.

    I love you guys whoever you are and thanks.

    The journey carries on BUT its getting better and better

    access xxx


    Hi Team (that’s what we are)

    I have today hit the 5th week mark without those tablets,  I’m not doing days anymore because I believe I’m now doing my best to cut the small steps and move onto larger steps?

    So today I woke up still very anxious and the usual stomach rumblings.

    I switched myself onto full scale jobs to do and I’ve spent the whole day flat out doing stuff.

    It’s 19.25 and I have felt really good today despite the initial start up?

    Yet I sat drinking a cup of tea in my garden and I thought of you guys and people going through cold turkey.

    Is it better when the weather is good and being outside or when you want to hide away and curl up and watch TV.

    Not sure but today felt fairly good


    oh yeah keep going, stay strong, stay safe ????????????


    Thanks Markymark,

    Much appreciated keep the faith
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>????????????????????????</p>


    Hi there,

    access here …day 33 the sun is shining just when the kids are going back to school!!!

    I was right yesterday was pretty good and last night I was thinking … I’ve turned the corner and I felt close to 90% but today has made me realise this ain’t easy, I don’t know about you guys but I seem to have 1 day pretty good then the next slightly back to square one? anxious and stomach churning etc

    I told 2 of my close friends today in conversation and they told me another couple they know are both addicted to these damn tablets!! I felt so much better telling them and they were shocked at 40 years, but they really sympathised with me.

    Anyway it is what it is and we must keep going.

    I’m not negative just realistic.

    Please stay safe ????

    access xx





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