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    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi all its day 32 – perhaps ‘just’ perhaps?</p>
    So today has been the ‘best’ following my withdraw of Solpedeine.

    But I’m not getting carried away because it works like that.

    I think of you guys daily, struggling with this demon drug.

    If I can do it YOU can do it and if today is anything to go by then the road ahead is certainly brighter.

    Take care keep talking stay strong



    Hi Kittycat23 and everyone else.

    Day 31

    In all honesty it’s not easy and I knew it wouldn’t be, mornings are still like turning a light on and all my emotions crash back into my head and then I settle down – very scary.

    I’ve always suffered from anexity so fighting this is a rollercoaster I keep telling myself 40 years of Co Codamol taking it everyday is going to mess you up, and it has, my stomach is still turning and churning but my head is better.

    BUT when you realise other people are having the fight and some are far worse it makes you more determined to actually do it for them as much as doing it for me.

    I don’t know you guys but I actually “do” in a strange way because it’s a journey and I want to finish it and end up feeling like ‘me’ my old self.

    Please message talk and stay safe ????





    Hi Again,

    Still on day 30 and reflecting on all our situations, how sad we have to result to telling complete strangers on a forum site when it’s obvious the tablets are destroying peoples lives daily, yet we all can, as I’ve done previously buy multiple boxes to feed my habit after knowing fully well they can be addictive, but no one seems to care?

    Alcohol was a different beast but equally as devastating, I was younger and it had already destroyed my whole life – marriage job family and friends. Yet in a different way was easier to beat than this ‘sh*t’ and I can’t get my head around it?

    I do know some of you guys are at home tonight fighting this addiction and wondering wtf I am doing? But I can tell you it ‘does’ get easier and I know we all can do it.

    Please talk, please be positive, please don’t give up.

    See you on the bright side.






    Hi there,

    Another day another day ‘nearly’ ticked off.

    Well a pat on the back to all of us, especially admitting we all have a problem and I wonder if outsiders realise how terrible this is?

    I have only met 2 other people who admitted their problem to me personally in conversation but queuing up at boots or asda or Lloyd’s or any other chemist when someone asks for a box and they quickly stuff them into the bag and totally ignore the person behind the counter who outline they are for short term use … !!  Then buying a box for myself and organising the next chemist for my next box ….’what an existence’ ?

    When I dealt with alcohol addiction I learnt that  you run with the winners and in our own way we want to be ‘winners’ because we are on this forum site.

    I’m on day 29 and IT IS getting easier and my head is starting to feel more in control and I went for a walk today and had a smile to myself.

    You know this isn’t going to be easy BUT it will be better in the long run 100%.

    We can do this … we can ..



    Hi ya,

    Day 27 and I’m just slightly on the rollercoaster on the down but I’m not giving up.

    This is really strange I woke up feeling my old self before taking the dreaded tablets and its like a snake that creeps up on you.

    I’ve told you I’ve been taking soloedeine for 40 years not really ever stopping and perhaps wrongly I’ve decided to go cold turkey.

    But it’s now or never as I’m 66 in 8 weeks time I need to best this.

    I have a few issues with ibs and had it for 7 years and this withdraw has really triggered lower stomach pain.

    I’ve tried to drink energy drinks to help the withdraw but that has given me other issues.

    I know I will beat this because I HAVE to finally but I really wish 40 years ago I could have slapped myself in the face when I took the first two tablets.

    Stay strong




    Hi there,

    How’s it going everyone?

    Day 26 and slowly getting there wherever ‘there’ is.

    This is tougher than I thought but I’m not giving up … I didn’t give up on alcohol so solpedeine just ‘do one’.

    It’s more the sycological side I’m suffering from now I wake up and my head goes on the rampage.

    It’s interesting because my ex wife introduced me to solpadeine and I was told months ago she was ill after coming off them.

    So …. its my turn now and I’m not giving up.

    I never thought all those years ago I’d be where I am now & what a mess.

    Anyway that being said its now or never because it has to be done.

    Thanks for listening and thanks for being there.




    Hi people,

    Sorry I missed last night BUT I had a blip (don’t panic) we were handed free cans of Monster at work?

    So I drank 2 cans during the afternoon BIG mistake avoid at all costs, I was angry edgy and it effected my at the moment stable stomach, my addiction kicked in ????

    Anyway my morning started at 4.30am with restless legs caused partly by my stupidly but it’s 8.30pm and I’m back on track.

    Thanks for listening and I’m sorry for the blip I’m in a better place but it proves you can easily slip up and have to be careful as I may have took a couple of tablets to make me feel better.

    Keep STRONG




    Hi Team,

    Just a quick hello to say I’m nearer the end of day 22 another one ticked off, and I’m feeling much more in control and now wonder how many times I was told the dreaded tablets give you rebound headaches and over the last 5 days I’ve only suffered with one headache and it eventually disappeared with my liquid intake.

    It’s a strange feeling when something is important in your life (buying and taking them) and now they are gone.

    Keep going be strong ????


    Hi guys,

    Another day ticked off, I start off feeling good then after an hour feel a bit like having run 30 miles with divers boots on.

    My solpediene addiction was picked up on a company drug check and so it started I had to stop.

    40 years & counting, so here I am day 22 quietly wondering how I got here but knowing already I’m beginning to feel my old self.

    It’s a rollercoaster to be honest tsmornings I feel I can score myself 4 to 5 out of 10 (write it in my diary) afternoons are a slow burn for me a 5 around 1.30 then 6 then 7 out of 10.

    BUT my goodness I am feeling better my head is clearer.
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>So the bottom line is – I ‘am’ starting to break free finally.</p>
    I drink plenty to the point of having 8 to 10 visits to the toilet by 1.30pm, I keep busy, listen to music, write notes.

    We can do this

    Stay very strong it’s worth it ????




    Thanks guys for your support and replys I do think it makes a different 100%

    I’m 22 years a recovering alcoholic and believe ‘support’ is the key.

    I was driving around in the works van today and suddenly starting singing ‘it’s my life’ by ‘talk talk’  play that song loud like I did  …. slowly  emotionally I began to cry, god it felt good this was …ME.

    Thanks again


    Hi there I’m on day 21 after taking them (solpedeine) for 40 odd years.

    I usually take 10 to 14 a day.

    Last week was pretty bad, especially the aches but I’m determined this time and I’ve told as many people as I can for support.

    I’ve found keeping a diary a great idea because I can see the little steps I’m making, if only small.

    Why did I ever get this bad? I feel at some point I need to stop as my grandson sees me dropping them into water.

    Stay strong PLEASE

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