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    Hello all, hope everyone is doing ok? Maria you’re smashing it gal… well done! Keep going! Marky Mark hope all is ok with you?

    I’m ok, I’ve also had a few wobbles but continuing the journey. I’m having further appointments to investigate a few things but seems my liver and kidneys are ok which is what I was really worried about.

    I have good and bad days but proud to say I’m living life without  the pills and I’ll be heading into week 10 this week!????????

    Lots of love to you all. Xxx ????????????


    Hope you’re ok Marky Mark? ???????? x



    Hello you amazing lot, so lovely to see you have come back and posted more inspiring posts Marky Mark and Maria.

    My G.P appointment the other week scared me really and my bloods have come back showing abnormal results. I’m not having my review appointment until 9th May so I’m feeling all sorts of health anxiety and I’m not being very kind to myself. I started the journey 59 days ago so I feel a lot of shame again knowing I’ve caused this potential damage to my body. Anyway the positives are:- I’m starting to feel normal again, my motivation has increased and a big one that I’m keeping tabs on because this used to bring so much shame… I’ve not had to visit 59 different chemists shyly asking for those bloody pills, I’ve saved £590 and not ingested 1824 tablets. ????????

    I know I’ve got a long way to go but these little wins are enough to keep me going. My brain is a bit naughty at times though so further tips to flick that ???? off my shoulder  would be helpful?

    Husky Lee, hope you’re ok and continuing the battling journey. Let us know how you are buddy? X

    Access please keep visiting us and inspiring us and Jane hope you’re over the worst now? Also those who have had a slip up keep coming back and reading the posts. I read these in the background for a good couple of years banking knowledge and inspiration. I never thought  I would ever get to where I am today but I have and if I can do it so can you!

    No one is here to judge, it’s a bloody hard battle but knowing others are battling too really helps.

    Love to  all! ???????????? xxx


    Hi everyone, hope all ok? It was great to read your last response access so thank you. We went away at the weekend which was lovely and I spent the journey there looking at all previous posts and read all of yours access and it gave me what I needed that day…. To keep going!! ???? I don’t feel very good at the moment but determined. Week 5 nearly done and I feel proud of how far I’ve come but I also feel a lot of guilt/shame.  I’ve finally booked an appointment to see the G.P next week because I feel that maybe I need something for my low mood and lethargy but we shall see. Has anyone taken anything prescribed by the G.P  or tried any herbal remedies that have helped you through?  X


    Maria, I feel everything you write. You’ve got this far…. why go back? I know if I go back this time It will  kill me.
    Let’s keep going… you can do this Maria! ???? xxx


    Hello, hope all ok?
    Husky how are you today? This ain’t easy is it but wow 2 weeks off for you?  I know this does feel like living hell but we are healthier today  and closer to being back to our normal selves than we were yesterday!! Every day counts!!???????? Keep going buddy you’ve got this! Maria66 how are you? I resonated so much with your last post…I’ve really struggled with low mood and poor motivation – I’m sure this will pass for us soon? I ???? % agree with feeling and looking like I’ve aged 20 yrs… how can this be? Surely our bodies are grateful to be rid!? ????

    Ahh it’s also really really nice to hear from Marky Mark and Access… it’s so important that you guys who are further down this recovery journey keep coming back and sharing your stories.  Your words of wisdom give us inspiration and keep us going so thank you!!???????????? x x x

    keep going all! Sending lots of love! ❤️  xxx


    Hi, hope all ok? Husky Lee and Tilly hope the sleep has improved?

    My update;

    Day 21 on the journey of stopping opiates. (Codeine)
    This means I’ve resisted 20 shameful trips to a pharmacy. I’ve saved myself £200+ and I’ve not ingested 640 tablets. Mentally I’m not strong (At all) but hopefully this will come in time? ????️

    Keep going everyone…????????????????????????




    Hey all, well done to each and every one of you for showing up and trying to beat withdrawal and addiction to codeine.

    I’m on day 10 with none and before that I did a week of tapering! I know it doesn’t sound much but I’m so proud…
    On weds I felt so so bad and was so lethargic and down but Thurs I felt better… just when you think you can’t do it any longer give it another day or two and you’ll come back fighting!!!????????????????
    keep going everyone!! Don’t lose the sight of your reasons!! Big hugs!❤️????❤️ xxx


    Thanks Husky. I can tell you’ve got this!!????????????????????????

    Today isn’t a good day for me but trying to keep positive.

    Day 13 on this journey and day 6 with none and I just have no desire/motivation WHATSOEVER. I was so proud of myself yesterday as my dear mum offered me some 30/500’s for my migraines and I refused. That is a huge big deal for me but today I’m regretting not taking her up on the offer because I wouldn’t be feeling like this! I know it’s the right choice and I know this journey is important but it’s hard. ???? I’m questioning everything at the mo, my personality, integrity and capability/confidence in the difficult job I do. I feel a little worthless which is silly I know… hoping the negative nanny on my shoulder goes away  soon as this is bloody awful!! ???? x


    Hi Hope, We are at a similar stage… I’m only day 5 but my god so determined! No one in my network knows either Hope so you’re not alone with that one! I’m feeling positive but the mornings seem the hardest!! I’m going to try a cold shower tomorrow before work!!???? I know this is hard Hope but we are here for a reason and I believe we can do this!!! ???????????????? keep strong! ????????


    Hi Huski Lee, I’ve been looking for you over the last couple of days. I’m so glad you are still determined and sounds like you’ve got a great plan for this week. Stay strong!  ???????? I’m going to start a journal later because I know that will help. I started the journey 10 days ago but only day 5 with none so I still feel like I’ve got a mountain to climb but so determined!! ????????

    You’ve got this Husky!! ????????????????????????


    Gosh Husky Lee… you are doing amazing and I can see your determined!!????????

    I have so many…

    I became addicted to codeine without realising it yrs ago as I was taking them for genuine pain  relief prescribed by the G.P! I no longer needed a prescription as my medical problem resolved but I still wanted codeine so started to buy over the counter.   I was taking it for the buzz only and to get through life not for pain! If I’m honest spending up to £250 a month on over the counter tablets, as a family we cant afford that. I’ve had stomach ulcers probably caused by overuse and god only knows what other damage I’ve caused to my poor organs.  I visited so many chemists in a week but I know many recognised me and the shame that made me feel was awful. I want to live life normally… My family need me and I need to be a better version of me which is without those pills. X


    Marky Mark how are you? I wish I was well on my way….  Only day 1 with none so a long way to go but the mindset is strong! ???????????????? I  need to make sure I don’t go back this time? Any tips??

    I know exactly what you mean about music… I was driving to work in Nov (3 wks of no codeine) and Alicia keys came on the radio and I was overwhelmed with the emotions it triggered.. in a good way! ????


    Well done Husky Lee!! You’ve got this… what’s the plan for tomorrow? I’m battling this awful thing too and it’s not easy but we are doing this for many reasons… what are yours? ✍???? ????????


    Husky Lee hope you’re ok? This isn’t easy is it BUT it’s got to be better than being a slave to opiates. You are doing so well! ???????????????????????? Have you tried exercise/walking/getting outside with your air pods? Listening to some feel good pod casts or loud music. I’m trying to fuel my body with things to give me energy.. Kombucha and kefir and also lots of fruit and homemade granola as my energy is so low. I’m hoping in time we will reap the benefits!! Take care and be kind to yourself. ????

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