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  • in reply to: tragically sad #9785

    Hello again Eavy, Hello Suzy,
    People visiting this message board do so to find comfort and solutions, but the more I read, the more I realise that there are no solutions. I want so much to wipe away the pain and suffering that these addictions bring to the individual and (more so) the families of the addicted.
    Eavy – I decided to confront my daughter and while she has not been completely honest with me she has admitted to taking certain drugs. I now need to work hard at re-building our relationship, I only hope that I have reached her in time.
    Again I have nothing but the deepest admiration for you and others like you. Thank you for your concern and know that you are in my thoughts. I just wish I could do something more practical to ease your pain.

    in reply to: tragically sad #9757

    Hi again Eavy
    Thank you for this – I am able to take comfort & strength from your words. I do hope you’re right and my daughter is ‘going through a phase’. For now I will watch & wait and hope. I know that I will sleep a little better tonight, because I feel less alone than I did! I genuinely wish that there was something I could do to ease your situation, I have nothing but admiration for your strength and determination. Your son is truly blessed to have you on his side, even if he doesn’t recognise that fact right now. Take care of yourself.

    in reply to: tragically sad #9755

    Hi Eavy
    To answer some of your questions: My daughter does Coke and takes Ecstasy. As far as I’m aware she is doing this on a “recreational” basis. The difficulty is that she doesn’t know, I know – I hacked her faceboook account to find out. My concern is that addiction might follow, but how do I talk to her without letting her know how I found out. We were so close once….. I am trying to find a way through this whereby I don’t totally alienate her, but can support her and find a way to guide her back to being the person she used to be.
    I am ‘broken’ because that is how I feel – I’ve violated my daughter’s trust to gain knowledge that I scares me and I don’t know how to use that knowledge.
    I am truly struggling with my conscience, I don’t sleep, I can’t bear to think of my daughter becoming an addict – I need to reach out to her, but how?
    I genuinely hope that we (you & I) find the answers that we need.

    in reply to: tragically sad #9753

    Dear Eavy, I can’t even begin to imagine the hell that you must be going through. I don’t have any answers – God knows I wish I did, but do you know anything about your son’s supplier? I am trying to find a way in which I can confront my daughter’s supplier and warn him off, but my daughter is not yet at the stage of having an addiction and so my pain, as real as it is, cannot compare with yours. You say that your son has been able to stop using in the past – do you think that at this moment in time he feels that he has nothing to fight for? His wife has left him and (I assume) taken his daughter.
    I am so far removed from this world and only now am I seeing the ‘Devil’ as you call it, making its presence known to me. I can’t understand how a man with so much love in his life can do this to himself, to you and to his wife and daughter. I started by saying I have no answers and I know this post offers you nothing but love and support. As a mother I know that you will only feel better when you know that your son has turned his back on the crack. So please accept my best wishes and I sincerely hope that you both come through this.

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