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  • in reply to: Powerless #18092

    Hey Cath

    The million dollar question we all want to know… Lol!

    It depends on lots of different things usually how much he was taking and for how long.

    Remind me again what was he taking? Was it opiates or sleeping pills? Some things to make you aware of on them both

    Congrats though some progress it seems!

    in reply to: Powerless #18076

    Nothing special honestly, just good to turn something totally rubbish into something that can help other people. This forum really helped when I was broken and going through withdrawals so it’s good to be able to pay it back.

    Keep us updated!

    in reply to: Powerless #18074

    Well done Cath…!

    You can’t control other things sadly, but you can take care of yourself… Thanks for coming back and sharing, so many people make one post and you dont hear from them again

    in reply to: Time to go? #18071

    Nice one

    Just remember to listen to similarities and not differences

    I hope he gets some identification

    in reply to: Help required please #18068

    Hey th aks for the post and well done. There are some strong females in here that will offer great support and advice.

    From an addiction perspective this is classic behaviour from your partner. Addicts will tend to loom outward and blame anyone and everything aside from themselves in order to avoid having to deal with the issue, which is their addiction and their behaviour. Its typical minimising their faults and maximising everyone else’s.

    I know this as I am a recovering alcoholic and addict ( and don’t behave like that since I stopped)

    This is NOT your fault and not your problem. You have been exposed to this for too long and it’s clear from your writing you have been afce fed quite badly by his behaviour. Also there is no guarantee this is all cocaine, he could just be like that it’s hard to say.

    You must look at protecting yourself and children ASAP as this will likely get worse. Is there anywhere you can go?

    Keep posting and stay strong, hoping one of the strong females will post soon on here and offer more support

    in reply to: Time to go? #18062

    Yeah they were mine too and shows a poor understanding of the condition…

    Stay strong

    in reply to: Time to go? #18059

    There are practical things that can be done. I know g long addicts who hand over cards and accounts to their partners.

    It just shows you the power of denial

    in reply to: Time to go? #18057

    I mean spending money that someone ga e you to straighten out from drinking…. On drink probably tells you all you need to know about this situation!

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction #18054

    I just think there is a fine line between support and enabling the addict. I know for a fa t if I’m not present and correct, I’ll be looking to an out or some way to manipulate the situation or justify my behavior

    in reply to: Time to go? #18052

    The only real way around this is to ensure that he demonstrates he is serious, that means action. And not you doing it for him either. Whether that action be seeing a counsellor, doing meetings – whatever it takes.

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction #18050

    You can’t do someone else’s recovery for them. It starts and finishes with them

    in reply to: Time to go? #18044

    You can ask, but are you realy going to get the truth?

    in reply to: Time to go? #18042

    Yes it can be rebuilt, but it’s very much a case of show me don’t tell me of that makes sense

    in reply to: Angry about him lying #18039

    Just keep coming here for support. You are in a tough spot. A lot of good people helping out in here

    in reply to: Angry about him lying #18037

    That’s horrible.

    However until he is prepared to get help there isn’t much you can do

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