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  • in reply to: Theresa #20634

    hi Ladies been a few weeks since anyone posted so I am hoping that means things are going well for people.

    How is everyone?

    Im just recovering from covid which has been a bit scary and knocked the stuffing out of me. It hasnt helped that my son has shown no consideration.

    Im feeling pretty fed up with the situation now as he seems to wallow in his situation and even when i was bed bound and breathless with covid he was ringing and being demanding and selfish.

    How bad a mother will i be if I just block him out of my life? as Im sick of being miserable because of this path he is on and seems to enjoy his victim mentality.

    sorry another moany post from me!!

    before these addiction problems I was a cheerful person who enjoyed life its totally changed the person I was.

    in reply to: Theresa #20349

    Oh jem I hope your mum is better soon sounds like you have alot to deal with. It’s awful isnt it when our intuition tells us that something is up especially when its proven right. I pray for the day for all of us that we will be proved wrong.

    I had to pick my son up from a police station first thing on xmas day…nothing says merry xmas like a call like that!

    He wasnt in trouble he was found on the streets in the freezing cold and they had taken him there and given him some food.

    He had been on a 2 week bender which was really traumatic and we had said he cldnt come for xmas based on it. That night the friend he was staying with and him got in a fight and he lost all his keys phone etc and decided to sleep rough.

    Anyway I picked him up xmas morning and despite being very emotional due to coming down off everything he came to us and stayed for 3 days and was actually the best I’d seen him. He was engaging and chatty at mealtimes but spent the rest of the time in his old room so I guess out of a bad situation we had a nice xmas.

    My new years resolution is to keep taking a step back and trying to put myself first.

    I had a reaction to my anti depressants and am now waiting for covid results.

    I’ve joined a support grp too which has weekly zoom meetings.

    They reccomended a book called dont let your kids kill you! I havnt bought it yet but it’s a self help book for parents of addicts so I reckon may be a helpful read.

    I hope you all had good xmas and made the best of the covid restrictions etc and our addict loved ones wernt too burdensome.

    Thanks for all your support on here it helps to know ypure out there.

    in reply to: Theresa #20305

    Yes let’s pray for a better year for all of us. Xx

    in reply to: Theresa #20198

    Thanks Ivy I’ve been put on citalopram too. I’ve decided to start taking them after xmas day in case this time i get some side effects as I last took them years ago for post natal depression and when my dad died.

    Ladies thanks for all the support and thinking of you all. Xx

    in reply to: Theresa #20185

    Related to all you said. And u have all.my sympathy. I hope he will surprise you and u have a lovely day.

    I’ve been a mess and spoke to dr today in a blubbering mess and now have some antidepressants.

    in reply to: Theresa #20158

    I hope all on this forum get to enjoy christmas . It’s been a hell of a year we have covid and all that comes with it plus our loved ones addictions I wish the best to you all.xx

    in reply to: Theresa #20096

    How is everyone?

    My son has relapsed again he seems to do a week off everything but then relapses for a week or two.

    Hea close to kissing his b2dait which hes only been in for about 2 weeks.

    I’ve been crying alot and not sleeping and dont know when I’ll ever enjoy life. I dont feel any joy with this going on.

    Only my younger son keeps me going I put on a brave face and plough on for him.

    I just wish I cld escape this hell.


    in reply to: Theresa #20008

    They even mugged him of his coat on a freezing night.

    I just hope that all these awful things our boys are going through will lead to that lightbulb moment that their addictions have got them into those situations and that their reach rock bottom and change.

    I said to my husband today if i win euromillions i will be setting up a charity to help mental health and addictions. Its so stretched and under resourced imagine what the 175 million jackpot could do.

    first thing would packing my son off to the priory!

    god blessx

    in reply to: Theresa #20005

    sorry jenny i know what you must feel like when he doesnt pick the phone up as im the same.

    lol, no it him thats been mugged not mugging people. lol. he gets himself into such a drug induced drunken state he becomes an easy target.

    Ive asked him to speak to a doctor and he wont.

    lets hope that he does pay fine. hope is all we have some days.

    in reply to: Theresa #20002

    ladies lovely to hear from you and so pleased to hear that your sons are doing so well.

    Sadly things are still very stressful at my end.

    ive had to deal with several muggings, and all that entails.

    lots of calls of threats to commit suicide, him going missing allsorts.

    yesterday spent my day moving him to a new bedsit as the last place kicked him out as they felt his behaviour is putting himself and others at risk…

    so the stress continues but he was drugfree and sober yesterday so i will take the small bits of hope ……

    keep in touchx

    in reply to: Theresa #19815

    Oh wow.jem that is so.inspiring I am so pleased for you . I hope and pray all our boys get there and we can live in peace xx

    in reply to: Theresa #19804

    Thanks ladies for your comments and support. My husband and I got babysitter..my sister actually as obviously everything is impossible and not allowed in lockdown

    but we needed to go looking for him..thankfully we saw him straight away as I’d got a call from a random stranger who was on a tram with my son and as hes lost his phones asked her to call me..she did but between us didnt know what he was saying but she was able to tell me where he was headed and that she said he was in a terrible state.

    We persuades him into the car..again adding to the stress I was stressed about covid but even got him to wear a.mask and drive him the 45 minute car journey to the hostel. I hope he stayed there and today he wakes up and sobers up. We cant do that every night!

    Although we tried to keep our humour and told my husband it was the closest weve got to a date night in ages!!

    Hope everyone has a good weekend. I think I will call drugfam today.

    in reply to: Theresa #19793

    Glad to heat your son is doing well. I hope he stays strong.

    I cant see any light at the moment. Its soul destroying.

    I just have to get through each day at the moment.

    in reply to: Theresa #19790

    ive only just seen this post.

    how are things jenny?

    what happened in the end with the police?

    how is everyone else doing?

    my son got his universal credit yesterday and has gone on a bender..i knew something was wrong as he wasnt picking the phone up to me or my messages..i then get a call in the midle of the night he was calling me drunk from a. hospital accident department, i had a couple of glasses of wine and took a sleeping tablet so cldnt pick him up but also dont think i should be doing it anymore as its never ending. he was ok and i spoke to somoene on reception at his hostel who have said that he is definately back there as hes been a pain all night being drunk and security having to constantly take him back to his room.

    he has lost 2 phones last night ….something he does on a regular basis, thankfully a guy from the local council found one and i collected it.

    I just dont know how much more i can take,,,i wasnt that nice to him on the phone as hearing him with his slurred speech and everything he is putting us through is making me so angry with him. I wish i cld be more patient and sympathetic but im just sick of the effect he is having on my life.

    i hope everyone else is having a better time of things.

    in reply to: I dont know how to stop listening with my heart #19683

    Yes does sound like maybe his past is affecting how he views your son. I hope it sorts out. So tough for everyone. Enjoy your break in tenerife…very envious!!

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