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  • in reply to: Theresa #19088

    Hes called the council and they said yesterday they wont help I literally cant believe the supported living and just throwing him out.

    I was awake at 2am worrying about this. I’m so stressed.

    in reply to: Theresa #19079

    Jem I’m glad your son is still doing well. Coming home to dinner and cooking sounds great. I really hope he has turned a corner.

    Theresa I so relate to your comment about being screamed at when u try to talk to them and that youre giving them a panic attack. I have had that too. Even today when I was trying to give him advice.

    My son finally called today ..strangely because he realises he now has no home from friday. Both my husband and I are standing firm that he cant come home but I know it will be so hard to enforce when hes banging on our door at 2am on a school night. I’ve told him we will call the police.

    He is employing his usual tactic of trying to be nice but I’ve lost count how often he does that .

    I’ve told him now is the time he needs to reflect on how his actions affects us and others and ultimately people have stopped being willing to help him.

    It’s hard but I’m being told by so many.as well that he will have to reach rock bottom before he decides to change.

    I hope everyone has a peaceful night and I take positives from those of you who’s sons are showing signs of changing.

    Icarus trust I will look at your website.

    in reply to: Theresa #19053

    Theresa i dont want to get on the wrong side of you….. I may take a trip to b and q tommorow!

    in reply to: Theresa #19048

    sorry lindyloo about your day. it really is draining.

    and i feel for you being at home all day too, i was going stir crazy on furlough but now im back its nice to get out of the house.

    at least hes trying to do meetings which is a positive.

    have you got any other friends around in the day that you can meet for a walk with ? perhaps make it a regular thing to get out with a friend once a day?

    i know its easier said than done.

    Sadly whenever i hear from my son i know he doesnt want me for anything positive, i hope one day that will change, so its good that you still feel optimism when he called and asked to go for a walk.

    ive stopped giving my son money ive stopped his phone too as it came to the end of its contract and i refused to carry on paying it. although ironically i now cant get hold of him!!

    ive only been buying him bags of food.

    im not sure how he is getting money for his drugs but ive got a pretty good idea.

    in reply to: Theresa #19034

    Nice to hear you’ve had a good day with your son. It gives me hope that I can have that too.

    We went to the coast today with my youngest and my husband and I cldnt dtop thinking about when we took my eldest and the fun we had and how life has changed. I’m going to have to train my brain to be more positive.!!

    in reply to: Theresa #19032

    You’ll have to tell me what meditation you listen to.


    in reply to: Theresa #19021

    I’m feeling a constant sense of impending doom.

    Cant get my son out of my head and totally stressed about what is next round the corner.

    I’ve not been able to get gold of him today to speak to him about being kicked out of his housing. Just feel hes on a bender somewhere and feeling so pessimistic about the future.

    Sorry to sound such a misery but I find some days I can get on with life better than others.

    in reply to: Theresa #19018

    That has made me laugh feeling very down at the moment…have come out for a bike ride and even got a puncture but that made me laugh about the bucket !

    Im sitting along the river with a beautiful view while my husband is in the background cursing trying to fix my puncture!!

    in reply to: Theresa #19014

    fingers crossed.x

    enjoy your weekend.

    in reply to: Theresa #19006

    Lindyloo I’m the same when I see my sons number…I always know theres a problem or more stress coming.

    I just cant beleive i got him that supported living which cld have changed his life and hes being chucked out before they got started.

    I’m dreading him turning up here.

    in reply to: Theresa #18999

    Yup its not the best but yes a lifeline xxx

    in reply to: Theresa #18997

    I’m a bottle of wine down and had a call from my son…twice.. i hung up as sick of his requests and now blocked his number!

    Will probably worry tommorow but sick of it now!

    Enjoy your Friday nights ladies

    in reply to: Theresa #18990

    hes been given 7 days notice. they reckon hes been dealing.

    the support worker even agreed he may end up dead if he doesnt sort himself out.

    so i have a bottle of wine in to self medicate myself tonight!!

    in reply to: Theresa #18986

    Thanks Theresa.

    Yes I’ve had to tell supported housing he cant come back here.

    It is horrible as he is so vulnerable.

    I’ve just tried them and told the person I need to speak to is in a meeting….to be honest I dont know what these people are playing at. They’ve essentially thrown a load of addicts together and bot given them the support..ridiculous.

    in reply to: Theresa #18983

    Jem so plsed ypur son is doing well. Fingers crossed.

    I’m still waiting to hear about my sons living arrangements. Weve made it very clear he cannot live here but I dread he may turn up.

    The drugs and alcohol worker who saw him yesterday said hed never seen anyone so.out of it!!

    Hes really in a bad place.

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