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  • in reply to: Theresa #25040

    Wow that’s great news Lou.

    I’m in same situation so is now 7 mnths clean.

    Weve had a rough week with him from being suicidal one minute and then aggressive and bullying g us the next.

    I think he is struggling actually I know he is but he takes it out on us and u e beenclose to running g away.

    Februarymarie I also think I have PTSD….although ironically NY sin accused me of causing him to have PTSD when we kicked him out after his drugs .

    Keep strong everyone!!

    in reply to: Theresa #25039

    Wow that’s great news Lou.

    I’m in same situation so is now 7 mnths clean.

    Weve had a rough week with him from being suicidal one minute and then aggressive and bullying g us the next.

    I think he is struggling actually I know he is but he takes it out on us and u e beenclose to running g away.

    Februarymarie I also think I have PTSD….although ironically NY sin accused me of causing him to have PTSD when we kicked him out after his drugs .

    Keep strong everyone!!

    in reply to: Theresa #25005

    Ivy I am so sorry ivy ri read that. It brings back when my son was beaten up earlier this year.

    I will pray for a full recovery for your son and that u do find the strength.

    Really sending all the love from the bottom of my heart at what you are going through. Xx

    in reply to: Theresa #24924

    I hear ya debc….that is my life too and yes I agree there are choices I do sometimes think calling addiction an illness gives them an excuse to do it.

    So yep agree on all that.

    None of us deserve the crap we have to deal with.

    Hang in there and make sure to set aside time for yourself and take care of yourself.

    in reply to: Theresa #24921

    Lets pray it’s his wake up call.xx

    in reply to: Theresa #24919

    Jem I’m sorry to read this.

    You’ve had a tough time.of it .I think as humans we u underestimate how.much we can cope with just hang in there.

    Tpu did make me laugh about his key worker and the wine gum comment!

    It’s so true sometimes it’s so frustrating when the people helping them have absolutely no clue what’s so ever.

    What kate said resonated with me we do these things because we love out sons and we wld never forgive ourselves if we didnt support and love them.

    This forum is great to let off steam like u jem I go through phases of not writing g as like u I find it too hard and depressing but I do think of u all all the time.

    So praying we all find inner strength I know my position has changed and alot better so u shld be counting my blessings.

    in reply to: Theresa #24916

    Thank you kate for your words.

    How are you and ypur family bearing up?

    in reply to: Theresa #24906

    Reading all the posts are so heartbreaking. Being able to relate to what everyone is going through in one way or another be it past or present or fear for the future.

    How much I ask is down to our loved ones personality?

    When i hear time and again from you all what I also hear from my son ..that we are to blame….they blame us is just heartbreaking and now my son is 7 mnths clean and yet i still get the abuse..the emotional blackmail that if I dare suggest he gets a job contributes to the house I am accused of stressing him and triggering him to relapse…. just pure blackmail.

    I used to blame the addiction for his past abuse but sadly I. Seeing that clearly that isnt the case and that actually I think he enjoys the label of addict to enable him to behave this way.

    I’m sorry if I offend anyone by saying this and if i seem cold and unloving but given what I have had to endure for years and the constant worry and yet support weve given him I still cant beleive that I live on eggshells in my own home.

    The Scottish government are talking about decriminalisation class A drugs… on the one hand I’ve always felt that this is a good thing so addicts can get support and help rather than a criminal record but then where is the consequence of ones actions?

    So many of our loved ones continue to play victim and blame those around them and even a recovering addict like my son uses his label as emotional blackmail and abuse.

    I feel trapped in a horrid nightmare. Is it much to just want to be treated with love and respect from the people who we worry endlessly over and bail out to the point we have no money for our own happiness.

    Sorry rant over !

    in reply to: Theresa #24748

    Just read your post Georgie.

    If u read any of my past posts you will see that we had a terrible time with my son who also became a ket addict and alcoholic at university. Us all the other drugs he took.

    I can relate to sk much yoube said the constant being g told it’s my fault him being an aggressive and horrid person to live with. Plus all the other horrid issues we had to deal with

    Today my son is 6 mnths clean I didnt think we wld ever get to this point there were times I was suicidal. We still have some problems but he is turning g his life around. So ease just hang in there take each day as it comes. Try and get out the house see friends loved ones ,busy yourself etc until he gets to university. his behaviours and what he says is the crazy mind of an addict and so dont take it personally. Ignore his girlfriend if its anything like my sons ex girlfriend she is probably in it as much as he is and choosing to beleive what she likes. You know the truth and that’s all that matters. You are an amazing mum just hold in in there ….if my sons situation can change I beleive anyone can do it.

    in reply to: Theresa #24521

    Agree what works for one doesnt another. One persons rock bottom isnt another’s. All we can do is our best.

    in reply to: Theresa #24520

    Agree what works for one doesnt another. One persons rock bottom isnt another’s. All we can do is our best.

    in reply to: Theresa #24504

    Yes indeed …I had a support grp with drugfam too and at no point have these been mentioned.

    Amazing once the addict decides they are ready to have these options.

    in reply to: Theresa #24500

    Lou1321 so plsed tpur son is noe doing well.

    My son also nearly 6nths clean but I’d love to hear about those rehab as I’m sure if I ever need then I’ll have forgotten this thread!

    So wld be great if u cld share.

    in reply to: Theresa #24301

    sorry to read that jem but lets hope he is starting to realise that only he can get himself out of this.

    Remind him that he was capable of having all those good things before and he can again.

    My son is doing really well hes still clean and has started his course 3 weeks ago, which he is really positive and focussed about and so i hope it stays that way.

    I cant beleive how things have turned around and so there is hope for everyone. Four mnths ago we were in a very dark place.

    Im still struggling with my long covid and yesterday diagnosed with skin cancer so Im thankful that at least I dont have to stress too much about my son, as this feels like a year my health needs me to be on top of.

    Kate like jem i think of you.

    I hope everyone else is doing ok, stay strong and look after yourselves.

    in reply to: Theresa #24041

    so pleased that it went well Kate, I thought about you all day.

    Look after yourself now kate.xx

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