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  • in reply to: Addicted do co codamol #15823

    Hope it goes well mate, 5 days is brilliant, you’ll soon be over the worst of the physical symptoms. I’ve booked two weeks of work later this month to do the same, not looking forward to it.

    in reply to: Addicted to Nurofen Plus #15669

    64 Nurofen Plus? That is a lot of Ibuprofen. It’s great that you half pretty much halved your dose. Can you take any time off work for CT? That’s what I’m going to do next month.

    in reply to: Letting Go #15431

    I agree with the reply above. I’m an addict (Not cocaine), painkillers. I’ve started a taper plan with the help of my partner.

    It’s your life, you cannot put it on hold, the same way as I don’t expect my partner to put hers on hold for me. You’ve given him chance after chance, unless he wants to change, he won’t. I’ve considered leaving my partner previously because I hated my anxiety/depression was having an effect on her.

    I’d put the ball in his court, you’ve done your bit, as hard as it is you need let him sort himself out and you need to get on with enjoying your life, you only have one, why waste it?

    in reply to: Addicted N+. PLEASE help me #15423

    When I tried CT I had hot flashes and intense anxiety but I had anxiety before I started to take them. I know it’s horrible but we need to get off them unfortunately

    in reply to: Addicted N+. PLEASE help me #15397

    Firstly you need to stop taking stuff with ibuprofen, that is doing considerably more damage than the codeine, codeine relatively non toxic but stick some ibuprofen in the mix and it’s a recipe for gastric problems in the amounts you are taking.

    There are lots of people on this site who are currently going through withdrawals. I’m tapering myself although it’s not going to plan. You really need to cut the amount you are taking ASAP though, I cannot stress this enough. Most on here have better luck CT, myself, I’m tapering until OCT 15, I’ve then booked two weeks off work to CT. can you do something similar?

    in reply to: My story ! #15373

    There are plenty of us on here with codeine addictions and plenty who have beaten it. You seem to have it under control, just remember, in a few more days you will be through the worse of it

    Are there any exercises you can do going forward to help your back? I suffer from chronic pain, I’m a 29 year old male, been tested for all sorts and the doctors find nothing. They won’t consider fibromyalgia because of my sex/age but I’m convinced I have it. Codeine gets rid of the pain so I’m fully expecting that to be back soon!

    in reply to: My story ! #15370

    It’s great that your partner is helping you. I’m also addicted to codeine, I got addicted due to self medication for anxiety, between benzos and codeine I thought the codeine was the lesser of the two evils.

    Telling my partner was a great help, she’s been non judgmental but stern in the fact she wants me to quit.

    in reply to: Finding out ur boyfriend is a cocaine addict and cheat #15366

    Good for you, focus more on yourself and hobbies for a while, before you know it he will be a distant memory.

    in reply to: Finding out ur boyfriend is a cocaine addict and cheat #15361

    We can’t tell you what to do, luckily though, outside of emotional attachment, you have no further ties. If he’s insistent on lying to you and cheating I’d get rid. If he came to you for help to stop, and you came up with a plan together then I’d say give him a shot, he’s not though, he’s cheating, lying about his addiction and god knows what else. Move on and find someone who respects you.

    in reply to: Finding out ur boyfriend is a cocaine addict and cheat #15357

    I agree with Dan, the cocaine is one thing, something that could be worked out if he’s prepared to admit the problem, the cheating and the websites are completely different. He’s probably not going to change that, I’d move on from him. The fact he was a heroin addict and is using cocaine on a regular basis shows me he’s playing with fire anyway, he’s obviously not learned much from getting clean from an opiate addiction.

    in reply to: Advice needed #15191

    He’s young, it’s relatively normal for kids to do daft stuff.

    When I was his age I went to college for breakfast and caught the bus home. I quit not long after.

    Fortunately a couple of years later I go my head in gear, got a degree in computer science and earn a decent wage.

    In regards to the drugs, he’s young, he’s probably going to do them unfortunately, it’s not good but it’s life. Have a good conversation with him about it, don’t try to stop him going out with friends, just encourage him to think twice about drugs.

    The threats of violence aren’t good though, you don’t deserve to be treated that way. You need to tell him that saying stuff like that is completely unacceptable. Can you go to the GP with him and discuss his mental health issues. I have them myself, hence my self meditating codeine addiction. Maybe they can refer him through the IAPT service for some CBT. Antidepressants are garbage for anxiety to be honest, I’ve tried them all and the only things that work are Diazepam, beer and codeine.

    CBT is the best natural way, a word of warning too, don’t let the GP prescribe Diazepam to him, it’s extremely addictive.

    in reply to: Concerned for my mother in law #15078

    Does she want to stop? If so you can help her by supporting her. If not then all you can do unfortunately is not enable her.

    As someone who has an addiction (Codeine not alcohol) the person addicted needs to want to stop before changes can be made. In the meantime, as selfish as you make think it is, you need to focus on your own wellbeing.

    in reply to: Sad #15077

    Can you encourage him to see a GP? It sounds like he could be possible suffering mental health issues, the bugs crawling isn’t a side effect of coke as far as I’m aware.

    He needs to want to change though, you can’t make that decision for him as much as you want to try. I’m addicted to codeine and trying to taper off, as much as I love my girlfriend, her saying that she wanted me to stop taking had no bearing until I wanted to.

    The most you can do is not enable any of his behaviour, if he asks for money ensure that it’s being spent on food etc, don’t give him money as it will most likely go on drugs.

    Good luck, I hope he gets the help he needs

    in reply to: Had enough of cocaine! Coming off here for 5 week at least. #15020

    Yeah mate, just an Apple Mac, I used produce all the time when I was younger then real life got in the way. Figured it’d be a good hobby to pick back up. What do you find helpful to do when the cravings kick in

    in reply to: Had enough of cocaine! Coming off here for 5 week at least. #14997

    Good idea man, I just bought a Mac, trying get back into producing house. Good to have hobbies and learn new things. Had a shit day today though, work was horrendous so I ended up taking loads more codeine than planned. Gutted to be honest.

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