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  • cherron22

    RachBN I honestly feel like a new person, stood ironing at 19.45 with loads of energy, usually id be laid up on the settee waiting for bed time! You can do this, give it a few more days and it will get better. Xx


    Hi RachBN. Well done for getting this far, first week is the hardest! Im not sure what others have been doing but on the day i decided to stop codeine i started to take ibuprofen every 4 hours religiously, not good for the stomach but my god it helped alot with aches, headaches etc. I done this for a week and I can honestly say its been the easiest attempt to get clean from it, im now on day 11. x


    Yes i feel great, onto day 9 now and no withdrawals at all and sleeping much better too however the mental side is really hard!


    Thanks dodo, joined yesterday and just reading through people’s posts is giving me some hope. No one close to me knows about my addiction and it feels good to get it out there even if it is just over the internet. Ive had a hard day today, stomach cramps are back and head fog not to mention blocked nose, luckily the body aches are gone. Determined to keep going, even walked past a pharmacy today and felt good not stopping for some paramol, had a little smile to myself, little things to some are huge to us x


    Hi everyone. Ive been addicted to Paramol which is dihydracodiene and paracetamol bought over the counter for 8yrs now. Tried many times to stop but the withdrawals are bad. So i took the plunge once again 4 days ago, taking ibuprofen for the pain religiously every 4hrs, sleepless nights, sweats, body aches are extreme but already i have more energy and aches have subsided, determined to do this for my kids and myself. Im hoping for light at the end of the tunnel very soon!

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