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  • in reply to: I feel like I failed #26757

    Kathryn, I’m so so sorry and sad to read your post. I don’t really know what to say, I’m imagining you are heartbroken. I hope you have support around you, take care x

    in reply to: I feel like I failed #26735

    Just reading through these posts, it’s so heartbreaking. I’m new to this site as my daughter seems to be on a slippery downward slope. It’s of some comfort to know I’m not alone but reading so many other parents are going through the same is hard. My daughter’s 23 now and slowly losing everything, she’s had jobs since leaving school but barely functioning these days, up all night and sleeps all day. Smokes weed and does god only knows what else. Constantly got her hand out for money. I’m having counselling but every day I’m asking myself where I went wrong for her to turn out so chaotic, she’s type 1 diabetic and has an ambulance at least monthly for one thing or another, I looked at her yesterday sucking on gas and air from a paramedic like a drug addict.

    in reply to: Asking adult daughter addict to leave the home #26723

    Sorry to read your post. Do you have any indication what has caused your daughter to turn to drugs? My daughter is falling further and further into a different life too and the teeth I can sympathise with, they are all rotten and yet she does her make-up nicely… I wish I could understand where it’s come from…

    in reply to: Asking adult daughter addict to leave the home #26719

    Only just joined this group Lorry321 and read your post. So sad to read what you’re going through. I joined as looking to see what others are experiencing and how they cope with it. I am completely with you, I feel the same about my daughter, I’m having counselling but the overriding feelings are anger and rage. I’m interested to read others stories and not feel quite so alone… warm wishes to all x

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