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  • in reply to: I need help, I’m scared. Co-codamol addiction #12446

    Hi Rosiegold

    Thanks so much for your reply, it really helps not feeling alone.

    I’m doing well with my taper, I drop every Wednesday and will go to 8 in 2 days time, I can’t wait.

    I’ve lost so much through codeine, but I can already feel myself coming back, I have energy and motivation again so I’m really excited at how I’ll feel in a couple of weeks when I’m at 0.

    I’m so impressed you went cold turkey, you are very strong. I’ve only experienced withdrawal at the start of my taper when I tried to go too fast but I just couldn’t handle the restless legs at night, it just completely broke me. Now I’m tapering at a sensible pace I’m not feeling any withdrawal which seems best for me.

    Thanks again for sharing, it’s so inspiring to know others have made it through and makes me all the more determined.

    I’ve enough nurofen plus at home to finish my taper and I can’t explain how lovely it is to know I’ll never have to spend time driving round trying to find a pharmacy I haven’t been to recently. I don’t know what changed this time but I haven’t cheated once and I know I’ll do it.

    Thanks again x

    in reply to: My Codeine problem #12444

    Please can anyone help?

    After 14 wasted years I’m finally dealing with my addiction but none of my friends or family know and I desperately need some advice now I’m getting towards the end of my taper.

    I’ve been using codeine for 14 years and have tapered from 64 Nurofen Plus a day (=820mg) to 12 (=150mgs).

    But….. I’m terrified of withdrawal, it’s the restless legs at night and insomnia that I just can’t cope with. I’m aware of the non physical symptoms I’ll also have to deal with, I’ve experienced anxiety, depression and feeling flat but have managed these ok so far.

    My question is at what dose should I be able to stop without experiencing any physical symptoms? Each Nurofen Plus has 12.8mg of codeine. Could I stop when I get down to 4 a day or should I take myself right down to 1 a day first?

    The ibruprofen has ruined my health, I now have a kidney disorder called Renal Tubular Acidosis and have been an inpatient on high dependency wards several times (one step down from intensive care) I also have deep stomach ulcers which have also resulted in many inpatient stays, if I can help anyone by talking or sharing anything I’m happy to, just ask.

    in reply to: I need help, I’m scared. Co-codamol addiction #12442


    I’m also addicted to codeine, but I take nurofen plus which is conbined with ibruprofen rather than paracetamol.

    I can’t deal with withdrawal either, the insomnia and restless legs are hell. But I’ve been slowly cutting down the number of tablets a day I’m now down from 64 to 12 and will be off them altogether in the next few weeks.

    If you find a slow enough pace that works for you, you should be able to gradually reduce your use with out experiencing the pain of withdrawal.

    Your liver is the worst thing to damage health wise, I have kidney problems from the ibruprofen that’s in nurofen plus along with codeine but manageable now I’ve reduced my daily intake. Could you get access to just codeine while you taper? I guess it depends on whether you want to tell your GP or can afford to buy it online.

    I hope you find help on this site, if there’s anything you want to chat about please ask. I’m female too, I’m 41 now but started on codeine at about 26/27.


    in reply to: Cocaine addiction #12439

    Sorry posted a message on the wrong thread, couldn’t see an option to delete, so edited my message to this.

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