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  • in reply to: Is he using cocaine ? Denial #24914

    It sounds like he’s using. I’ve also found nail clippers and keys in odd places, as these are tools that are used to sniff coke. You can also look out for totally weird sleep schedules. Basically staying up all night, maybe even two or more days without sleep. And when sleep finally happens its for hours on end, and maybe they’ll wake up at freaking dinner time and act like it’s completely normal. Instead of getting greeted with “good morning” it’s “babe what would you like for dinner?”

    At least in my experience…

    in reply to: My fiancé’s addiction to cocaine #24913

    My boyfriend was similar to yours in that he told me that we was slowly cutting down, and using less and less cocaine. He was open about his use and would let me throw his drugs away if I ever found them. It really seemed like he was trying to stop. Sounds exactly like your story.

    But as time went on, he became more distant. And forget trying to throw bags away, as that would create a whole mess of a situation. Same issue with alcohol also as he seems to do both together. He’ll stay up all night from doing cocaine and have a beer in his hand at 8 in the morning the next day. I don’t know what happened.

    I recently moved out and into a new apartment to get some space from the situation. I miss him like crazy but am afraid of what this will do to my future and already deteriorating mind.

    The sad thing is, as I was packing my bags and telling him that I was moving because of his drug use, I think that just led to him binging more on it. So I was just packing my things trying not to cry as my boyfriend just numbed his feelings with drugs. Lovely.

    in reply to: Boyfriend addicted to cocaine and alcohol. #24912

    Our boyfriends sound so similar. Mine also drinks and uses cocaine. A year ago, sometime after moving in together he talked about how he’s slowly cutting down and would eventually stop. I believed him, and didn’t want to push or force him to stop cold turkey because I thought he could do it. He seemed sincere and would let me flush his bags down the toilet when I found them.

    Fast forward to now, and I’ve just moved into a new apartment away from him because nothing has changed. He’s gotten more secretive and distant and I couldn’t take it anymore. I also talked about moving out when we were still living together but I’m not sure that he believed I’d actually do it. I really miss him, but I’m afraid of what this could do to my future. We’re still together because I still love him, but I guess I want some distance from this. I have no idea if this is even the right thing or if breaking up is better.

    Similar to you, I’m young and have a good career. We’ve talked about marriage, kids, etc. but I’m terrified. What if everything I worked for ends up getting destroyed by this. What if we get a house together and I end up being the sole provider because he spends all his money on drugs. He really hasn’t got anything to his name, bad credit, zero savings. I on the other hand have been saving since college and building my credit because I care about owning a home one day and having a nice future.

    I do love him and wish he would stop, but I don’t think he’s ready at all. No idea when, or if he’ll ever be. I keep telling myself that there’s tons of other SOBER guys out there who can actually wake up at a normal time in the morning. With mine, it’s like pulling teeth just trying to get him to do something at noon. I feel like I’m dealing with a stubborn child.

    I hope living away from him provides clarity. Sadly, living away from him isn’t much different than living with him. He was there, but never fully there. I’m heartbroken.

    in reply to: I guess I’m moving out #24758

    10 years is such a long time, I’m sorry that you’ve had to go through this also. Can I ask what made you walk away? Did something happen specifically, or did you just realize it was time to move on?

    in reply to: Boyfriend has cocaine/alcohol problem. What makes you stay? #18770

    So we’ve been apart for two months now, and now I’m starting to see that he doesn’t seem committed to changing. He’s probably just enjoying his time staying up all night drinking and doing coke, without having to worry about me bothering him. I don’t know what to do because I feel stuck. I can’t seem to move on. I told him I wanted to move out permanently for a couple months so he can sort himself out, but he’s been avoiding the conversation. Why do I feel so trapped by him?


    The lying can really mess with your head. I think I was too naive in the beginning, and genuinely believed the lies. But there was a part of me that had hope, and still does. It definitely makes you second guess yourself, because sometimes I’ll start to wonder if I’m the crazy one. It’s just so hard to walk away because I still see that good person inside of him also. We talked today and I can see that he knows he has a problem. He seems to have a lot of guilt. I suggested CA and he seemed open to it, but I also told him that I didn’t want to force him to do anything, and to at least think about it. I guess I’m also testing how serious he is about quitting, so I can get a better idea on whether or not to stay. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like if there were kids involved. It seems like the parents have to be the best versions of themselves just to have the energy to raise a child.

    I’m really happy that everyone here responded. You have no idea how nice it feels to read your stories as well.

    in reply to: Kicked partner out because of drug use #18343

    I’m in a similar situation also. Was giving drug tests for a couple months that my partner always failed. He would make promises to quit, which seemed to do the opposite. He’s staying with family now because I told him I can’t live in the same house as him when he’s doing drugs.

    I think it’s good to set your own boundaries in order to keep yourself from going crazy. At the end of the day, we’re going crazy over someone else’s actions. It’s like we’re so focused on their life, that we forget to focus on our own.

    No idea if sticking around is the right answer, but I guess there’s always hope that things might get better.

    in reply to: How to cope #18135

    I’m sorry you’re going through this. It can really make you feel crazy. I’m at the point where I can’t fall asleep for most of the night, because I’m stuck in my head worrying about why my boyfriend isn’t in bed next to me. He doesn’t usually go out to bars or anything at night and does cocaine in the house. Maybe I should at least be grateful for that. But sometimes I’ll get up at 4-5am and he’s still awake in the living room. Maybe once or twice I’ve been able to convince him to go to sleep, but he usually will make up excuses not to. I can no longer relax at home because I feel like I’m on constant surveillance.

    I hate to admit it, but for me the coping mechanism is distance. Right now he is staying with his family, and I’m finally able to sleep at night. I’m no longer picking up his messes or feeling anxious around the house. Certain hobbies can help also. Sometimes playing guitar will get me out of my head enough to forget about what’s going on in my life.

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