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  • in reply to: Theresa #26552

    Thanks and I pray every night for the same. I totally believe that he is and I’m a strong believer in this. I read a book called many lifes many masters, it’s a true story and has made me more certain that our loved ones are around us. X

    in reply to: Theresa #26547

    I’m sure he knows how much you miss him and he’s looking over you all. He really would of felt bad about what he put you through. I’m the same with my mum and sister. My sister text me the other week saying she’s dreading the call of something happening to me. And that upset me alot. What I put them through. So Im doing my best now to stay focused. I hope you try and have a relaxing time away, and make some good memories with the grandchildren.

    in reply to: Son smoking canabis … he is 14 #26543

    Hello woo. Hope your OK. I’m 38 now. And from about 13 to 18 I was bad on weed. Litrally everyday. It’s a hard one this because. Kids will be kids and you can not control them or know what they do when they are with friends

    I’m the end I just had enough and wanted to stop. To stop any drug u need to want to stop for your self. Otherwise your flogging a dead horse. I wanted to go in the army at 18 so I had to be clean for a drug test so that was my goal. But I never got in the army in the end. Does it lead to other drugs.. 100 percent.. Not always but with my circle it did. I’m struggling with coke now and I’m apart of cocaine anonymous, but that’s another story.

    Me personally I’d just keep making him aware what it does. It ruined my motivation to get a good job or a gf or do out door things. Never went to the pub. Was sat in a frends getting high all the time.. Wagging school never went college. I have a lot of regrets from weed.

    Lay some ground rules for a start no using in the house ect.. Hanging around with bad mates isn’t good aswell. Sorry have to go

    in reply to: Beloved partner’s cocaine addiction. #26540

    I totally agree with you regarding your son and making him aware. I do exactly the same with my kids. The one advice to any kid is don’t even try it once.. And if you have any friends that use. Cut them off straight away. I wish I could turn back time. But it’s done now. So just have to move foward and make people aware of it I guess.

    in reply to: Theresa #26538

    I guess you need to be there to support each other so her being there is good for you all. Such a shame for her not to have her daddy. Must be heartbreaking watching her seeing her say this.

    I don’t know your son and this does sound cliche. But I’m sure he wouldn’t want to see you be hurting like this, my mum would be the same with me and I feel guilty for what I’ve put her through. May be you and your daughter and grandson and granddaughter should go away for a weekend together and have some time together and a change of scenery. It might do you all some good. I mean that in a nice way aswell. A break will do you some good.

    in reply to: Theresa #26534

    Well I really hope you get your answers. Just try and not let it eat you up as much. I know it’s easier said than done. And no one knows what it’s like untill they go through the same pain. So I hope your OK. Did you say he had a daughter and your grand daughter? Do you see her alot

    in reply to: Theresa #26526

    Leave her to it then. I believe in karma always gets us. So just leave her be I guess. I can’t even believe she didn’t send her condolences, that just says it all.

    Plus she will never tell the full story if she had something to hide. Or said something nasty that night.

    Are you sleeping at night?

    in reply to: Theresa #26524

    He will get there if he wants to quit. It just takes time. He needs cut any mates that use off even family, and not drink aswell. And do some new hobbies. I hope it all goes well for him and you aswell.

    in reply to: Relapsed. #26519

    Thank you ❤️x

    in reply to: Theresa #26517

    To go into the science of why it makes us suicidal ect.. We have dopamine in our brain, this is the chemicals that make us happy.

    So for example now.. Imagine a scale of 1 to 10.. Having a biscuit can make you happy and release dopamine, getting 1 on the scale.. Going out with friends 5, having sex 10… But when you have coke.. Bang.. It just uses all your dopamine up, hence the feeling of euphoria.. And this hits way over 10..now when that goes.. You don’t go back to 0 on the scale.. You go to say minus 10..100… Hence the depression and suicidal thoughts. For days this happens.. Its takes days for your dopamine to rebalance.. Hence when its weekend again.. We think its OK to use again.. But this over time back and forth effects us in the long term depression wise. I hope this makes sence that’s the best I can describe it right now.

    He possibly could of had some before he got the gram at 2.15. But I don’t know. Steroids is massive for depression and hormournes and messes with your head aswell.

    My kids mum, her cousin aged 21 sadly took his life after his ex sent him picture of her with another lad. So to me it just sounds like a mixture of things, the coke 1st, the gf and the steroids. It all can stay in your system for a while. And does effect you.

    Stopping for a week like you said I personally don’t think would of mattered. It can just be years of using or steroids just effected him.

    I could be wrong in all this and don’t want to say the wrong thing. I’m just giving you my honest opinion and from my own experience.

    I relapsed 3 week ago neally now. I was in my flat on my own. And suicidal thoughts came in my head. But I just try and block it out and it’s hard. And this is how much of a horrible drug it is.

    Also like you said girls playing mind girls when your down isn’t good as well for your mental health. I hope I’ve answered it the best I can for you.

    What’s the girl said in all this?

    in reply to: Theresa #26515

    Hiya sunny thank you for that. Your sons story sounds exactly like mine. 12 years using. Mostly on my own. What happend with me was, the 1st few years I was going house party’s or pubs using ect.. Then when that stopped I started using on my own in the house.. Your already addicted after 6 month of using and start doing it on your own.i had no idea I was addicted, untill later on.

    I don’t open up to my mum why I use or where or who with. He probably doesn’t want you to worry about him and tell you the real truth. That’s my opinion. But I could be wrong. That’s what I am like anyway.

    We all say it’s the last time then the weekend comes are dopamine levels are back to normal, and then it’s let’s use again. Then depression for days and then same again

    It’s a vicious circle.

    Does he want to quit and what’s he doing to stop?

    in reply to: Theresa #26510

    Hiya Kate, I remember you, I hope your OK, I can imagine Xmas was really hard for you and your family.

    Sending all my love ❤️

    Being honest from my experience, yes.. Even off one bag, £30 worth. You will have a bad downer or come down as they say. Even off one line, you have a high, and you still come down. Most people I speak to have a downer off coke. When it wears off. As it uses all your dopamine out of your brain.

    My friend did the same in May and left 4 kids behind, and was really bad on it..

    Also if he’s been using it for a few years, it still effects your mental health same with me.. For example.. The 1st few year someone uses they don’t feel that bad off it the next day, they can get sleep and feel OK. They might feel abit down but not much. But some one who has been using along time and who has had enough of using like me, the come downs and the next few days or a hell of alot worse. Because you have been using for years and the fun as gone, and you use on your own ect.. Theres quite a few things to take in. Even tho he’s only had a little bit, I guess you have to take into how long he’s been using over the years, and how he’s feeling himself.

    The minute my bag was empty sometimes I felt like crying and depressed., and has bad thoughts it’s a horrible feeling, what this stuff does to you. Be we don’t think of this when we buy it.

    Can I ask which bit you struggle with, sorry for the question I just want to try and help you with my experience with coke to help you.

    in reply to: Relapsed. #26507

    Hiya lindy, happy new year to. Hope you had a good Xmas,

    I’ve settled in well thanks. Still decorating but it’s coming on great. I have the kids with me right now for tea. Everything is going well for me now. I have a new sponsor and start my step work on Monday. So I just need to stay focused now.

    Thanks for your support x

    in reply to: Theresa #26504

    Thank you for that. I just really have had enough of cocaine. For years I’ve been like this. And tried lots. But C. A has been the best for me.

    So what’s the situation with your son if you don’t mind me asking.

    in reply to: Theresa #26503

    Hey Februarymarie.. Thank you for that. I just really have had enough of cocaine. For years I’ve been like this. And tried lots. But C. A has been the best for me.

    So what’s the situation with your son if you don’t mind me asking.

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