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  • in reply to: Desperate mother #10519

    What drugs is he on jen? You in a really sticky situation because ive always said i will stand by my kids even if they are on drugs and help them. And never kick them out. But i dont know if i actually would. He must be bad if hes robbing off you. And your struggling paying your bills. Id sit him down and say it stops now u get the help you need you will help him through it. Or he needs to move out. You cant live like that anymore. Thats all advice i can give. But he has to admit his mistakes and want to quit.. you cant force some1 to quit. Them wanting to is a step in the right direction. Good luck

    in reply to: Cocaine Abuse – need a someone to chat with #10518

    Hes taking it because he knows he feels shit the next day and needs sleep.its a vicious circle. Ive been the same.. but when you have coke and beer..it produces another drug in your body..i cant remem what its called.. but that mixed with sleeping tabs or anti depress.. wont be good. And ive been there and done that.. ive not had it now for a week. Ive been locking my phone away and been on forums talking to people so its helping me alot. Next time u get a bf dont get one that has coke lol

    in reply to: Cocaine Abuse – need a someone to chat with #10517

    The doctor has just gave me amitriptaline for a trapped nerve in my back and arm.. its an anti depressent.. nerve pain relief and helps you sleep.. people on coke will be taking it to help them sleep after there come down because when the cokes wearing off u feel really down and suicidal sometimes. And when you have a sleep you dont feel too bad. So it will be to get them sleep and not go on a downer after the coke wears off.. ill tell u how it works… imagine a scale of 1 to 10.. 10 u feel amazing.. 1 you feel down.. say you have a jammie doger biscuit u feel excited.. your brain releases endomorphins.. and u hit say 6 on the scale.. if you are going out fri night.. your excited again.. brain releases endos again and u hit say 6. . .. now.. u have coke you hit well over 10! Feel awsome and your using all your endomorphins the brain produces.. but when the coke wears off. U stop producing the endo morphins.. and you go to below 1.. which is were the downer comes from and people have commited suicide from this.. endomorphins is the chemical in your brain that makes you happy and sad.

    in reply to: Genuine drug problem? #10513

    Im goin through the exact same problem.. the minute alcohol passes my lips im getting cocaine.. im on my last chance with my girlfriend. I only have it once a month.. may be once every 2 week. Or even less.. my problem if i have a drink in the house. Ill get it dropped off to me. Quite sad really. But i hate the stuff.. it makes me suicidal coming down off it. Theres no positives apart from feeling good for a bit. If you want him to stop.. he needs quit alcohol . Or you keep his phone if you go out togther. I lock mine in a safe fri and sat.. well my gf does. But the main thing he needs to quit himself.. coke makes you start arguments so its an excuse to buy it. Im in the new year now. Fresh start.. and done lots of prevention planning

    in reply to: My last chance with coke or i lose my family. #10504

    Yes i have gambled alot when ive had coke and alcohol.. tends to be online gambling as its easy to do. Dont give him any money. And ive never robbed of my mum to fund it. I dont know what you could do to be honest. May be tough love.. tell him get a job and sort him self or you will kick him out.. or just carry on as you are. Or tell him to admit he has a problem and you work together in beating his habbit. And he needs to find a job and get help.

    in reply to: My last chance with coke or i lose my family. #10500

    Everyone i speak to say the min they have beer.. its like let get on it and get some sniff.. and the night last longer. He will regret it in the long run

    in reply to: My last chance with coke or i lose my family. #10498

    Well yes theres defo a problem there. Beer makes you want it more. And then by the end of the night you have had 3 to 4 bags. £120 to £150 for nothing. Has he not even said he will stop it for you and the baby?

    in reply to: Cocaine Abuse – need a someone to chat with #10496

    Company is what she does need but not highs lol what comes with highs is really big lows.

    in reply to: Effects of an alcoholic husband #10495

    Im no expert on alcohol.. but you need lay some ground rules or move on.. i know you think you will struggle. But theres always someone better and you will cope.

    in reply to: Cocaine Abuse – need a someone to chat with #10494

    Ye your right you cant chain her to her bed.. you just need to make her aware.. im able to cut off people because im 36.. and i just need my children and partner.. i think the main thing is that she wants to quit it and then she will want your help. I told my mum the other month and shes there now txting me all the time lol. Hope it all goes well

    in reply to: Cocaine Abuse – need a someone to chat with #10491

    If shes contemplating suicide. Stay with her as much as you can. Keep reasuuring her she can do better. Because the more you go on the more its an excuse to want coke..then when it wears off she will feel down and suicidal… your brain is that clever.. because shes had coke it wants more and you dont know.. you will start arguments for no reason.. start thinking about other things that lead to it…next min your on to you dealer.. and your brains won.. its called emotional relapse.. and she needs to avoid these trigger points. Im no expert at this but if it was my little girl.. id be keeping a close eye on her.. giving her positive advice. Making her aware of this crap stuff coke and how bad it is. And shes got her future ahead of her. And most of all she needs friends that dont touch the stuff.

    in reply to: Cocaine Abuse – need a someone to chat with #10490

    Am good locum..its hard getting your point across to a 19 year old. Im 36 got 4 kids. I work hard. And know i have responsibilities. I have it once a month.. last couple of month its been every couple of week. But my partner said she will help me and avoid alcohol which triggers it. Tell her to join this forum and read people stories. She needs to be aware of it. I hate the stuff and it has caused a lot of problems. I had 8 councilling sessions because i wanted to stop and i wasnt even having it every week. But the councillor said.. if you keep going back to it. You must be addicted.. i know shes denying it.. but ask her does she want to quit or carry on? I had to write down on a sheet and write the positives of having coke and next to it the negatives. And there was only 1 positive.. her life would be so much better with out. She just needs to realise this.

    in reply to: My last chance with coke or i lose my family. #10489

    Ye its not good that.. ive been the same. But ive been doing it sometimes on my own after a drink and im ashamed. But its when i have a drink thats it.. i go get it. Ive deleted my fb account now amd deleted all my numbers associated with it.. i suppose he needs to want to quit it him self. I hate the stuff and it sends me really down after having it and sometimes its suicidal. Id give him a chance and say its that stuff or us.. but thats up 2 u. And you probably have. Im on my last life and my kids mean everything to me. So am more determined.. you think of you and the baby. Thats all that matters.

    in reply to: Cocaine Abuse – need a someone to chat with #10483

    I wouldnt believe the lies and give her money to. She could do a prevention plan to avoid coke.. its stuff like avoid things that trigger it.. friends.. alchohol.. arguments. Driving places were she has picked coke up .. theres a lot more i have learned.just ask if you need help

    in reply to: Cocaine Abuse – need a someone to chat with #10482

    Have youb spoke to her about it? 1st thing she needs to do is admit she has a problem.and she is young and still has her life ahead of her. Dont give up on her.

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