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  • in reply to: Enabling advise #20988

    I’m not sure there is an answer ? Difficult isn’t it!

    I’m also in a similar situation where my partner appears to be on a never ending cycle of self destruct!… it generally starts on a Friday and can continue to a Wednesday before he has his act back together again. This isn’t every week end however with the recover period it’s a constant ongoing cycle. Whilst he is self destructing, it is also destructive to our relationship and my own mental health. Lies and continuous mistrust and deceit eventually impacts on a persons mental health. The whole situation is unhealthy.

    You ask if you should be cross about the situation, you definitely have a right to be! If you do not express your frustration how will he know that his behaviour upsets you ? He will always find an excuse to go and use again so I wouldn’t hold off expressing how his behaviour is effecting you because he “may” use again, he is an addict he will anyway. Addicts are also the master of manipulation!

    My partner is lovely l adore him, but I can’t tolerate his behaviour any longer. I am so angry that he has ruined everything and if it where as easy to just not use cocaine then we would be amazing! It’s unfair and cruel and it infuriates me and I do get cross and tell him. What makes it worse for me is that I am qualified in working with recovering addicts and do understand however, when it is your life being effected and not an outside in view it’s very difficult to diss-attach your personal feelings to offer support.

    Is your partner aware of the issues his drug use is having, does he want to change ?

    Mine does not want to change, he says he does but he also says he enjoys what he does. Rock and a hard place unfortunately! Life can be so shit!

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