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  • in reply to: tragically sad #9396

    Hi, my partner decided to go to counselling, it wasn’t drugs counselling though it was relate, but it did help him to listen to me and the effects his coke use was having on our family. Looking back I think he was ready to change and had started to see that his coke mates weren’t really friends and he wasn’t having the time of his life. Also I had put up with a lot over the years so when I threw him out I really meant it and didn’t plan on taking him back, I put my needs and our daughters needs first and that seemed to bring him to his senses. It’s been a long process and its only now 2 years later that he can admit the extent of his drugs use ( much more than I thought he was using) hope your partner comes to his senses. Coke/ drug users are very good at conning themselves that they’re ok and it’s the other people in their lives that have the problem. Just know that you’re doing the right thing and put your needs first. Best wishes

    in reply to: tragically sad #9390

    If his drug use is affecting the person who loves and cares about him then it’s a problem, despite what he says. I have been where you are with my partner saying that I was the one with a problem as I was so boring and didn’t use coke. Luckily we’ve moved on from this, he changed after I kicked him out then we had counselling, which worked for us. Have you got anybody you can speak to to support you? Is your partner in a place where he would go for relationship counselling to understand how his drug use is affecting you? In my experience with my partner using coke regularly brought out the very worst in his personality and made him incredibly selfish so he didn’t care what I thought. Hope it works out for you.

    in reply to: Advice please- how to help my parents #8583

    Thanks for your replies. My brother is currently off meth so my mum says its all ok, cynically I think he’ll be back on it soon enough so i’ll keep the Icaras details, thanks

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