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  • dottylotty

    The RL were the absolute worst for me

    So many times I gave up because of it

    The magnesium spray the the does help but in truth it never went completely ,in the dead of night I have shed tears over it as all I wanted was sleep and I was not getting any

    I also tried with some success some Dopa capsules they are

    Meant to help maximise the dopamine in the brain

    They certainly did not make things any worse !!

    Stay with it.


    I am really only holding on, my hubby is back in hospital and I am being REALLY tested right now

    I am just putting one foot in front of the other !


    I had RL really bad.I even had restless eyelashes!!

    I tried magnesium spray which helped a bit ,I also used a weighted blanket which also helped a little.I have to be honest and tell you that despite using both things it was still dreadful

    The best I can truthfully say is that it will go eventually !

    Good luck


    It still suprises me actuallyt how very many of us have quit/are quitting both codeine AND alcohol.Clearly the addictive personality theory has a great deal of truth in it.

    I quit alcohol because my mother was an alcoholic and it scared me,at the time I had never even heard of the addictive personality theory.

    Quitting alcohol was the easier quit by a very long mile.I felt better for the alcohol quit much sooner than I felt better from the codeine quit.

    I think for some of us ,we will always need to be on our guard from fuure /potential addictions.

    Currently I am, addicted to Diet Coke,and I am not even joking….


    I can see a big black hole that I am clinging to the sides off desperate to avoid falling in to it.My hubby has to have further surgery (he had a kidney removed a while ago)which is scheduled for Thursday.I am more than afraid,he is a good bit older than me ,so no spring chicken,but he is my rock. I have a reel running through the back of my mind that will not stop.How will I live without him if the worst happens etc etc… I know it is irrational but that does not make it go away.The things I have previously used and abused to get me through hard times are gone.I want to keep it that way,but truly I do not know how to get through.

    My lovely grown up Gdaughter is coming to stay with me which will be a massive incentive to stay clean but the fear of falling is so very real.


    Don`t beat yourself up Havehope,you are doing your very best to battle through both codeine and alcohol.The fact that you are even in this forum is mega testimony to your willingness to ditch both.I have been where you are right now and can tell you with 100% certainty that it can be done, you are most certainly not a failure.

    For a long time I felt a hole where both codeine and alcohol had previously lived,I am still struggling to find something to fill that hole.My current addiction is Diet Coke,and I am not even joking.Some of us have the personality type that seem to need something /anything to over indulge.This is not our fault or weakness,but,you are super strong and will get there .

    Take care


    Most of the horrid things such as nausea and vomiting have settled,

    The hole in my brain which was filled by codeine has not gone.What I am finding hardest to deal with,is the fact that I felt so much better when I was popping the devil pills.I still feel as if I am dragging myself through the days.I have ordered some sort of dopamine supplement.I am pinning my hopes on this.


    You have my deepest sympathy

    My restless legs were so extreme I swear my eyelashes join in

    I had restless body never mind legs!

    Magnesium spray helps a bit but it was still horrendous

    I use a weighted blanket which is a big help but of course that’s no help to you right now as it’s far too hot for it

    There are prescription meds but my GP was nervous of giving me them as I take a load of other stuff

    Chin up

    It will pass I promise


    I promise you that any day or even any hour soon you will begin to feel much better

    In the beginning we all focus on managing the physical WD s that we can be taken by surprise when the emotional WDs kick i

    It will pass and each day on will see you feeling a little better

    Stay strong


    Hi Celtic

    Well done on getting straight back up when you slipped

    There is all the moral support you need right here ,so use it !!

    I think at around the same time frame as you (13 days) that really tested me too

    Chin up


    I am sorry that your trip was cut short.Sometimes you have to do what you have to do.Hopefully you will have some answers soon,and I will be thinking of you next wednesday.I have never had this procedure but I think others have posted that you will be given sedative to help you through.Like everything else in life things come and they go.Before you know it the procedure will be behind you,and you will be able to see a path forward.We will all be with you whilst you learn to navigate your new path.


    Hello Emmierow, I hope you have had a decent day.You are right,there is no ,magic wand,but (And its a great big BUT) you have all the support you need right here.Like you,my evil pillswere a bubble, and like you I dont drink alcohol.Carving a new life without any sort of “Comfort blanket” is hard. I can tell you though that whatever you are feeling now is actually real. Whatever it was you felt (And we all felt different things)whilst in the bubble of the devil pills was not real.The devil pills were not your friend ,they lured you in and then laughed behind your back when your life began to fall apart around you

    I wish you all the best as you start to build your (Real this time around)new life.


    Wow Casey,that is amazing ! What an inspiration you are .

    Well done.


    Maggie,you have nothing at all to be sorry for.You are leading by example and are simply showing us all that there is life after and beyond devil pills.You are doing what we all want to do,enjoying life beyond the half life of devil pill addiction.If you,and others like you were not lighting up the path to freedom ,how would we find it ?


    Hi Havehope I was given the exact same advice about getting through it hour by hour(Maybe it was Maggie who gave it to me) I never thought I would or indeed could get through day 4

    Every hour I was here in tears someone picked me back up and stuck with me and I would urge you to use every ounce of support you can get and stick close

    All the very best

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