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  • dottylotty

    Happy anniversary !

    Your story and others like it have got many of us through

    The fact that you are still here helping others in their own battles to give up the devil pills sums up what a wonderfully caring and giving person you are,so a great big Thankyou from us all


    Never apologise for “Rabbiting” I can assure you that no one here will ever see it as that anyway.We have all been where you are now,some of us more than once

    I don’t think anyone could give any useful advice on how many devil pills you need to ward off the worse if it as we all have different levels

    I can only tell you what I did

    From past experience I knew that the RL were the worst thing for me and was the single biggest thing that kept causing me to fail

    I began by quitting all my day time devil pills but taking 4 At once before bed.That was 120my oh codeine ,This did allow me to sleep and not to feel too horrendous.This does not mean it will work for you.There are lots of variables

    All the very best


    Hi Havehope I was given the exact same advice about getting through it hour by hour(Maybe it was Maggie who gave it to me) I never thought I would or indeed could get through day 4

    Every hour I was here in tears someone picked me back up and stuck with me and I would urge you to use every ounce of support you can get and stick close

    All the very best


    Hi Havehope

    I can only speak from my own experience,but reading your post I think you are going to CT whilst having childcare responsibilities ?

    If this is correct I urge you to reconsider

    CT is brutal

    I literally could barely make it between bed and toilet (4 metres!!) by day 4 I could barely lift my head

    If one of my CT attempts ( There were several before I got there )put me In hospital

    If you have any choice at all a taper would save you and your family an awful lot of suffering .Even if I have misread and you do not have to deal with childcare I would still never recommend CT to anyone

    If your mind is set then we will of course support you all the way

    I bought the cheapest magnesium spray and it did help with the RL to some extent but I did lose an awful lot of sleep!!

    I wish you all the best and I will be rooting for you every hour of every day


    Its wonderful news that you are feeling more like your old pre codeine self.

    The CT was horrendous for me too,I am trying to put a positive slant on this by telling myself that I never want to experience that horror again.The whole experience was totally hideous and I never want to go there again.

    Well done to you


    Hello Stacey its good to get to know you. I went CT, and if you have any choice at all in the matter (I did not) I would strongly advise you to think again.It was brutal and I was pretty poorly for the best part of a week.By day 4 I could barely get out of bed.If you are in a situation where CT is your only option ,there are some tips I picked up here that may help you.Immodium melts do whet they say on the pack and for me at least were a must.I also used travel sick pills for the nausea,I am fortunate enough to have prescription strength anti nausea pills but these on their own just did not cut it.I was also advised to get some magnesium spray for the restless legs.Coupled with my weighted blanket did help me get a little sleep.

    It sounds like the fear of harming your body is your motivation so hang onto it when the going gets tough.

    The thing that helped me through it the most was this forum.When I felt I was drowning the members kept me afloat.We are all here so use us.

    Best wishes !


    Oh Star I feel for you. Past behaviour had sent you running for the devil pills as a crutch or prop to get you through .However as you are here on this forum right now ,you already know that in fact they are not the answer.Dr Google is not your friend either Star.

    I know these things are easy to say from the outside especially when all you want is some relief from the stress you are feeling

    One day we will both learn better ways of dealing with things but until then I guess we can only hang on

    It sounds like you are having a pretty rough trot , hang on in there and keep in touch


    Tomorrow is a new day.The fact that you want to kick the devil pils is the biggest step and you have taken it already

    The key to success is getting back up when you fall down.

    The wealth of compassion and advice that this forum holds is what will get us through this

    I have to believe that my hubby and soul mate will recover well

    Contemplating any other outcome is too much to bear

    Be super proud of yourself for facing up to your little slip and tomorrow start over

    I can promise you this(Through my own experience) that your procedure will come and go and you deserve to be in the best possible shape when the date arrives

    Take good care and Thankyou for your kind words


    That feeling that you/me cannot imagine being happy again after we quit,is in fact one I am still struggling with

    One of the members reminded me that codeine happy is not real happy

    I tell myself this multiple times a day

    One day I will believe it

    If I only spread one bit of advice it would be that, if you can avoid CT then avoid it

    I would be hard pushed to describe my own CT experience in words other than horrendous and brutal


    I think if I had to describe this forum it would be none judgmental

    If you slip no matter what the time of day someone will be there to help you up

    I would never have got this far without it

    Stay close to the support that is here but above all you need to allow yourself to be supported

    Best wishes


    Horrendous day.My hubby had a kidney removed last summer,this afternoon he has learned he needs more surgery .This time last month I would have swallowed a load of devil pills to take the edge of the awful reality I have to face

    This is one of those times when I have to be strong for others whilst breaking up inside

    So far I have resisted but the harsh realities of my life right now need a cotton wool approach

    Honestly,my life is just one after another awful things I must face and and deal with and all without a cushion

    I know we will get through it as we are a very tight couple but he has enough to deal with without watching me fall apart

    I have only one thing in mind before my day is over,and that is to stay away from the devil pills

    Although where the strength I need is going to come from I have no idea

    Roll on lights out

    I hope you are all doing well and are putting one foot in front of the other on our collective journey to freedom


    My potential addictions are,Diet Coke,and there is a distinct possibility that I am capable of getting addicted to anything even water.ATM I have a potential addiction in Muller . In all seriousness I know exactly where you are coming from.This capacity for addiction to anything and everything is within us, and I feel I shall spend the rest of the time I have on the planet battling addictions.

    Sometimes in the dead of night when my demons come out to play,I ask myself if all the battling is actually worth it.I am 75 now and I get to thinking “Why am I doing this?” Then of course I wake up and remember why.


    I think codeine is the work of the devil.I tried(very briefly) Tramadol whilst in hospital a few months ago.It made me feel so ill that it was as an adverse reaction.

    Hope everyone is as well as they can be.


    I have to totally agree

    I finished up with CT through bad planning

    If at all possible I would say avoid it

    It may make the process faster but it is brutal

    I did not leave my bed for 6 days

    Whatever you decide good luck


    That single phrase of feeling that there is no good reason to stop is so true and I can totally relate to it

    In some ways I felt that I could have taken the devil pills for ever

    They are prescribed by Dr and for areal genuine painful condition

    However I hated the constant chasing of the next prescription and ultimately backed myself into a corner

    However we have both been through brutal CT and we never want to go back there again !

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