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  • dottylotty

    You should be so proud of yourself

    CT is brutal ,well done.

    How you feel right now will pass I am still going through this process and it’s slow but you can do it

    Stay close this forum has a lot of support to offer from people who know exactly how you feel

    Can I ask you,how long did the nausea and vomiting last ?

    Mine seems to be going on forever and I am starting to wonder if there is something else going on to torture me!

    Well done


    We will get through you are right

    Surely every day is one nearer to finding our way back


    We will get through you are right

    Surely every day is one nearer to finding our way back


    I do get out into the allotment or garden most days, and you are so right it does help.

    I cannot exercise as I have the weird and wonderful Myasthenia Gravis(Amongst other boring things) which means some days I have all on to even chew let alone anything else. Its not an excuse its the reality of my life.

    Today has not been too bad actually although I am back to waiting for bedtime, bedtime to me signals an end to holding on to willpower. Once I go upstairs I know I will not succumb to temptation , and I know I am safe.

    Its not that I want to go back to the devil pills. What I want back is the lightness of heart that for now I seem to have misplaced.

    Thankyou so much for your support, I would be so lost without it.Navigating my new path is hard.


    You are doing so so well, for me the worst of the physical symptoms were all but passed, although emotionally I am still on a bit of a rollercoaster .

    Ignore the little voice Oobs it is in league with the devil pills !

    Keep up the good work


    I know you are right and the opiate happy was not even real

    I was a happy upbeat person before the devil pills took hold so I know I can get back there

    Just a bad day

    Tomorrow is another day


    I never chased pharmacies as I only ever used prescription devil pills, but I can so relate to the counting,checking dates,and trying to work dates to get my script as early as possible

    The first 2 weeks of each month were good, by the 3rd week it was back to counting and scheming.I am glad that is behind me as it is an exhausting way to live. !!

    I don’t really want excitement in my life I am of an age where excitement is very over rated

    What I do want more than anything is calm and it’s a long time since my body did calm all on it’s own

    I know you are right and this is just a bad spell that will pass

    Thankyou so much for your support


    Thankyou that is just what I needed to hear

    This is hard and I see no end

    Is this how I am going to feel for the rest of my life ?


    Well done on the determination that’s the thing that will keep you going

    Stay strong and all the best for day 4

    Once that is behind you the future suddenly seems to look like the place you want to get to

    Good luck and keep putting one foot in front of the other


    To begin with DHC did cause constipation but my body soon adjusted and all was will

    Every time I was around 12 hours without the DHC then the opposite kicked in and I needed the Imodium melts .

    Keep going and good luck


    Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing OK.I would usually be passing the day in my allotment and away from any sort of temptation. However its tipping down here so we are confined to quarters.

    I feel that I am sitting on my hands to stop me doing stupid things. I fare so much better when I am busy busy. I reckon I shall be having a super early night !

    I have plans with the Grandkids next week(I say Grandkids like they are toddlers , some of them are actually in their twenties !) I do feel really blessed that even as now almost grown ups they still seek my company. Its the thought of seeing them next week that is helping me stay away from the evil pills(Or anything else !)

    Oh for life to just be simple .


    You are having a really rough time Star, but trust me the evil pills are not going to help in the longer term

    Like the rest of us you have committed no crime , or done anything wrong , regardless though the only person who can do this is you

    I am glad you feel a little better ,I know very well how that little glimmer of hope feels.Knowing that someone else gets it is such a relief

    Get through each hour as it comes and just keep inching forward

    I hope your procedure is not too traumatising,my hubby had one and he is the worlds biggest baby,if he can get through it ,you can!!


    I am glad the melts help

    They work really quickly which is the main benefit

    I am doing ok but cannot shake off this feeling of looking for something to fill the gap which I feel DHC has left

    It’s early days though

    Because I know I am the type that could get addicted to plain water I am kind of expecting myself to fail

    I lack the confidence to trust myself

    Bonkers !!

    I hope you have a brilliant holiday and come back stronger than ever


    Doctors have a lot to answer for Star. Like most of us here, it was a Dr who started us on the path of self destruction. I have had a couple of joint replacements and I was prescribed DHC .I have only ever taken the prescribed stuff and I sooo wish I never did. I need further surgery and ATM I have no clue how I will deal with that, You WILL get through this because you want is hard and at times I felt as though I could slip at any minutes, but ten minutes on here kept me going. Just someone telling you that you CAN do it makes all the difference. We are all here and we really do know how it is ,so stay close


    Whoops re my last post …

    It SHOULD have said…..

    My advice would be to avoid CT if you can.

    It is brutal,and although its over quicker,I WOULD NOT CHOOSE IT !!

    Just felt the need to clarify .

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