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  • dottylotty

    The liver can pretty much take care of itself

    I take immunosuppressant medication so I have regular liver screening

    Every month I get a call saying something or other is not good

    They repeat the test and ALWAYS it has corrected itself

    Dr Google is not your friend !!

    I am very old compared to you lot so DR Google is still quite new to me

    My advice is stay away from it

    You do not need that kind of advice

    Very little of me actually works as it should so I am well beyond being scared about my health

    I have been collecting my pension many years and am still alive and kicking despite what the blood tests say

    My advice would be to avoid CT if you can

    It is brutal although it’s over quicker I would it choose it

    Good luck and stay chilled


    Well I have just necked 2 diet cokes straight off and I am not even thirsty !!

    I gave up coffee years ago as I was a bit bonkers about it so I may have to move on to caffeine free cola

    I swear if I got addicted to water I would end up drowning


    I always seem to Be trying to find my next fix and anything will do!

    I have not yet had my DCH off my script and I have no real understanding why except maybe I don’t want to

    That fact alone scares me

    Other than all that I am keeping getting through each day and waiting for the constant fear of whatever next


    Have a good night and take care

    in reply to: Please help #29973

    Hello hi

    I gave up alcohol several years ago

    My mother was an alcoholic and seeing her at her worse scared me

    I knew that year on year I was drinking more but more than anything I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired

    Like all journeys worth taking the first step is the most important and you have taken that step

    You need support and you need help

    Do everything you can to get that

    Then you can return to the life you want for yourself

    I am sending a hug over the ether for you

    Take care


    Casey,you are already helping others far more than you realise

    I truly feel if I fell you would catch me and if I could not get up you would hold me until I could

    You have a strength and a kindness that so many of us need and you give so freely and openly

    Be kind to yourself too


    It is hard

    I have to tell you this just so you are not shocked when the WIthdrawals hit

    It is VERY hard,

    But you can do it

    You have to want to do it and you have to want it real bad

    The best advice given to me in the early days was to take it hour by hour

    And take all the support we have to offer

    Good luck


    Yes it would

    It’s their stories which in the early days kept me going

    To be fair though I do get why they want to put all of it behind them and move forward with their lives

    TBH I don’t think I will ever get to that point

    Like a recovered alcoholic is always said to be in recovery always

    I think that’s pretty much the same for me and the devil pills


    The problem with we addictive types is that it is always all or nothing

    Ultimately one teeny tiny devil pill or even the vapour from alcohol can set us back years

    Best not ….


    Well done on getting to day 4.Day 4 was the very worst for me,after that things did begin to get better.I have to be honest though,it is still very early days and feeling rubbish at this point is par for the course.

    Keep up the good work


    I am not sure if the Melts helped my nausea or not really.Because of the medication regime I need to be on I have prescription Cyclizine which is for the nausea caused by the various drug interactions.On top of that I took travel sickness pills which are good for stopping vomiting ion its tracks.It may seem like I went overboard on this type of med ,but there is a very good (Medical and boring)reason for it. Belt and braces.

    You may feel you have a long way to go but you have already travelled so far and because of your willingness to share your journey you have helped so many people like me to navigate their own journey.

    I haven`t had any specific cravings either. My body does not seem to care WHAT, I give it as long as I give it too much of SOMETHING .Right now ,that too much , thankfully seems to be still focused on Diet Coke. I am well aware that this could change any second now and my next addiction is likely Ice Pops .You may laugh or even snigger ,but I am deadly serious. I am well aware I have a seriously addictive personality. ( That sounds wrong I do not mean to suggest that others could be come addicted to me ! ) I am trying to stay one step in front by lining up several other addictions, in the name of damage limitation. You are doing well and you inspire me every day to keep to the narrow path we have both set ourselves on.


    I don`t know if anyone has already mentioned Imodium Melts. When the bathroom issues strike (And they will !) it works super fast, considerably faster than the capsules. It was mentioned in a post some weeks ago ,that in high doses this could work on the opioid receptors in the brain. I actually asked my Neurologist the question ” How much is a high dose” He told me that if I were buying the Melts (Which are on average around 60p each here) I would need hundreds of pounds to cause any sort of meaningful effect. He would not be drawn any further on the amount, or what he meant by “Meaningful effect” In retrospect i hope he did not think I was a candidate for spending hundreds of pounds on a diarrhoea product. Anyone who takes huge amounts of these type of product must be bunged up for all eternity. Ouch ! Anyway… as you are going to be travelling soon, , I thought I would mention it, as a long haul flight is hardly the best venue to be struck down with this kind of problem. They really do work within the half hour.

    I hope you are doing OK and not suffering too much.


    To J

    Have a great holiday and if doing so means treading water for now then I have to agree with earlier posts.

    Fro my own [Awful) experience if the withdrawals hit they are brutal and the only place you will want to be is bed

    The evil pills have had enough of your life don’t let them spoil your holiday

    Stay safe out there


    Actually ,Ice pops could be a valid addiction, and as long as they are sugar free they are a pretty safe one at that. See ,even sugar is not safe around me.


    I guess its more a case of if I don`t laugh I may well cry. If I were inclined to tears I have plenty I could cry about ,I just don`t. Like everything else, I wouldn`t know when to stop. No one in their right mind would want to be addicted to crying !

    Stay safe


    Well,I am DOING IT, brilliantly is not the word I would use to describe it though ! The restless legs are quite a bit better. Yes, I think its the magnesium spray, as its the only thing I have done differently .I reckon I am getting as much sleep as anyone is right now.

    Right now I think my body has accepted the evil pills are gone and is healing well. However, not so the mind. Those who drink have a glass of wine at the end of the day. Those who pop the evil pills pop a pill. Then there is me, and those like me .My Diet Coke addiction is going well though. Those who drink alcohol can choose between red or white wine , Me ? I choose between Diet Coke and Cherry Coke ! Cheers !!

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