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  • dottylotty

    I hope everything is going well for you and that you are super excited about your upcoming holiday .I hope you do not experience any problems with your prescription whilst travelling.


    I must be one of the lucky ones I guess as I have no depression, in fact I am still high on the fact that I have ditched the evil pills. I am still shocked that I actually ditched them.

    The pills had not given me a high for a very long time. In the end I took them just to feel “Normal”

    The word “Recalibrate” is one I am going to hang on to. Hopefully my body will not take too long to do this.

    Stay safe


    I am beginning to think that giving up the pills was actually the easy part TBH. I am not actually filled with cravings for the evil pills ,its more a question going round and round on a loop in my head .The question going round and round on this loop is “What`s instead of (The evil pills).When I gave up alcohol I started taking the evil pills.This was not a conscious decision, nevertheless that was the reality of it. So, the evil pills are gone, and the brain is demanding an alternative I had hoped the brain would accept the Diet Coke as a viable “Evil Pills” substitute. Maybe it will ,and I have not given it time to assimilate to this new normal ?


    The restless legs are the absolute worst. I use a weighted blanket but obviously it is far too hot for that. Speaking from my own (Very recent) experience it did pass pretty quickly. Its dreadful whilst it does though.

    It sounds as though you have made a good start and you are clearly committed to quitting the evil pills. The first step on this journey to freedom is the hardest step and you have already taken it.

    I cannot offer you any advice or tips re taking the pills to America as I have mine on prescription so have never been in that situation. I have taken my own meds all over the world and I have never, ever, been asked to show the prescription let alone get the meds out of their boxes, although I can fully understand your anxiety about this.

    Stay strong and good luck


    Ahhh…clock watching ! Waiting for your own “Permission” to pop a few pills.

    I would like to, say that this sounds bonkers,but in the grip of an addiction this actually sounds quite sane and sensible !



    I did not taper,I was kind of pushed into CT. I totally lack the self discipline anyway to taper !

    If I were to go back and start this all over again (Never in a million years ) I would recommend a taper over CT.

    It sounds as though you have everything to do this for, and you sound very disciplined. You have already done the hard part in recognising the need for change.

    One way or another everyone here has been where you are at right now,and some of us many, many, times. The people here are gold and all the support you need is here for you.


    Some of us have the kind of personalities that lend themselves to almost any addiction.The best thing I ever did was admitting this to myself.This in turn opened the door for change.A change I very much needed to make.

    I will not give you any advice on how to approach a taper. There are others here far more qualified to help you with that. The best advice I can give you, is tap into the support here and use it.No one has ever judged me when I fell (Often),instead they helped me up when I felt I could not. The support here is amazing,and its support that has the power to get you through.


    How are you Ami93? I hope you are coping well with whatever life is giving you right now.

    Please if you can, stay in touch and open with the lovely people here.There is so much support and kindness here,tap into it.Let yourself be supported and cared for.

    Take good care


    I actually feel reasonably good today.I sprayed the legs with Magnesium before I went to bed ,and actually slept for 4 hours without waking.This is a massive improvement on a few days ago.

    My challenge now though is to stay off them.

    I will give you an example of where I am at……

    Before I gave up alcohol (Several years ago now ) I would sit under an umbrella sipping wine in the sun,and I will freely admit,I LIKED IT !! (I only gave up alcohol because my mother was an alcoholic and it scared me).So then I took to codeine (See the pattern emerging ?) Where others sat in the sun sipping wine,I popped a few pills,so where do I go from here ? I will freely admit to a Diet Coke habit,but when the sun is shining and all the world seems to be chilled and happy,where does this leave me ? Suddenly I have no prop,and actually I feel I NEED a prop. Apart from a cocktail of very much needed prescription meds,I am as clean as a whistle,I don`t smoke,I don`t drink and I do not ever again pop codeine,so tell me you very wise ladies,why do I feel so empty and how do I fill the hole ?


    Ami, listen to Mads (and the rest of them)they have been on the inside of this ,they know what it’s like

    .She will not tell you it’s easy but she will tell you it’s doable .

    I fell so many times over the last few month but they kept helping me back up .Use them,use us all .You can get through this and to better things

    Take care


    Honestly Ami93,no one has had as many slip ups as I have had. Truly I never thought I could actually get through to the other side.

    Like you I never thought I was capable of making the change I knew I needed to make.

    Some days I loathed myself,

    Yet here I am over a week without codeine.

    You WILL get there.Be kind to yourself

    Best wishes to you


    I had a decent(ish) night and I think the legs were a tad better.I used the magnesium before I went to bed and then again in the night.

    I did come very close to buying the OTC stuff.If I had had any in the house I may well have swallowed it.The fact that I would have had to go and buy some was enough to put the brakes on.For now at least I think keeping any in the house would be a serious mistake.

    I wouldn`t want to mislead anyone at the start of their own journey by saying I am totally fine already,because that is not the truth.I still feel ropey and lacking in any energy but the nausea and tummy troubles are already feeling like a thing of the past.I have bought some Barroca this morning which will hopefully help.

    I know I have already said it,but I am so shocked I need to say it again.I cannot believe I actually did it !

    I have had so much support from you all,and your compassion has been amazing,I would never have got through the week without you all.If I can help anyone even a tenth of the way I have been helped,then I am here and listening.


    I never thought I could get this far,I still cannot believe I have managed a whole week

    I don’t feel great TBH but all the nausea and toilet issues are behind me now I just need the legs to behave now!!

    Thankyou so much for all the support you have given me


    I have the spray oil

    I am assuming it will be absorbed through the skin

    I think it’s good advice to use it regularly initially ,

    If I could get the legs under control and so get some sleep Ian sure I would feel a lot better

    Yesterday I was sooooo close to getting some OTC pills but between you ,the support kept me going until bed time

    A great big Thankyou to you all


    Does anyone here know how I should use the magnesium oil?

    I am not sure if it’s to be used at the onset of the crazy legs or if I should use it daily regardless

    Any advice would be very welcome

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