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  • in reply to: time to say no #9833

    P.S. They always blame somebody else

    in reply to: time to say no #9832

    Hi A.lone
    My advice to you is put your children first and leave. I stayed for 23 years until I was relieved to leave and leaving was easy. Sadly, the damage was done and now ny beautiful daughter is an alcoholic. I don’t know what your home lfe is like but mine was waljing on eggshells and the only time tgere was happiness and rekief was when tgere was alcohol involved. Thus, my daughter associates alcohol with happiness. I know I have an arduous and heartbreaking journey ahead of me with her. Do ‘t risk it for your children. Get out xxx0

    in reply to: tragically sad #9831

    Lily, your story sounds so similar to my daughter’s. She was unhappy when me a d her dad split up. She started to hang out with older kids and began drinking at 12. I knew she had a problem at 14 but when I tried to tell people (e.g. doctor) she just looked dumbfounded because she was so young. Please try and get help for yourself because you can change if you want. There is a big, exciting world out there and you can do anything you want with your life. Your experience puts you in a position to help others. Don’t let your past hurt dictate your choices in life. Blessings and good luck to you xxxxc

    in reply to: tragically sad #9830

    Can I say that I have read a lot of posts but what stands out about your post is your strength, consistency and determination. You are exactly what an addict needs. You have kept calm and rational for your son and if he is not respondibg positively then it is not because of you. All I can say is just keep doing what you are doing and remaun string and consistent for your son. I pray that he will turn a corner because above all people, you deserve it. Good luck!

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