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  • in reply to: Drink drives & argumentative #12175

    You cannot control them drink driving and if you try to it ends in a confrontation. He might hurt someone or himself, lose his licence and his job but we cannot control this. Remember he makes a choice to be irresponsible. You are the responsible one. Make plans to make sure you and your children are not in the car with him when he acts this way, saying that it makes me cross that we have a pre-empt any decision they make as it is controlling our lives and the children x

    in reply to: Alcoholic husband in denial #12174

    You are not alone, I have 2 children and been in a relationship for 15 years with an alcoholic. He has had a few years now and then of being sober but the same pattern returns. Your not crazy or mental, they make you feel that way because it’s a way to justify their own behaviour. Plan things with friends/family and your children so you have things to look forward too. Do some mediation maybe to relax you in the evenings. I hope it gets better or you find some peace. I hope the same for myself too x

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