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  • in reply to: tragically sad #9407

    Oh Sue, I am so sorry to hear this, it’s heart breaking what you and your family have been through. I sincerely hope your son get’s stronger every day and please god a second chance, please look after your self too, in my thoughts always love Fiona xxx thoughts are with you and your boy as well Susie much love xxx

    in reply to: stupid stupid stupid #9175

    * Peace !! xx

    in reply to: stupid stupid stupid #9174

    This is no betrayal to your daughter, the only one who has been betrayed is you !! I feel your pain in every word, you have give it your all, there’s no pain like it, its a living hell to watch your child become a deceitful lying addict, its good to vent it out on here, no one can judge you, were all in the same boat..Be kind to yourself, I have Hated my son at times, and there’s things i will never forget.. Forgive well thats a different story : ( I hope somehow you find a little piece, and your daughter finds the strength to kick her addiction once and for all xxx

    in reply to: tragically sad #9173

    Hi Debz2, feel your worry and pain hun, been there with my son.. just the word Heroin sends shivers down my spine, how it can rob are kids and us of everything.. How is your son paying for his drug’s? I’m ashamed to say I actually gave my son money at times, so he wouldn’t commit crime, or I couldn’t see him ill, he played me like a fiddle : ( So your lad convinced the shrink theres no problem, easily done, most of them live on another planet..prison shrinks really dont care!!! My son’s doing 10yrs in prison now Deb, all because he was a slave to Heroin and crack cocaine. Your living what i call a nightmare, and i wish i could help you, i really do.. the only bit of advice i can give you is don’t enable him, don’t allow him to take up your every thought, be firm but always let him know you love him. your just not willing to live in his world of drugs.. It is the hardest thing for a mother to watch her child waste away in front of her, and for us to feel so helpless and to be told they can only help themselves, I never really got my head round that one !! In my prayers Fiona xx

    in reply to: There’s nothing left of me #9039

    Ah Sue, I am still here love!! pop in every now and then always hoping to see if you’re ok and Susie .. I literally just left a message on Susie’s post asking after you and then low and behold you have posted yourself.. So sorry thing’s aren’t different for you where your boy is concerned 🙁 It is even worse this time of the year I know, I pray you hear something just to ease your mind a bit.. He will be ok Sue, it is that drug ( heroin) that has took away his concern for others we both know that xxx

    in reply to: My Boy #9038

    Hi Susie, if you e-mail me I will give you my facebook details, it would be lovely to keep in touch.. And if Sue ( Frantic mum) happens on this message the same applies to you lovely lady.. xxx

    in reply to: My Boy #9016

    You stay strong hun, don’t let no demon drug or anything or anyone take up any more of your chance at a happier life,, all the very best for the future Fiona xxx

    in reply to: My Boy #9015

    Hiya hun, so happy to be reading this, cause I know you’ve been through it!! So glad for you and all the family.xx My son is fine, Keeping his head down and getting on with his sentence.. love and light to all Fiona xxx

    in reply to: The nightmare begins again #8799

    Hi hun, life is ok at the moment, just had a week in Portugal so feeling much better for having that : ) Just waiting for my son to be moved to a long term prison , where he might get help with his addictions. So happy to hear your lad is still on the straight and narrow, stay positive!!! If you read this Sue, thought’s are with you, hope all is ok xx take care Susie , I will pop on this site every now and then love fiona xxx

    in reply to: FIFI, franticmum, and regulars #8637

    Hiya Susie, thank you hun, going to see my son bank hol monday, that will be the 1st time since sentenced, going to take all I’ve got not to cry in front of him, I don’t think I have many tears left anyway. How is your son? and how are you? Thinking of you and Sue god bless xxx

    in reply to: is this the ending of my story? #8573

    Hiya Ladie’s I feel a bit hopeful for us all tonight, you see I met with my cousin today, for the 1st time in about 13yrs.. he had been a heroin addict for around 15yrs, locked away in his bedroom injecting heroin, a shadow of his former self!! He is clean, has been for quiet a few yrs now.. We hugged like we did as kid’s and the warm’th i felt off him was so good..I’m spending the day with him tomorrow, If he can do it, so can our boy’s .. We won’t be beaten ladie’s stay strong love to you both Fiona xxx

    in reply to: My Boy #8572

    My heart goes out to you, I can only imagine the pain you’ve been through and are still going through!!! When drug’s get a hold of our kid’s we lose so so much!! Your boy has freed himself from the torment of being a slave to drug’s and for that no-one could ever blame him.. take care hun, I’m so sorry for your loss xxx

    in reply to: feel so alone tonight …. #8516

    Hi Sue, How are you? hope your coping.. Any word from your son? stay strong lovely lady sending big hug’s xxx

    in reply to: feel so alone tonight …. #8512

    Hi Susie, all good thank’s hun..Been to see my lad today, he look’s great.. why doe’s it take for them to have to go to prison to look well : ( Your boy will be home soon, I truly hope he stay’s clean, for his sake and your’s.. everything crossed for you xx He has not been sentenced yet, but shouldn’t be to long now, whatever it maybe, I have to look at it as It has saved his life.. I think I can cope with it better that way..Took my 85yr old mam with me, he gave his lovely nana lot’s of kisses and hug’s and she gave him a good old ear bashing lol.. take care hun, xxx

    in reply to: feel so alone tonight …. #8504

    And a big hug, right back at you Sue!!! Them wee small hour’s and how you have described how you are feeling, were the worst time’s for me. That no win situation is the one, because we have said, “enough is enough” and think we’re taking control by asking them to leave our live’s until they have changed there way’s, and for a little while when they leave us a lone we get some peace. As time goes on, I know for me, that’s when the torture begin’s again..Once again for my own sanity I would have to go looking for him.. Very cruel this world of addiction.. Love and Hope is all we have xxxx

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