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  • in reply to: HELP!!!! PLEASE SOMEONE #8491

    As you say, sound’s like an addict to me as well ms emily, I have found they always try and play it down
    (there usage) No man is more powerful than that drug, it will rob you of everything!!!

    in reply to: Chink of light #8474

    Hi Susie, how is your Son doing? Hope your ok..
    I see mine once a wk, he is looking good..just hope he can handle it when sentenced xxx

    in reply to: finally news ………but sadly not good #8473

    Hi Sue & Susie, think of you both often..
    wishing you both love & lite, peace & happiness..
    I’m okay, just waiting for my boy to be sentenced 🙁 xxx


    P**s off aitor!!!!! Sorry Sue but they really upset me with there scam messages, no heart what so ever!!!!I have read both your post, there’s been no let up for you at all 🙁 God it can be a cruel world and you my love have had more than your share..Stay strong hun and may some lightness come into your life soon love fiona xxx

    in reply to: still battling on #8398

    Aw hiya Sue, Ive been thinking of you, so sorry to hear thing’s are no better.. Sue if you said to the police you want to report him missing then, they might do something.. just to let you know he is safe and stop your poor mind racing… If he doesn’t want contact fair enough, at least you’ll know then xx Wish I could help more!! The action’s of addict’s are so cruel ..take care lv fi xxx

    in reply to: My heart has broken……. #8397

    So sorry Susie, know exactly how your feeling!! Your son wll be fine, and your in for some well deserved worry free sleep.. sounds awful that I know but its true !! Let’s hope this is his wake-up call and he realises what a good famiy he has got, you stay strong in my prayers xxx

    in reply to: UPDATE for all those with addicted children…. #8370

    Hi Susie, stay strong hun, glad your son is finally accepting help.. I know your in the background, waiting, wondering and you’ll be scared every time he goes out. I think you’re the one who needs a big hug off him!!! See my son once a week at the mo, he looks a hell of a lot better, gain 2 st in weight already.. prison food cant be that bad!!! I’ve been thinking of Sue as well, hope she is ok!! either of you can contact me via e-mail on take care lv fiona xxx


    Hi Susie got everything crossed for you and your son, I hope a little light switches on for him and he realises its no life being addicted to drink & drugs!! In my prayers Susie xxx

    in reply to: How is everyone???????????? #8309

    Prison can be a deterrant for some, but my son had his first hit of heroin in jail, so I cant even kid myself this wont happen again.. he came out a heroin addict,, I have just got to hope history doesnt repeat its self and what ever jail he ends up in isnt full of drugs 🙁 xxx

    in reply to: How is everyone???????????? #8302

    Hi Susie and Sue, hope your both keeping well. I am ok, going to see my son tomorrow it’s his 30th birthday..seen him last wk and he looks tons better, there are drugs in the jail he is in, but so far he tells me he hasnt been tempted.. Also back with my partner and things are good again with us..I am finding it very hard to forgive my boy at the mo, I feel he has totally ruin his life, the only thing he has got to look forward to now is a very long time in prison : ( its just so sad, he use to be such a lovely lad.. hope your boy’s come good for you, love fiona xxx

    in reply to: scared #8224

    Hi concerned mum, take no notice of the above, its spam, dirty scum trying to get money out of vunerable people.. Adfam will remove it as soon as they see it tomorrow.. Don’t let it put you off hun, we’re all in the same boat on here, there are some lovely people who can lend an ear or maybe give you some sound advice.. I will be back on tomoz and we can have a little chat, until then take care Fiona xx

    in reply to: Todays another day!!! #8222

    Thanks Susie, yeah you’re right breathing space is defo needed. I can’t blame him, I’d be so wrong to do so.. He is a really good man, but this life style of police, drugs etc.. is totally alien to him, bless him I bet he has emirgrated by now ; ) xxx

    in reply to: Todays another day!!! #8221

    Aw not at tall Sue as long as you didnt get writer’s cramp lol.. well at least you can have a bit of a breather for a while the doc’s do there stuff. I know where you’re coming from saying you feel hard, It’s more a defence thing really, we have to protect ourselves some how. We could quite easily end up in a mental hospital with it all.. there’s been many a time ive thought thats it im losing the plot 🙁 as im sure you have. You enjoy the rest of the wk Sue and if the sun comes out i’ll have a little potter in my garden that always makes me feel a bit better : ) lv Fiona xxx

    in reply to: Todays another day!!! #8215

    Aw ta Sue and you love… Did you hear anymore from the hospital? Or your son? goodnight hun take care xxx

    in reply to: Todays another day!!! #8211

    Hiya Susie, Its been quite thanks hun, shut myself off abit to tell you the truth. Not heard anymore on my son yet… still not seen or talked to my partner, his texting has stop now also.. So I think its over for real now 🙁 Can’t get my head round all that’s happened Susie, Im sure it will sink in eventually : ( I hope your bearing up my dear cyber friend xxx

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