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  • in reply to: Spam postings #8207

    Thank you Adfam !!!

    in reply to: HE HAS DONE IT NOW !!!!! #8202

    Aw god Susie its a living hell this!!!! So sorry to hear this news..selfish selfish lads with self distructed buttons. Will it ever end? I don’t know!! Will we ever learn to cope with it? I hope so take care hun xxx

    in reply to: COUNTDOWN….. #8201

    Good for you Sue!!! It must of been hard for you but you did’nt let him take control.. It is one big torturious roller coaster we’re all on but we can’t bloody scream, it says inside 🙁 One day we should all meet up in Blackpool go on the big one and scream our bloody heads off xxx

    in reply to: COUNTDOWN….. #8199

    Aw Susie what can you do!!! thats how quick your world can change, its horrible to have that bit of hope snatched away once again 🙁 stay strong hun xxx

    in reply to: COUNTDOWN….. #8182

    Aw Susie thats great!! Im glad he is getting another chance : ) you must be feeling so relieved and apprehensive at the same time, hold on to that light, one day at a time as thet say xx

    in reply to: HE HAS DONE IT NOW !!!!! #8177

    Sue and Susie you’re an absolute god send for me at the moment THANK YOU!!! deep breaths, shake myself down and get out there love Fiona xxx

    in reply to: COUNTDOWN….. #8173

    Thinking of you Susie, whatever happens tomorrow I hope your son realises the hurt he is causing you and your family, and makes them changes xxx

    in reply to: HE HAS DONE IT NOW !!!!! #8172

    Thank you ladies, I must be still in shock !! I saw doom and gloom coming my way but not this, one day we are talking rehab, he was all up for it, then BAM? I am going to see him tomorrow, I don’t want to, but then again I do, I have to see if there is any of my son left, I feel terrified.. On top of all that I spilt with my partner over all this, the day we were raided (thurs) he said he could’nt cope with it all and left that night. He wants to come back now, but I feel to angry with him at the moment, so its a big NO from me right now 🙁 I feel ashamed to death everyone in the neighbourhood knows. I am usually quite strong in that respect and believe in there but for the grace of god go I, but this is far to heavy for me 🙁 thanks for listening love fiona xxx

    in reply to: HE HAS DONE IT NOW !!!!! #8167

    They told me they could shoot him on sight if he still had a weapon and was resisting arrest.. that was the longest 13hrs of my life 🙁 x

    in reply to: My son #8150

    Hiya Brian, thanks for posting, youre the 1st father ive seen make a comment, there are most prob many more, but I personally havent come a cross any.. saying that Brian I wouldnt like you to think Im saying fathers dont suffer the pain the rest of the family feels, Im sure they do!!! good fathers, my son wasnt lucky in that respect, his father has always been a total waste of space and shared his heroin with my son. I hope your son comes through this terrible time Brian and you and your family get some peace … Fiona x

    in reply to: Is it just me?? #8110

    Aw im sorry I made you cry 🙁 I loved his father very very much, but I loved my son more to bring him up in that situtation.. thats why it kills me even more to think drugs got my boy in the end anyway and his father even gave it to him to spite me, I don’t know that for sure but it wouldnt surprise me if he did.. He is doing ok, near slip the other day but I caught him, cried and begged him to hang on, self medicating with weed and valium but think the heroin is out of his system now, thanks for asking hun, hope your ok lv fiona xx

    in reply to: I AM BEGGING YOU GOD!!!! #8105

    Thank you Ladies, Im walking on egg shells today, I had to leave him for 5hrs whilst I took my mam for an op, He says he didnt go out, but Im not sure 🙁 He is very quite and looks really down..My gut instincts are normally right, but I just dont know this time 🙁 Tomorrows another day I will hang on in there and hope!! Got no option , feeling very edgy tonight xxx

    in reply to: happy birthday ??? not really #8099

    Happy belated birthday wishes lovely lady, I feel your pain in your words Sue, Its so unfair 🙁 wishing you abit of lightness in your heart this wk/end love Fiona xx

    in reply to: cant sleep #8070

    Thinking of you ladies to-night, I don’t often pray but im going to and i’ll add you in them xx

    in reply to: Am I losing my son? #8059

    Hi sad and tired I havent received an email hun, are you sure you sent it to the right address?

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