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  • in reply to: How to beat drugs #19677

    Thank you both Lindyloo and Ivy for your replies. thank you.

    I’m sorry for your sons – we are all in ‘the club’….27 year old sons and over a decade of drugs…I reluctantly wear the t-shirt now.

    I have had a read of the home page, this provided info and weblinks so thank you again. I shall get in contact with the Icarus trust tomo.

    I feel I can sleep soundly tonight as my son is not on the streets, I’ve stopped crying also. But come tomorrow when he is off again….who knows?

    take care ladies and thank you again.

    I shall probably rant again on here, maybe go over to ‘Theresa’….ranting is just a vent for me at the mo – not too many close mates or family. xx

    in reply to: How to beat drugs #19674

    So, my son has been picked up by his uncle who he is close to and has been taken there for a bath and fresh clothes. Last night and the night before he slept on the streets. Last night his dad picked him up, but got a lot of verbal abuse and anger , he even accused the family of abuse and wanted to know the reasons for our marriage split 18 years ago. I received many texts, although not abusive were very rambling and long about his ADHD and he self medicates with cocaine. He is very angry.

    I’m reading all of this website and most of the stories has made me cry. a lot of addicts rely on emotional manipulation for money for drugs, with loved ones giving into demands and then for the spiral to continue, continue to prison, homelessness, hospital and even death. Addicts recover, then get worse, get better, then get worse in repetitive patterns over and over and over again. Loved ones end up in debt, emotional turmoil for life, relationship breakdown, and family breakdown.

    No wonder drugs ruins lives, its a business run on emotional manipulation, threats, violence and lies, and I am not going to be part of it. My son will end up dead, I know this and I have begun mentally preparing myself for this. No amount of helping, no amount of money, no amount of support will help.

    I’m pretty angry today….

    I’ve said no to my son coming to live with me – right or wrong, it is one of my lifes hard decisions and I stand by his regardless of anyones opinions or judgements.

    I’m really angry today…

    in reply to: How to beat drugs #19667

    It’s happened….one of my very worse fears. My son is homeless and I have said no to him staying with me. I am devastated and utterly heartbroken. My chest hurts, my head hurts and it feels like a bereavent. I have been crying non stop today, sobbing uncontrollably , alone. He said he was clean, and we believed him for ten days. Lots of plans for his life ect. Sunday he asked me,, his dad and grandparents for money. Because we all now communicate, he was found out and got his bag and left, smashed a phone on his way out and petrified his 80 year old grandmother. He cannot stay there anymore. He cannot stay at his dad’s as he has been violent and threatening with him (punched him and scratched his car). The only option was me……and I have turned him down so now he is homeless. The burden is mine, but I’m hoping this helps him in the long run. I cannot be his enabler. He’s met with a nice homeless woman who is going to help him with the council tomo, but he’s on cocaine now, he’s rambling. The decision is one of the most difficult I’ve ever made. I am so incredibly sad tonight and feel so utterly helpless. Sorry for rant, I am alone and cry alone. I wish it was me on the streets and him here in a nice warm home with food. He said he sang for some food yesterday and said people have been nice. Nicer than me no doubt. Thank you stranger on the street for looking after my son.

    in reply to: How to beat drugs #19570

    Thank you,

    This is the first time I’ve admitted my son is an addict. I’ll read the post on the forum and hope to gain insight and support. He doesn’t live alone, he lives with his grandparents. Debts were paid off last year by his grandparents so he has a debt to them, but recently more pay day loans have become apparent. I think heroin has come into play the past few weeks as his request to borrow money has increased to 2/3 times a week recently. He is a good man with a good heart but he has had problems now for many years and I think he is totally lost and is spiralling. He is not working and hasn’t held down a job for more than a few months in many years. All the family are very worried about suicide and have been for many years. I don’t know where to go for help for him and what works – nothing has up until now. There will be a few months of settled life, and then boom! Out of work, depression, drugs. But this time it is heroin. I’m going to read the forum now, thank you again.

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