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    Hi Flo, I know tapering is really hard and I too have my ups and downs. I’m trying to be really strong and most days. I was taking roughly a hole strip of 30mg codeine which was about 840mg per day. I’m now taking about 4 a day most days but I do slip up now and then and try and just forgive myself and carry on and remember how far I’ve come. I’ve massively decreased what I’m taking so at least trying and keeping going forward is something to be proud of. Keep going you will get there, me too, hour by hour x


    Hi Everyone, hope your all ok. I’m still battling on but I’ve definitely felt my mood getting lower and lower. You are right about alcohol being a depressant, I just need to find a whole new reward system lol. I’m finding it harder to motivate myself to get up and do things. I’m just going with it though and I’ve had a couple of lazy days. Hope your husband is ok Dotty. Love to all xx


    Hi Dotty I hope you and your husband are ok. I’m still going on with the taper but found it really hard over the weekend. I feel like I get one thing under control the mess up another. I keep justifying to myself that it’s ok to have some wine Because my head is battered at the moment etc etc. I know what I’m doing and Im going to really try to not swap one addiction for another. I had a word with my partner and he’s suggested allowing myself a couple of glasses on a Saturday night with him so I still feel like I have something to look forward too. Im going to try that. Everything still feels really difficult at the moment and I fear it will get worse because I’m tapering more again. Take care everyone xx


    I think there is a faulty addictive gene that runs through alot of us.‘makes sense in lots of ways. I’ve tapered roughly from at least 840mg of codeine over a day to about 150mg over a day. I’m not perfect and some days I do better than others but I’ve came a long way. Same with all alcohol I’ve cut down so much but I still do have my mess up days. I’m learning to forgive myself and remember that it’s the journey that’s important. I am trying and changing and doing my best. I’ve learnt to be honest with the people I love and let them know that I’m not this perfect person we all aspire to be. I am strong but I’m also weak,‘I am a coward but I’m also brave. We are all rough with some smooth edges. I’m learning it’s the trying and the keeping on trying that matters, that makes all the difference. That’s what makes us warrior’s. Keep fighting xxxx


    Hi caseyJ so pleased that your feeling good and sleeping well. I’m still tapering but I. Know I’ve come so far with alcohol too because I’ve had to stop enjoying my glasses of wine because it’s a trigger for me when I don’t feel my best next morning. I’m away again this weekend with the kids and sea air. Don’t know what it is about the beach but it relaxes me to the core and gives me hope for the future. Good luck and lots of love everyone xxx


    I think day 1 and 2 are the easiest because it takes a while for everything to leave your system and then after 2 days your body is like, right what the hell is going on! My tummy is still so sore, I’ve survived on a few cup of soups and vitamins but now I’m trying to make myself eat something more substantial even if it’s small and more often. I feel like I have permanent PMS lol. I know it’s not going to last forever though. Good luck everyone xxx


    Morning Staceyd09 and good luck. I would personally start taking it straight away and get it in your system. I personally always found day 1 and 2 not too bad and then from day 3 got worsening symptoms so it can’t hurt to have the magnesium and valerian root from day 1 to get in your system. Wishing you the best of luck xxx


    You might have to copy and paste the address into your browser x



    Not sure if this is allowed but when looking for tapering info I found this. Might be of some help if they let me post it for anyone needing tapering help x


    Hi Mamma4 your story sounds so like mine and a lot of peoples on this group. I’m still working my way through this and this forum has been a god send, it’s so good to just not feel alone and like the most terrible person in the world. I have tried withdrawing a few times cold turkey and I too have kids and have just never managed past 4 ish days. I also tried tapering but never had the discipline needed until this time because I knew I wanted it. I told my family because I knew I needed someone else to keep me on the straight and narrow so to speak, so if your lucky enough to have someone you can trust to help you with your taper that can be such a good help on those harder days. I tapered really quickly the first week or so and now I’m slowing down because I’m not taking much now compared to what I was having. Also tapering the dosage helps, I went from multiple times a day to taking 2 doses a day. But I’ve learnt from this forum that everyone is different and you have to do it however you can. I’ve found pushing myself to do things depending on my mood really helps. If I feel rage I clean like I’m a woman possessed. If I feel down a walk in the woods or a long the beach helps. Do what you need to do to get through it and take it hour by hour and forgive yourself when you eff up excuse the French. We all make mistakes, we are human and one mistake doesn’t mean the whole game is over, I just keep trying to plug away. I find the Breethe app listening to sleep stories and meditations helps me personally, again though I think it’s finding something that helps your mood to lift and we are all so different. I’ve been taking vitamins including magnesium tablets. Also trying to quit alcohol as I find that’s a trigger for me too. It’s not easy but we can do it because as someone else told me on here, we are warriors!!! We can do anything. Wishing you every success and we are all in this together xxx


    Celtic 17 your right wine really doesn’t help. With the kids and work I never seem to find the time for the gym but I love walking. I’m going to go for a nice walk later on and hopefully that will make me feel better xxx


    Morning All, the cramps have eased past not gone completely. I will look into a heat pad that is caseyJ if it carries on. I’m annoyed with myself because last night and the night before I had a couple of glasses of wine. I just bought the glass size bottles so I could over indulge like I usually so with everything but I still feel a failure and my partner is annoyed with me because I said I was giving up alcohol too and didn’t stick to it. I know his point but I’m starting to feel like I’m in jail, which is silly because people are only trying to help and I know after wine my will power is weaker. Anyways we are going to go out later and I will drive so I won’t be tempted. It’s hard trying to give up very thing that you used to relieve stress. I need to learn new routines. Anyways that’s my whinge over. I’m going to finish my coffee and try and turn this day around into a good day! Happy weekend everyone x


    Thanks for your answers, I still have awful cramp’s this morning ????. Going to take some ibuprofen and vitamins and hopefully moving around a bit might help. If not it might be a curl up with the kindle kinda day. Hopefully it will just last a day or two. Hope ever has a good day today xxx


    Sorry if this is a bit of a weird question, but did anyone women find there periods affected withdrawing? I have a coil and I have a reallly heavy period like I haven’t had for a long time. I don’t know if it could be related to the menopause I’m early 40’s or if it’s just this? As if there wasn’t enough to contend with lol! Thanks xxx


    Hi everyone I’m pottering on with a few jobs again but I have that same just exhaustion. I find I just have to push myself to do things or I feel worse and have too much time to think…we will get there though. Thinking of you all too xxx

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