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  • havehope

    Thank you xx


    Thank you, I’m in tears reading this, I’m so grateful for all of your support. My partner and kids think I have flu, only my sister knows what’s going on. It’s just horrible feeling like a crap human being as well as all the physical symptoms. I’m off work until Monday so I’m praying I can manage a little by then. But like you are saying a day at a time. I hope I can help others and look back at this in 8 weeks time, I really do. I am never, ever going through this again x


    Thank you, I’m in tears reading this, I’m so grateful for all of your support. My partner and kids think I have flu, only my sister knows what’s going on. It’s just horrible feeling like a crap human being as well as all the physical symptoms. I’m off work until Monday so I’m praying I can manage a little by then. But like you are saying a day at a time. I hope I can help others and look back at this in 8 weeks time, I really do. I am never, ever going through this again x


    Thanks everyone I just keep reading your messages urging myself to keep going. I keep reasoning with myself saying that maybe the taper was the right thing to do and I should try again. I know I’m kidding myself but I hate feeling like this. I feel not too bad one minute then my skin starts burning again and I feel like my insides are itchy. I’m so tired, I really hate this. I hope there’s not too many days of this left. I don’t want to give up x


    Sorry for the repeated posts I thought there was a reason it wasn’t submitting so tried to shorten the post and submit again!


    Hi everyone I spoke not so long ago and was trying to taper off, that didn’t work so well. I’m too greedy. I fluttered with stopping by switching to tramadol but I was replacing one with the other and then using both together. I knew I had to stop which is what I’ve admitted and I’m on day 3. I feel awful, I have no energy and the sweats and shivers are awful. I feel down and I keep getting these weird brain zaps as I call them. Like electric jolts. Roll on day 365! X


    Hi everyone I spoke not so long ago and was trying to taper off, that didn’t work so well. I’m too greedy. I fluttered with stopping by switching to tramadol but I was replacing one with the other and then using both together. I knew I had to stop which is what I’ve admitted and I’m on day 3. I feel awful, I have no energy and the sweats and shivers are awful. I feel down and I keep getting these weird brain zaps as I call them. Little electric currents almost in my brain. I’m fighting on though, these posts give me a little lift today, thanks x


    Well done and good luck to you too. I have tapered down a lot these past couple of days, the sweats through the night were unreal. I’m just trying to taper down as much as I can and hope that will help before I quit completely. I’m already feeling emotional and irritable, I feel so quilty being like this, I’m trying to stay upbeat so I don’t take it out in my family. I wish I could fast forward the rough bit. It’s so inspiring hearing people say how good they are feeling now though. One day x


    Thanks RachBN it feels good not feeling alone in this. It’s been a hard 2 years and I’ve used codeine as a crutch, it sounds like a lot of us have reading peoples stories. Thanks for the support, I hope I feel like you do soon x


    Hi everyone I’m so glad I stumbled across this post. I was researching codeine withdrawal and stumbled across this. I’ve been taking codeine for years. I’ve taken morphine tablets but not for years, codeine is what I always fall back too. Someone’s tramadol if I can’t get codeine as it stops the withdrawals. I have a strip of codeine left, that would usually last a day if that. I want to quit for good this time, I’m just scared. Reading all your posts is really helping me to feel stronger about it though. Thanks for sharing x

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