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  • in reply to: Advice please #25497

    That must have been hard but also a relief Littletree. I wish you luck for a better future for yourself and your child.

    in reply to: Lost my brother on Monday to alcohol and paracetamol #25445

    So sorry to hear of your loss econrathe. It scares me to read (although I know already but try to ignore) that your brother could not be helped despite having the support of friends and family. My son is 28 and is an alcoholic. He is mentally tortured every day of his life. I have no idea at this point if he will ever be free and it saddens me that he is living such a terrible life in his own head. There is nothing I can do. I hope your brother’s funeral went as well as these can and you all shared some happy memories of him. He is at peace. Look after yourself.

    in reply to: Anyone out there? #25444

    Maria20, Hi, I’m sorry to read what you have been through. You’ve probably been told this before but I will say again, you have NOTHING to feel guilty for. I agree with JEM that some counselling/therapy would help so you can work through some issues and look forward to building the life for yourself you deserve. You have gone above and beyond for both your parents who, I’m sorry to say, failed you and have been extremely selfish. That said, alcoholism is not a choice but sadly some people can’t be helped because they can’t find the strength to help themselves. I hope you manage to find a new path for yourself that is fulfilling. Be kind to yourself, you have done so much for others you deserve now to put yourself first and find some happiness.

    in reply to: Advice please #25443

    Hi Littletree

    Just my opinion but it seems you rushed into a relationship with your partner because you got pregnant and you didn’t really both know each other well to see if you were compatible. It sounds very much like your partner is dependent on alcohol and that you aren’t comfortable with this around your baby, or yourself for that matter. My son was 6 months old when I decided that I could not bring my child up with my then husband (not dependencies but a very selfish person). It wasn’t easy being a single parent but for me it was a better choice. Maybe try talking again to your partner about his alcohol consumption in terms of how it makes you feel and worry. Talk to your friends and family, weigh things up in your own mind. You have some tough decisions to make and I wish you luck. X

    in reply to: Been lied to for 7 years!! #25384

    Hi, so sad reading your story. I’m sorry I can’t offer any advice but I feel your pain about trying to have a relationship with your son and finding it difficult. My son is 28 and is addicted to weed and alcohol. He still lives at home and is unemployed and I am struggling. He did succumb to cocaine but managed to beat that on his own and has been clean from it about 8/9 months, although he has confessed he does still get texts from his dealer but so far has resisted. The alcohol changes him. He gets nasty and aggressive and blames me for everything that has gone wrong in his life. When he is on one of his rants he wants me to accept blame and apologise for things in the past. He cannot let things go. He also says he behaves the way he does because of the way I am towards him and wants family counselling so that the therapist can see what he has to “deal with” and then maybe I can change so that he can too. My son is waiting for help from ARC but they don’t offer family therapy, just support for the addict and I’m struggling to find someone who might be able to help. I saw your post refers to “fa mtgs” and wondered what that is?

    in reply to: I’m so stressed my partner a coke addict #25345

    I went on your website and it says you provide support for uniformed services and their families, not the general public?

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