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  • Hope77

    Thank You, everything you have said is what’s gone through my mind today. I could collect my codeine script which is ready at pharmacy and start a taper method….thats all I thought about all day, I keep thinking taking just 2x 30mg would be a great reduction and would ease these symptoms….. but I didn’t collect the script and I’ve had a box of solphadeine max in my cupboard this whole time which I haven’t resorted to so I know in my heart that I really want to do this…. It’s becoming so hard and have my Son who’s on 11 to look after….. he thinks I’m poorly with flu and I have my Mum, Dad and friends asking if I need anything…. No one knows what I’m battling and I cannot tell any of them, I just cannot


    I couldn’t go to work today and the shame that brings me is intense, I told them I had a bad tummy which is true, but feel I’ve brought this on myself. The codeine I think was masking anxiety already there, so no longer having it is making matters worse…. But I don’t know for sure, all I know is it’s the worst symptom I have since dropping codeine…. I’ve been taking 240mg a day for around 6 years at that dose. The prescription that is ready is for codeine and that’s the reason I don’t want to collect it…. It’s still prescribed to me but my pain doesn’t need it, I’ve been taking it for the calmness it’s brought me for years. I’m so so tired but cannot rest or sleep, feels like I have a ton weight in my chest


    Today has been horrific, my worst symptom is excruciating anxiety. I’m day 4 now and I don’t know how much more I can take. I haven’t had any muscle arches as such, but have the bad tummy ( treating with Loperamide ) and chills but it’s the intense anxiety that I’m struggling so much with, I feel it will never ever go away. To make matters worse, my prescription is ready to collect from pharmacy today and I haven’t collected it but know if I do, I can take this pain away. If I knew for certain the anxiety would go, id feel better, but I just don’t believe it and that’s what I’m struggling with.


    How are you getting on Bels? I’ve been reading this thread from the start when dadict started in 2019 and no one knows what I’m going through, so I come here for reminders I’m not alone. I’m Day 3 now CT and struggling so so much….

    in reply to: Codeine addiction help!!! #37667

    Hi Skye, tears in my eyes writing this. I’ve been on Codeine 9 years and I’m approaching day 3 cold turkey. I’m a single Mam to my 11 yr old and it’s Mother’s Day today and I feel the worst one in the world.


    Hey Jamie, I’m at about 36 hours since my last codeine fix and I know exactly how you feel/felt I don’t know where you’re at now in your journey ,  but if you are still checking in on this forum, please feel free to message back


    Hey Caseyj, I’m replying 17 months after your post, but like others on this thread, your story and success is the only thing keeping me going and not reaching for the codeine I have at home. I am really struggling, I’m only on Day 2 with such a long way to go… I just wanted to say how much your posts have stopped me caving in and I truly hope it continues. I hope you are well and continuing your life without these awful pills. I’m struggling as no one knows what I’m going through, this forum has been my only go to and has helped So much- I pray I make the distance


    Hi Maggie. I too have emailed asking to join the WhatsApp group,  but only this morning. I’m two years ahead of this post but have been reading yours, Rach and Betterlife’s own stories and if the group is still up and running I could really do with some help and support.
    I am day 2 of codeine withdrawl and no one knows, I feel so alone and terrible


    This is my first post but have been reading all your experiences over and over and over for last month and trying to tell myself I can do this like all you have. I’ve been taking Codeine 30mg for  9 years, 8 tabs a day, so 240mg. I want to be free, I don’t want this drug to dictate every day and part of my life but my biggest worry is how I will function without it.

    I’ve just entered Day 2 of being codeine free and I feel awful. It’s Mother’s day tomorrow and I feel I’m the worst one in the world.

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