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  • HuskyLee

    Hi everyone just a quick update from me I’m now on day 33 and am starting to feel better, only a week ago I was in a total mess but every day since seems to be getting better. I’ve taken some positive steps to coming to terms with being an addict and knowing that I can not take anything addictive as this just makes life harder to get through. I’m going to have some therapy and see what comes out of that but I do know that I must keep a positive view and when things get tough just remind myself of what I’ve been through the last 4 months and not fall back down that hole.

    Take care and stay strong ❤️


    Hi Maria and Bels I’m also suffering mentally at the moment but keep having small breakthroughs were I actually feel ok. I don’t know why or what I’ve done to get these but I have found an online zoom meeting that are very supportive and seem to be helping me things. I won’t lie I’ve spent the weekend in tears with horrible thoughts running through my head and have talked to a few people that have been through opiate withdrawal and they say it’s perfectly normal for this to happen and each day it will get better so I’m holding on to that at the moment.

    Stay strong and stay safe ❤️


    Day 13 completely off morphine after tapering down for 4 months and the living hell continues I wish this would just end it’s destroying my life


    Hi Bels,Tilly and Maria

    Day 10 for me now and starting to feel a bit better, I got some melatonin patches to help with sleep and have used them for 2 nights and last night actually got a good night’s sleep which makes alot of difference to the day.

    I’m still struggling with depression and getting irritated over things but I’m sure this will pass in time. Trying to keep myself busy doing my physiotherapy exercises everyday now. Finding jobs I can do around the house without causing to much pain which is a positive thing.

    Hope you are all ok and keeping fighting stay strong ❤️


    Hi Tilly I’m really struggling with lack of sleep as well, keep disturbing and waking up every few hours and having nightmares, I hope this is going to end soon


    Yes Tilly another day ticked off hoping for a good night’s sleep I’ve felt so tired this evening then see what tomorrow brings, hopefully better weather


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi Tilly I went back to bed this morning to try and get some more sleep got about 30 minutes in but woke up feeling alot worse than I did first thing this morning. I’m feeling anxious and tearful as well and suffering with pain but been taking paracetamol and just have to put up with it. I had a good evening yesterday and had plans for today but they’ve had to take a back seat today, just going to rest and watch TV.</p>
    Stay strong and keep positive ❤️


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi Tilly not 100% sure when sleeping becomes normal again, I’m having the same problem it seems any little sound and I wake up which leads to broken sleep and I’m waking up early as well. I do try laying in bed and trying to get back off to sleep but it’s like my brain won’t let me and then I find the pain kicks in and I have to get up. It’s day 5 for me today and the weather is miserable out so I’m going to try and do a few things around the house to keep me occupied.</p>
    Keep up the good work and we will get back to normal soon I hope ❤️


    Hi Tilly I’m sure it will pass, i was having really bad anxiety when I was tapering but it doesn’t seem to be as bad now but only time will tell, just got to keep fighting through it ❤️


    Hi Tilly try and get some sunshine and fresh air, I was feeling terrible this morning but had a sit out in the garden for half an hour and feel alot better for it. Exercise is also good and music can help to take your mind off of things, one thing I do tell myself is it’s only a feeling and won’t stay it will pass and I will feel better.

    Best of luck and keep fighting through it and you will come out the other side ❤️


    Hi Tilly yes I started tapering at the end of November last year and reduced 5mg every 2 weeks as I was told to do, I did spend 3 weeks on 10mg but didn’t seem to level out as the doctor said I would do I dropped to 5mg and 12 days later stopped. It has been a living hell coming off morphine and I have really struggled with my mental health as well as having alot of nightmares and I feel exhausted


    Hi Tilly well done for taking the step towards life without opiate pain killers. I also have physical problems with my back and neck which is why I was put on morphine as no other painkillers seemed to help but I wish I had never taken them. The only thing I can do going forward is not to take them, I’ve had 4 months of living hell coming off this and have had alot of mental problems caused by it including terrifying nightmares like I’ve never experienced. I’m on day 3 now and just trying to keep my mind busy, I’m determined to not relapse and just stick with the pain, I have found a few exercises I can do that does help with the pain but have to do it little and often.

    Keep on fighting and try and stay strong ❤️


    Hi Bels you are doing so well and giving me inspiration to carry on without morphine. The first day I was very worried about what was coming but have tried to keep my mind busy and trying to get out and get some fresh air everyday which does seem to help.

    Stay strong and keep fighting ❤️



    That does sound like opiate withdrawal from my experience but I couldn’t tell you how long the withdrawal symptoms last, I’ve been tapering down and have been suffering all the way through the taper. I took the decision yesterday to not take the 1 5mg tablet that I was on and will keep updating on my progress.

    Hope you manage to stay clean and just keep fighting through

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