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  • HuskyLee

    Hi everyone I just thought I’d put an update in. I’ve been tapering off morphine slow release tablets since the beginning of December and it has been extremely hard. Most of my problems seem to be mentally but I have had some physical withdrawal symptoms as well.

    Yesterday I made the big decision to stop taking my last tablet and am now at 36 hours since my last dose. I could feel my mood dropping yesterday and started feeling anxious so I thought it was time to just stop taking this horrible drug. I’m feeling ok at the moment but know to expect withdrawal symptoms to start but I am determined to fight through it and come out the other side and hopefully feel better.

    Hope everyone else is doing ok ❤️


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi Hope I to have struggled with anxiety when I’ve been dropping my dose to the point of not even being able to take stepping outside the front door. The only thing I can say is it is just a feeling and like all feelings it will pass, I started by just stepping out the front door and walking six feet and standing there for as long as I could take and then coming back indoors. Gradually I was able to get further and further away from the house and realising that nothing bad was happening and I am still practicing this.</p>
    I hope this helps you to start overcoming the anxiety, I also found that morphine actually makes me feel anxious. Do you need your prescription today and if so is there anyone that could pick it up for you?

    Stay strong and keep fighting ❤️


    Hi JayDog that certainly is a very good reminder of what can happen, I don’t think you should feel stupid as a very valuable lesson has been learnt and to share that gives others good warning of what can happen.

    I personally struggle with pain every day but will not be seeking any other drugs prescription or non prescription to relieve my pain it’s something I’m going to have to learn to live with and as you said if that means staying in bed crying and whimpering for a couple of days then so be it but when the pain isn’t to bad make the most of every day.

    Stay strong and keep fighting


    Hi Bels I am certainly determined to get off this horrible medication, I am trying to stay as positive as I can and I’m getting as much exercise as my back and neck allow me to, I’m keeping up my physiotherapy exercises and that will hopefully bring a positive effect on my pain.

    I hope you’re doing well with your journey through recovery and keeping a journal seems a great idea .

    Stay strong and keep fighting


    Hi Bels I certainly am determined to get off this but it is still a struggle from hour to hour and day to day. I’ve decided that this week coming up will be my last week on morphine and will be dropping the last tablet, I know it’s going to be hard but the whole journey has been and I just want it all to end and get back to a normal way of life and just have to deal with the pain.

    I hope you are getting on ok without medication and please stay strong as this helps me more than you can ever believe. I have found a group that does online zoom meetings which is helping me as well I shall ask them if it’s ok to share they’re information if you are interested.

    Stay strong and keep on battling


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi Bels I think I might try and get a bit done in the garden pain permitting, I actually ate ok yesterday as well which was nice but did struggle with sleep last night. I find I’m sleeping very lightly and waking up every few hours and getting around 6 hours sleep a night which isn’t normal for me.</p>
    The main reason I’m coming off morphine is that it wasn’t helping with the pain and finding my body just wanted more, it was also causing me problems staying at 40mg a day I think I was getting withdrawal symptoms just staying at that dose, I just want to feel like my old self before I started taking it last year. What are your reasons Bels?


    Thank you for your replies MarkyMark and Bels, this morning I woke up feeling extremely anxious and worrying about things I have no control over. I read Bels post and decided that I need to do something so I got in my car and went and visited my Dad, put music on while I was driving and within minutes felt alot better, I think the fact that the sun was shining helped as well.

    I started to feel the anxiety and worry at my Dad’s so I came back home and done a few jobs around the house. I’m going to try and get out every day from now on as it did help, I find it hard to exercise as I have degenerative disc disease in my back and neck which makes things painful but going out and getting some fresh air is a must.

    Thank you everyone for support


    Hi everyone just an update on my latest drop, I’ve been tapering for 3 months now and started at 40mg of slow release morphine, I’ve been dropping 5mg every 2 weeks and last Friday dropped from 10mg to 5mg and today I’m really struggling with the mental side of withdrawal symptoms. I’m trying lots of distraction techniques but the dark thoughts just keep bombarding me, has anyone got any suggestions of what to do please?


    Beauman please be careful with the valium, I was put on it 28 years ago and tried getting off it many times but it’s much harder to get off than opiates in my opinion



    Hi Beauman it sounds like we are very close together with the withdrawal symptoms, I have come off many drugs over the years that I’ve been put on for pain but nothing has challenged me as much as this. I have done everything I know to try and combat it but nothing seems to have helped until finding this thread and website. I hope you manage to keep going on the road to recovery and manage to stay free from it in future and like me get back to being your old self


    Hi MarkyMark it’s a very strange thing coming off the morphine, I’ve been dropping 5 mg every 2 weeks and have felt really bad all the way through the last 3 months. I dropped my dose from 10 mg to 5 mg and have started to feel a bit better, the horrific nightmares and suicidal thoughts seem to have gone in the last few days since dropping and I am now considering dropping off completely. Unfortunately I can’t cut the tablets in half as they are slow release so I have 1 more drop to go and hopefully I can finally be off this horrible drug and start getting back to my normal self.

    Thanks for all the support I will keep updating to try and help others, I also wondered about maybe starting a group up where people can just chat about what they have been through and are going through as that may be very supportive. I only found this about 6 days ago but have found it very helpful.

    A big thank you to everyone


    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Thank you for your encouragement MarkyMark, I’ve been tapering down since the end of November last year and after a week of really struggling I decided to speed up my tapering and am now on just 1 5mg tablet a day. I intend to drop this again and go cold turkey next week as staying on morphine has completely ruined my life for the last 5 months and nearly cost me my life. There are no doctors or services that</p>
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I have found to help me get off this prescription legal drug, I really think awareness needs to be made as the doctors are so willing to give this drug out but not willing to help you get free of it</p>


    Hi I just wondered if you had found any support that has helped you through this?
    Many thanks Lee


    Hi I’m currently tapering off of morphine can anyone give me advice and help? I’m down to 10mg started at 40mg and am finding it hard now as I have to drop 5mg a time


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