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  • in reply to: Drug addiction has affected my life for so long #9214

    Hi Colly,
    Its true that only they can cure their addiction but, as you know, supporting them in the meantime is a very difficult thing to do.
    I work for The Icarus Trust a charity which supports the friends and families of drug users. We have trained volunteers called ‘Family Friends’ who you could talk to if you get in touch. They have lots of experience of talking with people going through what you are and it often helps to talk. They would understand what you are feeling and talking with them might be a help to you. It is a free service.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    I hope that you find some support for yourself. Good luck!

    in reply to: is my dad back on herion? what shall I do? #9212

    This is really hard for you but there are people who can help. I work for a charity called The Icarus Trust. We try to support people like yourself who are dealing with addiction in their family because we know how difficult that is. We offer a free service and if you contact us we would put you in touch with one of our trained volunteers called ‘Family Friends’. These have lots of experience of talking with people like yourself, would understand what you are going through and, hopefully, help you to see a way ahead and what other help might be available to you and your family.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    I really hope that you are able to get some help for yourself and your dad. Good luck!

    in reply to: tragically sad #9207

    It sounds like you’ve had a lot to deal with in your life and this has been hard for you. Have you asked anyone for help with your addiction – your GP or anyone else?
    I work for a charity called The Icarus Trust and if you would like to talk in confidence with one of our trained volunteers please contact us. You would be put in touch with one of our ‘Family Friends’ who would help you in where to go for help. This is a free service.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    Good luck. I really hope that you can get some help.

    in reply to: my girlfriend is cheating on me #9205

    Hi Donna,
    I’m wondering whether you have talked to your doctor about how you are feeling because you are obviously really stressed by the whole situation.
    Or you might like to talk to one of our trained volunteers at The Icarus Trust. We are a charity which helps to support people who are dealing with addiction. We offer a free service called ‘Family friends ‘ and you could talk to one of our trained volunteers if you get in touch.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    Good luck!

    in reply to: tragically sad #9204

    Hi Marie
    So sad for you but what Cant Take No More says is right about looking after yourself and your own family.
    If you would like to talk through how you feel The Icarus Trust is a charity which supports the friends and families of addicts because it is such a hard thing to do. We have trained volunteers called ‘Family Friends’ who you could be put in touch with if you contact us. They would understand how you feel and have a lot of experience talking with people who have experienced what you are going through.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    Good luck!

    in reply to: tragically sad #9203

    Really glad to hear that. I hope it helps you.

    in reply to: tragically sad #9193

    I feel so sorry to see what huge emotional issues you have had to face and what hard choices you have in front of you. I really urge you to find some support for yourself, to help you deal with what you are going with.
    I work for a charity called The Icarus Trust. We support people who are dealing with a loved one’s addiction. We have a free service called ‘Family Friends’ who are trained volunteers with lots of experience of what you are going through. If you would like, we could put you in touch with one of these. Talking with a ‘Family Friend’ might help you to make sense of what is happening and help you to sort out your feelings and find a way ahead.
    Please contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    I really hope that you can get support which will give you cope with everything. Good luck!

    in reply to: tragically sad #9192

    She is indeed very lucky to have had your support but Cant Take No More is right that it is important that you are supported too. At The Icarus Trust we provide trained volunteers called ‘Family Friends’ who have lots of experience of supporting people like you who are having to deal with the addiction of a loved one. We are a charity and offer this as a free service. Maybe you would find it helpful and supportive to be able to talk with one of these.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    Good luck!

    in reply to: time to say no #9191

    It is very sad that your brothers drug habit is causing such problems between you and your mum. That is hard for you to deal with, but sadly drugs don’t just affect the people who take them. If you would like to talk to people who have lots of experience with what you are going through you could try contacting The Icarus Trust. We are a charity who is there to support families and friends of addicts with our free service called ‘Family Friends’. These are all experienced trained volunteers who we would put you in touch with if you contact us. You might find it helpful to talk through how you are feeling and find that you are not alone in this situation.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    I really hope that this helps. Good luck!

    in reply to: is my dad back on herion? what shall I do? #9181

    How horrible for you! Try to remember that how he behaves isn’t your fault and that he has to take responsibility for himself! I am sorry that you don’t feel you know where to turn so I hope that you might try contacting our charity called The Icarus Trust. We work with people like you who are having to cope with the effect of somebody else’s addiction because we know how hard that is. If you contact us we could put you in touch with one of our ‘Family Friends’. These are trained volunteers who you could talk with. They have lots of experience of supporting people like yourself and may be it would help you not to feel so alone.
    Please contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    This is a free service so I hope you will give it a try and will find that it helps.
    Good luck!

    in reply to: tragically sad #9180

    You sound like a really strong person coping with all that you have been with supporting both your brother and sister. But its such a hard thing to deal with and It sounds like maybe you could do with some support for yourself.
    The Icarus Trust is a charity which is there to support the friends and families who are dealing with a loved one’s addiction. We could offer you the support of one of our ‘Family Friends’ who you would be able to talk with. They are trained volunteers with loads of experience of the kinds of situation you are having to cope with and it might help you to have a chat with one of them. It is a free service.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    Please try to get some support for yourself so that you can stay strong for your family.
    Good Luck!

    in reply to: Drug addiction has affected my life for so long #9179

    Hi MT
    I’m really sad that you have no one to talk to. If you would like to talk with someone who would understand what you are going through you could talk to one of our ‘Family Friends’ at The Icarus Trust. It is a free service so you may find it worth your while. I hope so.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    Good luck!

    in reply to: tragically sad #9178

    This is so hard for you to deal with and I wonder if it would help to talk with someone who has had lots of experience of what you are going through.
    I work for a charity called The Icarus Trust. We are here to support people, like yourselves, who are having to deal with a loved ones addiction. We offer a free service called ‘Family Friends’ who we could put you in touch with. You would be able to talk with one of them and may be that would help you to work through your worries and anxieties. They would also be able to signpost you to other services which might be able to help your son.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    I do hope that you are able to find some support for yourself as well as your son. Good luck!

    in reply to: tragically sad #9177

    Hi Debz
    What a horrible time you are having. I am so sad to read your story.
    There is help available to you. I work for a charity called The Icarus Trust which tries to support friends and families of addicts. If you contact us we could put you in touch with one of our ‘Family Friends’. These are trained volunteers who have had lots of experience of what you are going through. Talking with one of them might help you and, also they can sign post you to other services that may help your son.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    I do hope that you can get the help and support that you need. Good luck!

    in reply to: tragically sad #9176

    I ‘m really sad to hear that you don’t have any one to talk to help you deal with what is such a difficult time for you.
    Sadly there are lots of people going through what you are. The Icarus Trust is a charity which supports the friends and families of addicts. We offer a free service called ‘Family Friends’ who are trained volunteers. if you contact us we would put you in touch with one of these. They have lots of experience of what you are going through and maybe it would help you to talk to one of them.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    I hope that you are able to get some support. It is really good to be able to talk through problems.
    Good luck!

Viewing 15 posts - 871 through 885 (of 973 total)