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  • in reply to: admin please delete spam #9045

    Hi Jema
    Sorry to hear your story but glad your mum is around so that you can still see your boys.
    Sounds like you are trying really hard which is great. If you need any other support The Icarus Trust is a charity which may be able to help you. We offer a free service of people who can talk to you and put you in touch with any help you might want.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    Good luck, keep going!

    in reply to: There’s nothing left of me #9037

    Can understand how dreadful it is for you not knowing where or how your son is. A really horrible place to be.
    I’m so glad that you are close to your other sons and you get support from people you talk to on the blog.
    If you want any other support from people who have been through same as you, then at Icarus Trust we do have experienced trained volunteers who you can talk to. We are a charity that offers a free service so please talk to us if you think it would help.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    Wishing you all the best.

    in reply to: admin please delete spam #9028

    I’m so sorry that you feel so alone dealing with the pain and heartbreak that watching the effect of your brother’s addiction is bringing you. You sound such a great sister.
    Sadly lots of people are dealing with the impact of addiction in their family and I’m really sorry that you don’t feel that you have been supported.
    I wonder if you have considered getting in touch with The Icarus Trust, which is a charity that supports families and friends of addicts. We offer a free service and it might help to talk to one of our ‘Family Friends’. These are trained volunteers who have all had experience of addiction in their families. One of these would listen to you and understand what you are going through. They could also signpost you to other help if you need it.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    I really do hope that you will be able to get some help and support.
    Good luck with everything.

    in reply to: please help my son’s taking cocaine #9026

    Hi Vejar
    It must be very hard for you to see how your son is living his life. You should feel proud that you have supported your family so well and are right to feel that he is trying to blame you for his bad choices and .
    It might help you to talk to someone who knows what you are going through. The Icarus Trust is a charity that could provide you with an experienced trained volunteer who you could talk to. They have lots of experience of supporting people who are having to deal with addiction in their family and can help you by talking or by signposting you to other help if you need it.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    This is a free service so it might be worth giving it a try so you can have some help and support for yourself.

    in reply to: My Boy #9025

    Hi Lucy
    I should have explained that Icarus Trust is there to support people who have had to cope with the affects of other peoples addictions so they will know where you are coming from.
    Hope this helps.

    in reply to: My Boy #9024

    What a very brave person you are and how strong to have been able to overcome everything that has happened to you. I can see how hard it is for you at the moment coping with your grandma being in hospital as well as everything else.
    It often helps to talk to someone who may have had some shared experiences. Icarus Trust is a charity which offers experienced, trained volunteers called ‘Family Friends.’ If you contact us we could put you in touch with one of these. They would listen, understand where you are coming from, talk to you and signpost you to any other help you may want.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    This is a free service so I really hope you might give it a try. Maybe it will give you some help and support.
    Good luck. Keep strong!

    in reply to: admin please delete spam #9023

    Hi Vince,
    Sorry to hear your story. You have done a fantastic job trying to support someone with an addiction and I can see how hurt and angry you are. Sadly many people are affected like yourself and its really hard. I hope you find some support for yourself by posting on this site.
    If you would like to talk to others with similar experiences as yourself, Icarus Trust is a charity which helps people like you who are dealing with supporting an addict.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    All the best.

    in reply to: My daughter’s boyfriend is an addict #9022

    What a very sad story. I feel really sorry for what you have gone through but you are brave and strong and can get help for yourself.
    Icarus Trust is a charity which supports families who like you have been affected by addiction. We have trained volunteers called ‘Family Friends’. These are people who have had experience of addiction in their own families. If you get in touch with the charity they will put you in touch with one of these. They will talk to you, listen and understand how you are feeling and be able to signpost you to any further help you may need. It does help to talk, especially when you know that they have had similar experiences to yourself, so hopefully you might give it a try.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    I really hope that you find this helps you.

    in reply to: admin please delete spam #9012

    I’m sorry that you have found yourself in such a horrible and difficult situation.
    I work for the Icarus Trust, a charity which supports people who are affected by other’s addictions. If you contact us we would be able to give you some help and support.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    Its a free service so hopefully its worth a try.
    I really hope that you can get it sorted!

    in reply to: Alcoholic Father #9011

    It sounds like you are having a really hard time dealing with the effects of your ex’s addiction. Maybe you would like to talk through the situation you are facing which can often help?
    The Icarus Trust is a charity which supports people in situations like your own. We have experienced trained volunteers, called family Friends, who would understand how you are feeling, be able to talk with you and help you find help and the support that is available.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    Its a free service so hopefully its worth a try.
    Good luck!

    in reply to: Lost & Alone #9010

    Hi An,
    I’m sorry that you are dealing with a really hard situation. You sound incredibly strong but are facing hard choices.
    The Icarus Trust is a charity that offers one to one support from experienced trained volunteers (called Family Friends )who will talk things through with you. The family Friends have experienced living with addiction in their own families so it may help you to talk to someone who could share experiences and signpost you to help that is available.
    Its a free service so should be worth a try.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    Good luck! I hope that you can find some support to help you deal with what you are going through.

    in reply to: Lost & Alone #9009

    You’re very welcome. Its always good to talk. I do hope Icarus Trust can help you.

    in reply to: is this the ending of my story? #9006

    Hi Sebiana,
    This is really tough for you but I think you are being so strong in what must be such a hard situation.
    I am glad that you are going to see a counsellor who I hope will help you.
    Sometimes it helps to know that there are loads of other people who are dealing with similar problems, and often it helps to talk to people who really know how you feel.
    There is a charity called The Icarus Trust who offer a free service supporting families affected by addiction. If you contact us we could put you in touch with one of our trained Family Friends. They would be there to talk, share experiences and offer help and support. Its free so it might be worth you giving it a go.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    Good luck with everything!

    in reply to: Lost & Alone #9005

    Reading your story has made me feel sad but also inspired. You were so brave caring for and supporting your husband through really tough times. I am glad that you have found this site and hope it helps you.
    I work for a charity called Icarus Trust who help people who have been affected by addiction. We offer a free service and if you contact us, we could put you in touch with one of our Family Friends. These are trained volunteers who have experienced living with addiction in their own lives. It might help you to talk through how you are feeling with one of them and they could help you find further support if you need it.
    You can contact us on help@icarustrust.org or visit the website http://www.icarustrust.org
    I really hope that talking to people who understand helps you. Good luck!

    in reply to: :( #9003

    So glad to hear that. Am sure its a good idea to give it a go. Really hope it helps.

Viewing 15 posts - 946 through 960 (of 973 total)