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  • JayDog

    A cautionary tale for y’all. After 79 days clean my back went out really badly and the gp convinced me that it would be fine for me to take dhc for 2 days. My little lizard brain thought that sounded good. I was careful, only took the minimum dose and stopped after 2 days. But damn, I’m on day 2 clean again and going through mild withdrawal – how is that possible? The worst is the craving to go back to the pharmacy and start again on the N+. “Just to take the edge off” hahaha. I wish I’d rode out the pain, stayed in bed and whimpered and cried rather than starting this withdrawal again. Feeling a bit stupid tbh, but I think I learned a lesson. I can’t take it ever again, not even a little bit.

    Stay strong my fellow travellers ❤️


    Hi Sam thanks for your reply. I’ve got some physical pain which was the original reason for taking dhc but mostly emotional stuff, feeling like a fuck-up and a loser. That stuff passes I know and I can manage the pain without going back. Was just a day when I needed to feel sad I guess. Once I was out I walked past 4 of the pharmacies I used to go to and remembered that I used to keep a journal of which one I went to on which day. What a lot of time I wasted planning and sneaking around to hide my addiction. So happy to be on day 46, not day 1




    Hi all, I’m on day 45 and struggling hard not to go the pharmacy. Had a tough day emotionally yesterday which has leaked into today. Just needed to put that out there and acknowledge the struggle.

    thanks for being there my fellow travelers ????????


    Hi Sam, it definitely gets easier, all that brain fog and feeling like an alien who’s moving at a different speed will pass. Your brain and body will get used to you not feeding it poison. Go gently, give it time. I’m 30 days clean and everything feels so different, even sleep. If you can pick up some magnesium from Lidl or Aldi that should help with your sleep cycle, it improves REM sleep, the bit where you process stuff in dreams. It can help you wake up feeling less stressed. If you download the insight timer app there’s a guy on there called Andrew Johnson who does relaxation meditations, I have found them really helpful.

    it gets better , I promise ????????


    MarkyMark, if you’re around can you let me know how the cold water therapy is going. I’m thinking of graduating from the cold showers but am fearful of taking the plunge.
    thanks, Jaydog



    As an afterthought – ask your gp about prescribing melatonin, not safe for everyone but I find it helps with sleep, especially in combination with B6 and magnesium.


    Hi Sam, I’m on day 28 after 5 years on codeine. The vitamins/supplements I use are all the Bs but especially B12, D and K2 and also mushroom extracts. I find Cordyceps, Lions Mane and Reishi helpful with tiredness and brain fog. There’s lots of mushroom complex options out there. I didn’t get on with 5-HTP, made stomach issues worse, but some people like it. As far as evening out dopamine, seratonin, endorphins etc the big ones are exercise, connection to other people, getting gut bacteria functional again (the 4 Ks, kefir, kombucha, krauts and kimchi) get lots of protein, chicken, eggs, tofu and a wide range of vegetables -eat the rainbow, 30 different vegetables in a week. Try not to eat too much candy.  On top of that I’ve been doing Wim Hoff breathing exercises and taking cold showers (not for the faint hearted, and I can’t bring myself to do ice baths). If you have access then I hear saunas are really helpful. Any of the above might help, but I think the best advice is to go gently, see what works for you. But above all keep your eyes on the prize – do not use today. Today is all we’ve got and today is doable.

    stay strong my fellow travelers. We got this!


    Day 23, digestion getting back to what I think might be normal. Still getting waves of exhaustion, though I’m sleeping better now. RL has passed which is a relief. visited my mom which I thought might be difficult as she has a script for 30/500s and I’ve been known to sneak  a few of those while I’m there. No temptation at all which was great.

    never the less I’m still having odd moments where I think I’ll just feel better if I use again. It feels boring to not be high. I can sit with that though and all the uncomfortable feelings. Anyways, those are some thoughts on day 23, also considering going to a meeting, saying the words out loud to people.


    La Lucha Continua, as they say ????



    Hi all, just found this forum and so happy it’s here. I’m on day 16 which is amazing. I got Covid before Christmas and decided to combine that with cold turkey, yeah, crazy I know. But here I am on day 16 after five years following a back injury and the death of my wife from cancer. My doc was happy to give a repeat prescription which I loved too much and then supplemented with N+. Obvs the warm fuzzy feeling stopped and no matter how hard I chased it, it was gone forever, after that it’s just been a process of not doing withdrawal. I’ve tried tapering a few times which worked until something stressful happened. Then I was back to high doses and the sense I would never be free of it.

    anyway, I’m beyond the discomfort phase but struggling with the emotional. My brain is quietly telling me that it would be fine to do just a little, that I’ll be able to handle it better now, all that nonsense. No intention of giving in today but just wanted to put it out there to people who understand.

    im really glad that i can read about you alls journey to remind myself just how terrible the addiction is and how joyful life can be in recovery.

    Happy new year to you all ????

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