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  • in reply to: tragically sad #9337

    Hi Donna, I’m so sorry to hear that your still having a bad time. Since your initial post in March and after a 6 month relapse prior to that my husband has been in treatment and things are now finally (fingers crossed) going well for him, sober 50 days (ish). I also received some support while he was away and I would suggest that you don’t hesitate to find a support group for yourself, it will help you not to feel so isolated. If your husband can admit to there being a problem and wants to try and change, there is plenty of support he can access. I live in fear of a relapse now but I know he does too & that at least is what is driving him on to remain sober. He goes to 3 AA meetings a week & it’s working. Keep strong and don’t forget that while your busy holding it all together, you mustn’t neglect your own needs. All the best JC

    in reply to: Drug addiction has affected my life for so long #9247

    Hi Lauren,
    I too have a father like yours although I have chosen not to have him in my life. In his place I have my husband who is a (struggling) recovering alcoholic. The only difference between them is that my Dad is 75 & Denies having a problem, my husband at least recognises his problem. I can empathise with your feelings of loyalty and the burden that you might feel of being the only one left in his life. It’s so difficult but with support from others life should get better for both of us now that we are seeking help! I wish you all the best, JC

    in reply to: tragically sad #9246

    Hi Donna, your story reads just like mine. Apart from that I have 3 children, my younger two are a similar age to yours. My husband & I have been together for 19 years & 8 years ago he went to rehab for the first time. This came about After several years of trying to find help for our trouble, I was desperate and it was through relationship counselling that he himself recognised that he might have an addiction problem. It was then that he sought help for the first time. It’s been a long road to travel, when he relapses or loses another job, I do question why I am still with him. My advice to you would be that with help and support you will find life gets better because primarily you will find some comfort in knowing that at the very least you are not alone in loving a man with this illness. We will always hold out hope for any improvement or glimpse of hope that the future will be different and I don’t have any answers yet myself but I’m hopeful that this time my husband will stick with the program and that our future does get better this time. I’m sure that yours will too & I wish you the very best.

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