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  • in reply to: Theresa #28262

    Hi Februarymarie

    Yes I feel stronger with the support on this thread I think we all do

    Hearing all the problems puts things in perspective we are all on this journey

    Its a rollercoaster

    My son is back at home now I can’t be with him as I’m still suffering with this Covid I’m testing negative but still have a hacking cough and feel rough

    Plus I have a mammogram apt on Thursday

    It might be for the best to let him manage himself

    He only tells me what I want to hear so I haven’t got a clue how he is really

    Will keep you updated

    Lindyloo so glad you son is doing well

    It gives me hope

    Love and hugs

    Joanie x

    in reply to: Two days #28254

    Hi Natasha

    I agree with you entirely it is a choice

    I say that to my son

    You are stone cold sober when you make the choice to do it

    He says oh I never intend it to get out of hand

    Your boys definitely deserve a better life

    My son Is alone he left his wife for a young girl who thought she could manage him she gave him 10 years when she should have got out of it sooner

    She has been left scarred from his madness

    I glad she through him out

    These addicts are better on their own

    They do less damage

    I hope you get your life back on track and are happy you deserve it

    My son is in counseling he was doing well I’m hoping this is a bump in the road

    It’s not the despair that gets me it’s the hope that things will be different

    Love and hugs

    Joanie x

    in reply to: Two days #28241

    Hi all

    So sorry you are going through this it must be hell especially if you have children

    It’s very difficult to understand that it’s not that they don’t care for you

    It’s that the addiction is stronger

    Whatever pain they are in they need the drugs or alcohol to relieve it

    They never seem to know why but deep inside there is something triggering it

    My son has been sober for nearly 6 months but off he went on a bender

    We all have Covid he was on his own and just decided to binge drink and not answer his phone

    This is crazy drinking maybe 10/12 bottles of wine

    I’ve been really unwell he lives 180 miles away from me

    The drink made the Covid worse and he’s been in hospital since last Sunday

    With breathing problems

    They are really not in their right minds

    It’s so powerful

    You should try to look after yourselves and your children

    It may take you a long time to get in a place where you can manage

    Get help if you can

    This is a good forum for advise and insight into this alien world you are in at the moment

    Take care

    Love and hugs

    Joanie x

    in reply to: Theresa #28215

    Hi Februarymarie

    Glad you son is doing a little better

    It’s draining I’m still testing positive for Covid which doesn’t help

    My son is on a Covid ward now he sounds poorly

    The hospital is good he’s had many tests

    He’s on 3 antibiotics via an iv

    He is having a nebuliser he’s had an ecg

    And possibly a heart scan today

    I’m struggling to speak to him because I’m very angry with him

    I’m at peace because I know he can’t do anything stupid but they will discharge him at some point and the madness will begin again

    I’m glad your sister is supportive

    Take care

    Love Joanie x

    in reply to: Theresa #28213

    Hi Februarymarie

    How are you

    I hope your son is doing ok

    I was concerned when you said you were feeling alone and upset

    I know you have been through so much

    And how hard it is to watch your son

    Getting thin and not eating

    Try not to let the dark thoughts in

    I know I fear what will happen and what the future holds

    But they hold all the cards

    you are doing all you can to help him

    I pray that they will see sense

    Please take care of yourself

    Joanie ???? x

    in reply to: Theresa #28145

    Hi Februarymarie

    Thank you for your reply

    We are all in the same leaky boat I think

    I’m so sorry you are feeling alone at least you can say it out loud on this forum

    It’s the helplessness knowing if the stop they will be better but they won’t

    Your right they just go back to what they know which to us seems ridiculous why would anyone what to be so poorly

    My son struggles with food when he’s drinking but soon eats when he stops drinking

    All you can do is take him food and hope he can eat

    Im glad he has some medical care

    But tapper the drinking seems a difficult thing to do

    My son always goes cold turkey which is bad the shaking the retching is frightening to watch

    They are such enigmas so strong willed and so fragile

    My other son doesn’t really bother with his brother he just worry’s he will take me down with him

    He accepts that his brother is mentally ill

    He has 3 boys a job and helps his wife run her dog grooming business

    My partner is so good but wants us to have a life

    So it is lonely

    My son is relishing all the attention in the hospital

    Having chest x rays and a Ct scan

    All under the guise of Covid

    God help the NHS

    He said he had dye in his lung to check their function

    I said to him you were fine on Friday

    It’s the excessive alcohol that had done it

    He believes is own BS

    He only remember to ask how I was late on today …. Short of breath and coughing

    At least I can’t travel

    Please take care

    Love and hugs Joanie xx

    in reply to: Theresa #28131

    Hi everyone

    It’s seems the addiction services are not great wherever you live Mums seem to bare the brunt of trying to keep our children as ok as they can be

    I have being struggling

    My son came home for Easter

    We had a lovely family meal with my other son and his family

    However the day after my partner tested positive for Covid

    My son decided to go home as he needed to back at work and didn’t want to travel if he too got Covid

    That was Easter Sunday

    I got it on the Monday and so did my son

    He wasn’t too bad and was able to work from home

    We spoke everyday and he seemed fine until the Friday

    He finished work early he rang me and I knew this was it he was going to start a session of drinking

    He probably had already his attitude had changed he was so cocky and dismissive

    My other son who is asthmatic and got Covid and his wife

    My son said oh I can only worry about myself

    He said he would ring me the next day

    He didn’t

    I couldn’t get hold of him all day

    I text him had nothing back

    He rang me at 6 totally drunk

    I was already feeling so poorly

    In bed

    I just said ring me when you are sober

    His mobile was out of battery on the Sunday

    I spent the day ringing his land line

    Finally he answered he couldn’t speak

    Just groaning down the phone

    He must have knocked the landline off so after that it was continually engaged

    I decided to ask the police to do a welfare check they refused

    He has had breathing problem in the past

    And pneumonia so drink with Covid

    Really worried me

    I called an ambulance about 7 pm

    Hadn’t heard by midnight so re rang them

    I was still trying the landline and finally

    Got through to him

    He was sober but didn’t know what day it was

    He said he was ok and asked me to cancel the ambulance this was now 2 am

    My phone was ringing at 8 he said he was in hospital with breathing problems

    He said oh it’s all down to the Covid

    Which it isn’t it’s him lying in bed drunk for 48 hours

    I cannot bring myself to speak to him

    He’s phoned his boss and daughter to say the Covid has put him in hospital

    All out for the sympathy vote

    Me I’m still in bed poorly

    So I feel like I’m back to square. 1

    I can’t go on with this

    I suppose it’s a bump in the road but I’m at my wits end

    Love to all

    Joanie ????????‍????️ X

    in reply to: Two days #27949

    Hi Natasha21

    Why do they do it That’s the question we all ask

    It’s unanswerable

    addicts do exactly what they need to do

    Maybe to block the some pain they are in

    Or for the buzz

    I’m sorry you feel alone it’s so difficult

    At least on this forum you can have a voice that people listen to

    Everyone will say they have to stop for themselves

    It’s not that they don’t love or care for family but they only know the addiction

    You have to take care of yourself

    My son is in the early days of recovery

    From binge drinking to the point of being in hospital

    This could kill him

    But after months of stress

    He is in counselling and on antidepressants and back at work

    I’m not sure if he will continue but he’s doing ok at the moment

    Joanie xx

    in reply to: Theresa #27863

    Hi Kate

    Your words are wise

    You are so kind to find the time to say the things you do to us Mums going through

    This madness

    Thank you

    Love Joanie xx

    in reply to: Theresa #27862

    Hi FebruaryMarie

    I’m so sorry you are going through all this

    I think Kate is right about loving him and

    Letting him know he’s loved

    Taking him food as well

    And helping him to keep himself washed and have clean clothes

    Giving some sign that he doesn’t have to live the way he is

    I spent so many months being angry with my son

    Every one used to say oh it’s his choice he only does it for attention

    Why do you bother with him

    Then the day I realised he was actually ill

    And didn’t choose alcohol for pleasure but to stop the pain

    I let the anger go and even defended his actions

    It’s very early days for my son

    I hope he comes home tomorrow for Easter

    But there are no guarantees he will do the right thing I just pray he does

    I hope you can look after yourself

    It’s sound like you are at a low ebb

    And why wouldn’t you be

    It’s a living hell

    Try not to lose hope

    Love and hugs Joanie xx

    in reply to: Theresa #27800

    Hi February Marie

    You can’t be with him 24/7

    I was with my son for 4 months

    I still didn’t sleep listening out for every movement

    Every time he went anywhere on his own

    I felt sick with worry

    It nearly cost me my relationship

    So don’t beat yourself up about anything

    You can only do what you can do

    You are caring mum

    Its the old thing that we all know they have to do it for themselves

    Maybe you could see a dr or counselor to get some help for you

    When I got home and looked at myself in the mirror I was shocked how frail I looked

    I’m a little better now

    You have to have a life

    Lots of love

    Joanie xx

    in reply to: Theresa #27798

    Hi FebruaryMarie

    I feel your pain nobody really understands

    The terrifying reality of alcoholism unless you have seen someone you love

    In the throws of it

    I have had many bad times in my life

    But to see my son suffer this awful addiction has been by far the worse thing

    I hope your son is feeling better when you see him to

    The help is so hard to find I’m not sure where you live

    But it’s seems difficult to get help anywhere

    I hope he can come through this it’s

    A nightmare

    I will pray for him and you

    I’ve been home 10 days now

    But I’m very uneasy about my son being on his own he is coming to me for Easter

    Im also praying for him

    Love Joanie xx

    in reply to: Theresa #27706

    Hi Februarymarie

    Thank you for your kind reply

    I feel very uncertain about the future but at some point I have to trust him

    I feel so grateful as it’s such a lottery

    For us all

    Anything can tip our adult children over the edge

    Love to everyone


    in reply to: Theresa #27704

    Hi lindyloo

    Thank you

    I just hope he will be ok

    No guarantees of how things will go

    But I am hopeful

    Take care


    in reply to: Theresa #27702

    Hi Kate

    Thank you for your kind words

    I feel very nervous about going but I have to have my life back


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