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  • in reply to: Theresa #30788

    It’s not that simple legalising drugs is not the answer. Supporting the addict and really harsh sentencing for dealers. Although I agree if something is medically prescribed that’s different. I’m not sure cannabis is as harmless these days as maybe in the 60s. Just my thoughts. Drink is just as dangerous but it’s socially acceptable. Does it being legal decrease the numbers of alcoholics

    in reply to: Theresa #30703

    Thank you yes we are fine. I have lots I should be happy about and greatful for but it’s difficult to appreciate anything. I miss my son so much. I hate the thought of people taking advantage of his vulnerabilities. It’s all to much but I do hope if I can help divert even one person from this shitty existence I can feel satisfaction. Xx. I’ll try get hold of the audio book

    in reply to: Theresa #30694

    I sometimes forget how awful it all was. It’s easy to forget that part now my sons not here. I agree it’s hard to keep loving them when some of the time you hate them for what they are doing to not only them but us as well. The rudeness and disrespect. It all seems so distant now. I wish my boy was back but not like that. My thoughts are with you all. X. I’m doing some work volunteering with recovering addicts. My way of trying to help x

    in reply to: Theresa #30311

    I understand. Everyone’s story is the same. They all become manipulative. Destructive and disrespectful but our love for our children binds us and we become prisoners of their addiction as well. Waiting for the next drama to unfold. Stay strong xx

    in reply to: Theresa #30307

    I understand how you feel. At least he’s got a roof over his head and appears bit better. Could you offer to pay half the rent and he pays the rest. Need to try to gently move him on but we’ll done. It’s positive. It appears you are all hopefully moving forward xx love to you

    in reply to: Theresa #30303

    Thank you. Everything you say is right. My thoughts are with your friend I know how she will be feeling. Tell her to call the compassionate friends when she is ready they were a great support to me. I am happy your son is doing well. How I wish I could turn the clock back but I can’t I know my son loved me. He wasn’t a bad person it was the addiction and the scum who would not leave him alone. Now I wait till I can see him again but in the meantime I somehow have to lead a life for my daughter and grandchildren one of whom is his. Xx praying for you all

    in reply to: Theresa #30301

    Thank you for thinking of me. How old is your son. I would not say enabling is the right thing it’s just I kept trying and hoping this time he would pull it round. The people who took his money were never going to let him go. My fear was homelessness and what he would then do. My son always knew I loved him. Whatever I did I could not help him. I do know you need to take care of yourself as they drag us down with them. I don’t think there’s a right or wrong way to help them they have to be strong enough and want their lives back. I miss my son every minute of every day but I know he felt he could not get away from this lifestyle and those awful people. X

    in reply to: Theresa #30220

    Yes I recognise all that. It’s heartbreaking. We lose our children to this illness

    in reply to: Theresa #30216

    Yes exactly right. We’ve all been there. The promises and then going back on it when they have what they want. I never wanted to think of my son as an addict but that is what he was. Doesn’t stop me loving him but the constant dramas were so wearing

    in reply to: Theresa #30212

    I think I enabled my son because I didn’t want him to lose his job or home. I always hoped he’d pull it around and he did try but the scum who wanted his money were never going to leave him alone. In hindsight I should have let him suffer consequences. As he got older it felt like it would damage him more. I’m not sure but I think he would have taken his life earlier. Work was his only bit of normality. I do wish now I had let him really hit rock bottom but had there been the same outcome I would feel worse than I do now. There is no easy answer

    in reply to: Theresa #30068

    They know who will give in and hand over cash. It is so hard to call the police on your own child I was never able to do it. It is easier to say no to the cash though. Your other children worry about what they see your son doing to you x

    in reply to: Theresa #29569

    You are certainly not alone. Those cretins who supply reach far and wide x stay strong as best you can. It’s chaos I know but this site is very supportive x

    in reply to: Theresa #29245

    It’s a sad Father’s Day for my grandaughter and me but reading your posts shows me what we could still be going through. The day our loved one began their journey with substances we lost them. I never really got my son back but I did get glimpses as he wasn’t always under the influence but cocaine changed the person. I miss that person. Xx stay strong as you can all of you it’s a lonely hard walk loving an addict x

    in reply to: Theresa #29173

    You need to keep him away from you. Using the police if need be. This is not your son he is an addict and they lose all care for family. Look after you

    in reply to: Theresa #29082

    I totally agree but my boy was let down by mental health who said they couldn’t do anything while he was a “addict” and sent him him at 3 in the morning with no way of getting home. The addiction covers and medicates the mental pain. I felt helpless I could not get him help and his medical notes show he begged for help over and over

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