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  • in reply to: Theresa #26506

    Hi Dan man can I ask you something

    My son killed himself the toxicology shows some cocaine but not a huge amount in his system. Do you feel suicidal if you have not taken huge amounts. I struggle to get my head round what he did

    in reply to: Theresa #26482

    My son was like yours. Yes you can chuck him out but that’s not easy to do emotionally. I couldn’t bear to see my son on the streets. It is a nightmare as mums we can’t just cut them off. My advice would be look after you. If he’s working he can afford B and B tell him to move out. It will be hard but don’t cut off your love you will always be there if he needs support to get clean but not for money Stay with the group you are not alone

    in reply to: Theresa #26429

    Our stories should be published, the majority of parents are lucky never to be in our situation. How can anyone say your son has mental capacity when as you say he wants to leave hospital with no shoes, coat, money and half his skull missing. I have been disgusted by the lack of help my son received even after asking repeatedly. The awful people who dole out these drugs had a powerful hold on him, exploiting him for money. I did my best to keep a roof over his head and him in work as I felt I’d really lose him if he was made homeless but it’s a double edged sword as I found he was basically working to hand his money over. I found my son on 19 June 2020, he had hung himself or someone had assisted I am unsure which. It’s a nightmare world when you have a child in addiction, as you say that original person has gone. Addiction not only killed my son but has killed me and my daughter, it will affect his little girl as she grows and for what………my thoughts are with you all look after yourselves xx

    in reply to: Theresa #26408

    You will need to show you are actively protecting your youngest that means your son who has an addiction needs to move out and stay by away so your youngest is not seeing anything or in danger from dealers or other addicts

    in reply to: Theresa #26378

    I don’t think I will ever have joy in my life again. Life was hard with my sons addiction it’s even harder now. I hope I can be of some support to othersxx

    in reply to: Theresa #26352

    Your son is an adult and is responsible for his housing. If you make him homeless he will have to go to a night shelter or B and B. And present at council as homeless. You have no legal responsibility to home him especially if you have a young child. Social services are more likely to get involved if a child is being exposed to an addict. Look after yourselves

    in reply to: Theresa #26238

    Sorry you have had such a bad time. No you haven’t done anything wrong I doubt the police will make a social care referral other than to try to get him some support as an addict. That’s if he isn’t lying. As you know they do lie.

    My Christmas has been quiet and tearful but I remember my son with good memories the bad ones have long faded. Xx. Stay strong look after yourself

    in reply to: Theresa #26146

    It makes me so angry to see what your loved ones are doing to you. I had the same for years. Much as I love and miss my son he is away from those dealers that encouraged his addiction. Our lives have been made hell and I wish somehow I could help you all but love binds and traps us. I hope you all have the best Christmas you can and us without my son. Christmas was never straight forward though I know he tried. My thoughts are with you xx stay strong look after you

    in reply to: Theresa #26109

    I believe in an afterlife as well. I have no doubts xx

    in reply to: Theresa #26102

    As long as they are alive there is hope xx

    in reply to: Theresa #26095

    Reading everyone’s posts takes me back. It’s easy and maybe right that when I remember my son I forget all those awful times and recall his inner goodness and he was good. It’s the drugs and the dealers that are bad. I miss him so much but would hate him to still be trapped in that torment. Thinking of you all xx

    in reply to: Theresa #26066

    My heart goes out to you and his parents. My son was addicted to coke he could be so nasty to the people who cared for him and as a family it was a nightmare. I have no suggestions I’m afraid he either gets help or not. There’s no easy answer sadly Keep speaking on here for support.

    in reply to: Theresa #26051

    Keep strong people xxxx

    in reply to: Theresa #26025

    Thank you it was my sons 30th this week so that was difficult now Christmas and his inquest to come. I miss him so much but I wouldn’t wish the life of an addict back on him xx wishing you all luck

    in reply to: Theresa #25746

    It is so difficult and no one who has not been through the chaos of addiction will ever know what it’s like. I empathise with you because I know whatever we do we always wonder if it’s the right thing. We do what we have to and what feels right at the time. My thoughts are with you and you son and grandchildren you are all victims of the scum that peddle this crap x

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